Citizen Contributions

Literacy Coalition Forum: Early Reading, Community Action, and Catalytic Philanthropy

by | Nov 24, 2008 9:23 am | Comments (2)

literacy%20coalition%20001.JPGThe Greater New Haven Literacy Coalition sponsored a forum Wednesday, Nov. 19, on ways Connecticut communities, organizations, and families are seeking to cultivate and strengthen young children’s reading skills. Hosting the event in Hamden was the William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund, whose executive director, David Nee (pictured), served as principal speaker and moderator of the ensuing discussion.

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Sound of Hope Event Protests Domestic Violence

by | Oct 6, 2008 11:51 am | Comments (2)

Bonita%20Grubbs.JPGBy Josiah Brown
At the beginning of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the Sound of Hope event is held each October by Domestic Violence Services of Greater New Haven to remember all those who lost their lives to this problem statewide over the prior year, as well as others harmed by its reach. The occasion aims to raise public consciousness about domestic abuse and to galvanize support for public, private, and nonprofit measures to halt this sadly common injustice. Concerned citizens gather by the harbor of Long Island Sound to hear the names of those who died and to cast flowers into the water in their memory, as solemn bagpipe music honors them and the cause of ensuring that their deaths help drive corrective action.

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Totaled On Q Avenue

by | Sep 22, 2008 5:20 pm | Comments (4)

IMG_2336.jpgThis parked truck was totaled on Quinnipiac Ave Thursday night.” So writes Ian Christmann, who sent in this photograph. Read related stories here & here.