Citizen Contributions

Smash Up On Chapel

by | May 7, 2008 8:32 am | Comments (5)

0506081242a.jpgEric Traester sent in this photo of an accident at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at Chapel and Howe. He writes that an SUV crashed into utility/sign poles. Also involved was a panel truck. I snapped this picture with my cell phone camera. In the background is the Tandoor restaurant.” Send photos here.

Literacy Coalition Forum: State Legislative Update and the Big Read

by | Apr 24, 2008 5:07 pm | Comments (0)

toniwalkerIMG_0081.jpgBy Josiah Brown
The Greater New Haven Literacy Coalition sponsored a forum Monday morning, April 21, to address Connecticut policy toward education and prisoner re-entry, among other things, as well as a community-wide reading of a Ray Bradbury novel about a book-burning dystopia. Held at the New Haven Adult Education Center, the event featured three speakers as well as participation by a range of coalition members from across the region.

Continue reading ‘Literacy Coalition Forum: State Legislative Update and the Big Read’

Celebration of Early Childhood Educators

by | Apr 11, 2008 2:41 pm | Comments (0)

IMG_2077.jpgSandy Malmquist sent in this report and these photos:

Week of the Young Child is held each year to honor young children and thank early childhood teachers and all those who make a difference in young children’s lives. The New Haven Early Childhood Council, with support from the City of New Haven Community Services Administration, hosted its annual Celebration of Early Childhood Educators at the Connecticut Children’s Museum on April 10, 2008. Over 120 early childhood educators, working in New Haven Public School’s early childhood centers, community-based preschool and infant/toddler classrooms and in family childcare homes throughout the City, were in attendance.

Continue reading ‘Celebration of Early Childhood Educators’

Wade, By The Water

by | Mar 10, 2008 9:37 am | Comments (0)

maryw.jpegFair Haven Alderwoman Erin Sturgis-Pascale sent in the following write-up about Thursday night’s neighborhood management team meeting, where Mary Wade Home’s David Hutner received an award. (Pictured from left: Sturgis-Pascale; Hunter; Fair Haven Alderman Joseph Rodriguez.)

Continue reading ‘Wade, By The Water’

My “I’m Ashamed Of My Government” Moment

by | Jan 29, 2008 9:56 am | Comments (4)

Christine Kim writes in: I had an I’m ashamed of my city government’ moment. Some friends who just moved to New Haven registered to vote in Connecticut, and they had no idea of where to go. Personally, I just drive around my ward and see where all the sign are. I went to go look on the Registrar of Voters website — and lo and behold, they had a comprehensive list of polling places … from 2006. When I called the Registrar of Voters, they said that they couldn’t put the list up on their website, and everyone should just call their office. Sad but true. I called up [city Chief Administrative Officer] Rob Smuts to see if the Registrar of Voters was in his purview, but no. But hopefully they can get their act together and enfranchise their citizens.”

Diapers From Tots

by | Dec 30, 2007 1:57 pm | Comments (1)

JorgieWCNSdiaperdrive.jpgJorgie Bruckmann of Westville Community Nursery School poses amidst the 2500 diapers collected during the school’s annual drive to benefit New Haven Diaper Bank. The Bank distributes 50,000 – 60,000 diapers monthly to families living in poverty in the greater New Haven area. Westville Community Nursery School is located at 34 Harrison Str. and has been educating New Haven preschoolers since 1971. (Contributed by Joellen Adae.)