Citizen Contributions

It Took A Village

by | Nov 4, 2009 6:57 pm | Comments (11)

110409_house-1.jpgby David Sepulveda

At the far end of Austin Street, one can glimpse a slice of West Rock’s fractured basalt columns and ledges, part of a magnificent and extended geological ridge that rises to 700 feet — a natural backdrop for New Haven’s Westville Village. At Austin Street’s other end is Blake Street and the recently built Wintergreen of Westville, a rambling and controversial luxury” apartment complex that blocks views of West Rock and that some say is a monument to poor planning and ill-conceived expectations.

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Literacy Coalition Forum: “Empowering Teachers,” Reading Research, Instruction, and Supports

by | Nov 3, 2009 12:01 pm | Comments (0)

Capecod%20and%20Literacy%20CoalOct2009%20084.JPGThe Greater New Haven Literacy Coalition sponsored a forum Thursday, October 29, featuring reading specialist Margie Gillis on Bringing Research into the Classroom, One Teacher at a Time.” Held at the new Literacy Resource Center at 4 Science Park in New Haven, the event drew a crowd including elementary and preschool teachers, parents, current and prospective literacy volunteers working with both children and adults, and nonprofit staffers all seeking to learn more about emerging reading research and strategies.

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Elements of Dance - Best Bargain on Broadway

by | Oct 26, 2009 5:23 pm | Comments (1)

102609_Venice.jpgby David Sepulveda

On a wedge-shaped city block that includes part of the Dwight neighborhood and environs of the Yale campus, spires of the 156-year-old Christ Church tower overlook an amalgam of modern and Gothic Revival architecture below. Inside the gated entrance on Elm Street, a lush courtyard garden leads to the doors of an arts organization providing quality instructional music and movement programs.

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The Elvismania Experience

by | Sep 25, 2009 10:09 am | Comments (0)

092509_pinkcaddie.JPGOn July 24, Bob Solomon, Katie Rohner, and their
three children — Sammy (age 13), Phoebe (age 10), and Max (age 8) — started a three-week cross-country trip from their New Haven home to Berkeley, California, where they will spend the fall semester. This is an installment from their occasional journal:

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“Get ready for the gauntlet”

by | Aug 13, 2009 3:26 pm | Comments (46)

6256_1081628733375_1606020125_192575_3244169_n.jpgWhen President Obama visited New Hampshire for a town hall meeting on health care recently, Westville resident David Sepulveda was there with his family. He sent in this report on the competing rallies outside the meeting:

We had been watching televised reports about the anti-healthcare movement and its attendant misinformation, propaganda, and vitriol with growing concern.

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Journey To Bethlehem

by | Aug 3, 2009 3:25 pm | Comments (0)

080309_Solomon_01.pngOn July 24, Bob Solomon, Katie Rohner, and their
three children — Sammy (age 13), Phoebe (age 10), and Max (age 8) — started a three-week cross-country trip from their New Haven home to Berkeley, California, where they will spend the fall semester. This is an installment from their occasional journal:

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Quarry Park Cleared Of Junk

by | Jun 14, 2009 2:16 pm | Comments (4)

copyright%20Lisa%20Kereszi.JPGLisa Kereszi took part in Saturday’s clean-up in Quarry Park organized by Fair Haven Heights Alderman Alex Rhodeen. She reports: It was a success: 20 people showed up, and we hauled out a whole bunch of large items that were illegally dumped there; some things had been there for decades. Several mattresses, a heavy car axle, a Lexus steering column, a kid’s pool and pump, a whole swingset with slide, plastic chairs, 2 propane tanks, old kiddie pedal car, old tricycles, a sled…. LCI pitched in, and the parks department will pick up everything from Russell Street.”

Love Walks The Track

by | Apr 19, 2009 5:26 pm | Comments (0)

altieris100_9512.JPGIvette Altieri sent in the following photos and write-up:

Each year, on hundreds of campuses across the country and in thousands of communities around the world, one event unites millions of total strangers in the global fight against cancer. That event is the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life and it returned to Yale University once again this year. American Cancer Relay for Life took place at the Payne Whitney Gymnasium on April 18 – 19th. For the third year, Altieri Family and Friends had the unique opportunity to celebrate the lives of those who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and support the American Cancer Society’s lifesaving mission by fighting back against a disease that has already taken too much.

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