Citizen Contributions
Nov 28, 2006 8:45 am
What’s in an acronym? New Haven high school student Rachel Kobasa, who’s 16, traveled to Georgia to protest outside the School of the Americas. She sent this photo and a write-up about her social-justice mission there.
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‘SOA: School of Activism’
Nov 9, 2006 5:38 pm
Cary Catham sent in these photos East Rock neighbors running a “Chicken Soup for the Democratic Soul” tent outside the polls at Wilbur Cross High School Tuesday. Send us your photos at this e‑mail address.
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‘Chicken For The Democratic Soul’
Oct 26, 2006 9:22 am
Former state schools chief Ted Sergi spoke in downtown New Haven Wednesday to support the work of the Greater New Haven Literacy Coalition. Coalition member Josiah Brown sent in this account of the event as well as photos that he and Curtis Hill shot:
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‘Their “Second Chance” Starts With Reading’
Oct 9, 2006 11:35 am
Famous question once posed to the nation: Can’t we all get along? Famous answer in New Haven, Connecticut: Yes, thanks to Community Mediation. The agency, which helps neighbors and groups in town settle disputes, just turned 25 years old. Here are some photos of the anniversary bash at Anthony’s Ocean View, from Philip B. Rosenthal. Plus a report from Gone Dishin’.
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‘Community Mediation At 25’
Oct 4, 2006 10:16 am
Mubarakah Ibrahim sent in this photo and the following release about some only-in-New Haven kind of news:
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‘Muslim-Jewish Fitness, On Whalley’
The Seed of City Seed
Oct 3, 2006 10:19 am
State Rep. Pat Dillon sent us this photo after reading a story about the City Seed farmer’s market and staffer Nicole Berube. Dillon got the first downtown farmer’s market started: “I began trying the WIC produce / farmer’s market voucher program as a pilot program for New Haven in 1986 with Janet Polinskey’s help and the advice of Mark Winne (Hartford food advocate) and the state Ag department. It opened ~ 1987, we reviewed it, tweaked it, wasn’t really operational till 1988 – 89. Ginny Blaisdell says the New Haven Independent wrote about it – it was innovative. (Nope, don’t keep my clippings.) Big program now – we expanded to seniors too. After I was honored by a couple of groups for doing it this picture was taken by Virginia Blaisdell in 1990.”
Wanted: Lifesavers
Melinda Tuhus
Sep 11, 2006 11:40 am
Miguel Rivera’s life suddenly changed — and was saved, thanks to his brother’s kidney. Now he and others want Latinos and African-Americans, who need transplants in higher numbers but donate organs in lower numbers, to know why they need to become donors. Click here to listen to Rivera describe what happened to him. Click here to read a story about what needs to happen for others to experience a happy ending like his.
Sep 4, 2006 9:16 pm

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‘Working At The Car Wash’
Aug 29, 2006 10:55 am
Andy Horowitz (he runs the New Haven Oral History Project) had just returned from a 10,000-mile, 27-state road trip around the U.S. when he read the Independent’s story about the alleged “New Haven of the Midwest.” Horowitz’s travels took him through the real New Haven of the Midwest, a sleepy town in northeastern Iowa. He brought back these photos and this report.
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‘The Real New Haven of the Midwest’
Aug 7, 2006 3:25 pm
Over 700 people walked in a recent fund-raiser for the Citywide Youth Coalition “Youth Walk” fundraiser. Click here for a release on the event. Participating groups included Alexis Hill Montessori School, Catholic Charities Centro San Jose, Children in Placement, Citywide Youth Coalition, Dixwell/Newhallville Community Mental Health Services, Inc, Harris & Tucker/KJids TV, Higher Heights, LEAP, Americacorp Teen Superivsors (shown in a photo below giving water to LEAP members), New Haven Boys & Girls Club, R’Kids CT, Solar Youth, United Teen Connection, Inc., YMCA, New Haven Haven Youth Center.
Following are photos from the event taken by Sharon Henninger.

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‘Youth Walk’
Volunteers Recognized
Jun 7, 2006 3:58 pm
The New LIfe Corporation last week honored 57 area volunteers who helped low-income people, for free, file tax returns that qualified them for tax credits and rebates. This process helped them avoid paying rip-off rates and getting swindled into pre-return loans at storefront tax preparation services. These photos came in via Ariel Martinez, who runs New Life.

