Billy Bromage and Jon Atherton, members of a team working on a neighborhood-based approach to tackling public health and “food deserts,” submitted this article.
Can New Haven, a city with tens of thousands of people living in widely different circumstances, move toward better health? That was the question that brought around 35 people to Troup School on Tuesday evening, to talk about health in the Dwight and West River neighborhoods. Community residents and local organizations gathered with partners from the Community Alliance for Research and Engagement (CARE), Yale New Haven Hospital and DataHaven to discuss the findings of a 2012 Health Survey conducted in six New Haven neighborhoods.
The Promise Land project was conceived in 2010 by Pastor Minister Donald Morris, the Executive Director of Newhallville’s Christian Community Commission. His vision was to adopt the most crime-ridden blocks in Newhallville and improve them for the betterment of our entire city. The promise made by the initiative was simple: bring much-needed attention to the Newhallville community in the form of multifaceted, practical assistance to residents while reducing crime and beautifying the area.
Frank Ricci Frank Redente, Kelly Hudson, Lt. Jimmy Kottage, Joe Guarino, Danny Coughlin, Silverio Rivera, Lt. Steve Durand, Jerome Turner, Ron Dematteis. Mike Guercia
New Haven’s firefighters, for whom pulling together is second nature, united to deliver toys to kids in Fair Haven and Christmas to a family in need in the Hill.
New Haven Police Officer Dean Reynolds submitted the following poem, which his his high school-aged daughter Brianna Reynolds (pictured) wrote in memory of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre.
During my prep period after lunch today, I noticed three students talking in the hallway, not showing any urgency to get to class, for which they were now definitely late. I approached them and asked them to go to class. I was completely ignored, and they continued their conversation.
A dream came true after Superstorm Sandy for a 10-year-old — and she used the opportunity to show her gratitude to a lineman restoring power to her neighborhood.
Jeffrey Kerekes sent in these photos showing the impact of Superstorm Sandy on some souls who couldn’t contact the Emergency Operations Center for assistance — the souls buried in Fair Haven.
Neighborhood activist Rebecca Turcio of Cedar Hill sent in this write-up and these photos about an event marking the opening of a new splash pad Saturday.
Nadia Imanishimwe, an African immigrant who came to the U.S. from a refugee camp knowing no English, saw her fortune change last week when a local motorcycle club paid her way to the prom in a limo.
Nadia, a senior on the honor roll at Hillhouse High School, won the Presidents Motorcycle Club’s second annual senior prom award.
Paier College of Art Interior Design student Brittany Anderson of Shelton presents
her design for the New Haven Job Corps cafeteria renovation.
Mona Berman sent in this press release about a new collaboration between Paier College of Art and the New Haven Job Corps Center:
Sometimes the best way to reach out is to do exactly that. This winter Joe Riccio, director of administration at the New Haven Job Corps Center, emailed Pierre Strauch, chair of the interior design department at Paier College of Art, asking if his students might assist a neighbor. The New Haven Job Corps cafeteria and food service environment was in need of improvement.
Keith McDonald sent in these photos of the dramatic fire that engulfed the beautiful 12-apartment building at at the corner of Tilton Street in the Dixwell neighborhood Saturday evening.
17-year-old Chris Dmytruk has received his official Eagle Scout Award for his energetic work on the grounds of the Sound School, where he’s a senior. His family, which lives in the Heights, sent in this write-up: