This article was submitted by Rachel Heerema of the Citywide Youth Coalition. The City of New Haven Youth Department, New Haven Public Schools, Yale University Urban Debate League and Citywide Youth Coalition hosted the first high school student debate tournament in New Haven.
Henry Fernandez |
Nov 26, 2014 9:23 am
Anna Poludenko Photo
Every year just before Thanksgiving, LEAP has its annual Thankful Dinner. This year’s was held Tuesday at the Elks Club on Dixwell Avenue. Over 350 LEAP kids and their counselors came together to have dinner and share what they are thankful for over the last year.
Six New Haven Fire Department recruits (pictured) ran in Sunday’s Tommy Fund Firefighter Relay in Westville. The runners carried a 50-foot-long fire hose inscribed with the names of New Haven firefighters who have perished in the line of duty.
The Greater New Haven Community Loan Fund honored two people and one New Haven nonprofit for their work in the community during this year’s Good Egg Celebration.
Josiah Brown |
Oct 6, 2014 3:42 am
New Teacher-Developed Curricular Resources Available; Partnership Begins 38th Year
Curriculum units that teachers from 19 New Haven public schools developed as Fellows in four Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute seminars in 2014 are available at this website. (
*Susan Holahan, who teaches English as a second language in the New Haven Public Schools (and who participated in a task force that resulted in the Coalition’s creation more than a decade ago);
*Eddie Rose, assistant professor of developmental mathematics at Housatonic Community College, with teaching experience also at Gateway, Southern, and in the New Haven Public Schools, among other institutions;
*Kyn Tolson, director of operations and development at Read to Grow, which focuses on early childhood;
*Donna Violante, executive director of Literacy Volunteers of Greater New Haven, which works with adults (and recently published “Hear Our Voices”).
The Housing Authority of New Haven (HANH) distributed “close to 500 backpacks and school supplies” at its first-ever “Back to School Fair” Wednesday, according to spokeswoman Jasmin Franjul.
Students work on site at an earlier event at Common Ground high school, creating an educational wetland as part of the urban oases program.
Common Ground High School sent in these photos and the following write-up about the creation of urban wildlife refuges in New Haven, announced at an event Friday morning featuring kids, environmentalists, politicians and the United States Fish & Wildlife Services (USFWS).
duo dickinson |
Jun 26, 2014 12:30 pm
Isabel Chenoweth Photo
Walden Moore listens to kind words as Tiffany Israel and Joe Dzeda look on.
Two New Haven traditions — Mory’s and Trinity Church on the Green — were fused in a celebration of a man who has become almost as humanly iconic as those two places — Walden Moore.
Annie Harper |
Jun 25, 2014 10:33 am
Contributed Photo
Amistad players with their championship cup.
World Cup fever has swept New Haven, with a week of thrilling games and surprising results – the USA tying with Portugal and beating Ghana, who later held their own against Germany, Costa Rica beating Italy, Argentina barely managing to scrape to a 1 – 0 against Iran, the once great Spain and England out in the first round.
But there were no more exciting World Cup games last weekend than the Saturday morning championship games of the Elm City Middle School League, at Ella Grasso Boulevard right here in New Haven.
Paula Panzarella sent in these photos from the annual May Day celebration on the Green Saturday
The 28th consecutive May Day celebration on the New Haven Green was held on Saturday, May 3. Local peace, environmental, labor and social justice groups participated in the day-long festival. In addition to being a great fun event for the community, the history of May Day and workers’ struggles was retold to attendees.
Cara McDonough |
Apr 28, 2014 3:59 pm
Adam L. Coppola Photo
Cara McDonough of the United Way of Greater New Haven sent in this report on Saturday’s Parent University session at Gateway Community College.
Attending Parent University on Saturday, a daylong session of workshops and speeches focusing on issues faced by many New Haven-area parents, meant setting the alarm clock for a weekend morning and braving relentless rain.
That didn’t keep the motivated participants away, however.
The Central Intelligence Agency sent in this write-up about New Haven Judge John Downey earning the agency’s highest honor by enduring 20 years in Chinese prison.
The Visiting Nurse’s Asssociation’s Melissa Healy sent in this appeal for donations to restock a food pantry for needy patients.
John R. Quinn, President &CEO of the Visiting Nurse Association of South Central Connecticut (VNA/SCC), recently announced that VNA/SCC is accepting donations for non-perishable food items to restock the shelves of Pam’s Pantry.
The Community Action Agency sent in this write-up about a recent planting project:
Community Action Agency of New Haven (CAANH) joined forces with the Whalley Avenue Special Services District (WASSD) to beautify Whalley Avenue from downtown to Blake Street with barrels and planter boxes filled with colorful flowers!