Citizen Contributions

Soul Sisters Sing For NMS

by | Nov 8, 2007 5:34 pm | Comments (0)

IMG_7763.jpgMarleen Ong sent in these photos and caption facts from Heatwave,” the Neighborhood Music School’s soul-icious Nov. 3 gala at the Omni to raise money for students’ financial aid. Pictured: the honorary chairs, Peggy Berman, Co-President of the Parent Teacher Council at The Foote School, and Barry Berman, owner & founder of CRN International.

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Jamaican Art and Culture Community Day

by | Oct 1, 2007 9:00 am | Comments (0)

Check out these videos of St. Luke’s Steel Band and other performers at Jamaican Art and Culture Community Day at the Yale Center for British Art.

A Day For Literacy

by | May 2, 2007 10:32 am | Comments (0)

josiah%203.JPGBrenda Brenner and Alan Cooper of the Jewish Coalition for Literacy with Attorney Michael Jefferson of the Greater New Haven Literacy Coalition board were on hand Tuesday for a forum on adult literacy programs in town. Josiah Brown, a volunteer board member of the coalition that sponsored the forum, sent in these photos as well as the following write-up:

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Village of Power Celebrates the Spirit

by | Apr 8, 2007 12:19 pm | Comments (0)

The Village of POWER wowed the community at the Stetson Library this past Wednesday. Poets, artists and clothing designers were among the famous VOP participants. After the poetry, music, art and fashion, VOP artists mingled with the community, sipping orange juice and munching on cookies from the local C‑TOWN. We Thank the Stetson Library for their hospitality and the community for supporting our efforts. We thank our teachers who include Mikki Balaban (writing), Jake Weinstein (art) and Vivian Fripp Elbert (Fashion is Our Passion), and our wonderful and dedicated case management staff. Empower New Haven is pleased to support the Village of Power, via their client participation in our Business Assistance Partnership with the Chamber of Commerce.

Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute Open House

by | Jan 12, 2007 10:49 am | Comments (0)

NH%2520Program%2520Open%2520House%25202007%2520January%2520011.jpgMaria Cardalliaguet G√ɬ≥mez‑M√ɬ°laga, who teaches Spanish at Wilbur Cross Annex and is a Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute school representative, speaks about the Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute’s collegial nature at Tuesday’s Open House. New Haven teachers and Institute seminar leaders (members of the Yale faculty) gathered to discuss the program generally and this year’s seminars specifically.

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