Trey Friendly
May 30, 2006 10:43 am
New Haven natives and James Hillhouse High School alums Troy Taylor, super producer & CEO of The Characters, and Carla Morrison, P.R. guru and CEO of Chit Chat Communications (far right), hang out at BED Restaurant in Atlanta with Canadian Fashion Model Naana Adju and R&B artist Trey Songz, whom Taylor produced as well as the Isley Brothers current album.
May 16, 2006 6:47 pm
The sun came out after all last Saturday, and Westville’s annual Art Walk was a smashing success. Steve Machesney sent us these photos. (And click here to watch and hear a dynamite blues duo performing “Deep River Blues.” Requires Real Player.)

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‘Westville Art Walk, May 13, 2006’
A Mission in Nomsa’s Name
May 4, 2006 10:18 am

New Haven ex-pat Donna L. Kinsler writes in about a recent milestone: “I had the opportunity to introduce and present an award to Dr. James Earl Lyons Sr, President of California State University Dominguez Hills. Both Dr. Lyons and I are natives of New Haven. Dr. Lyons was the keynote speaker at The African Focus Goodwill Ambassador Awards event on Saturday, April 29, in Los Angeles. This benevolent nonprofit organization recognizes the work of humanitarians whose work has improved the quality of life of Africans and Caribbean people. I was the recipient of the award in 2004 for my work with Sparrow’s Ministries an AIDS hospice village in South Africa.” Click here to read a piece Kinsler wrote about how she got involved helping South African children with AIDS.
May 4, 2006 10:17 am
These photos were contributed by people who joined the around 100 who got up to catch a 5:30 a.m. bus at the Greater New Haven Jewish Community Center last Sunday to rally against genocide in Darfur. To read Independent stories on the rally, click here and here.
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‘New Haven Takes A Stand Against Genocide’
Mar 3, 2006 8:53 am
A group of movers and shakers from New Haven came together in Atlanta to support Carla Morrison’s fourth annual “Celebrating Women of Color” tribute to Rosa Parks and Coretta Scott King, a National Women’s History Month kickoff event. (from left) Terri Hobby, owner of Stilleta Shoes in Atlanta, Carla Morrison, president of Chit Chat Communications, Lisa Darden, president of Gingerly Events and Chaila Gilliams, president of Body Workers of Atlanta were photographed at the event at a Barnes & Noble in Atlanta. Morrison started the annual event in New Haven, in 2000, through Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc, Pi Lambda Zeta Chapter. Morrison sent these other photos from the event, too.
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‘Ex-Pats Reunite in Atlanta’
Feb 13, 2006 12:35 pm

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‘The Snow View from Mark Maturo’s UNH Dorm Room’
Dec 22, 2005 9:09 am

That was General Captain Boogy of the Flaming Knights partying with 400 kids at the Elks Club on Dixwell Avenue. A photographer caught him in the act, flanked by Elks Exalted Ruler Gary Hogan and WYBC’s Juan Castillo.
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‘Holiday Elks’
A Good Yarn
Dec 9, 2005 9:31 am
Linda Colman (second from left in photo) gave her downtown neighbors a yarn lesson with a purpose Thursday: “knitting together the community.” Colman runs the store Yarn at 55 Whitney Ave. She went around the corner to the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven on Audubon Street to teach 23 staffers (including, from left, Denise Canning, Laura Colman and Amos Smith) how to knit. Each staffer made at least one scarf to donate to Life Haven, the shelter for homeless pregnant women and women with young children.
Dec 5, 2005 8:33 am
Here’s one last look at the “sunny seats” section of the New Haven Coliseum. Reader Steve Marcus caught the Coliseum in mid-demolition. (If you have photos of happenings around town that you’d like to submit, click here.)
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‘The Sunny Seats’
Westville Aglow
Dec 4, 2005 12:52 pm
One hundred people flooded into the center of Westville Village Friday night to help light the holiday tree, schmooze at Lena’s, check out gallery openings, and celebrate the community contributions of Katie Bradley (shown with Bob Bradley in photo). Friends chipped in to buy Bradley an original Gar Waterman sculpture. For more on Westville Village happenings (there are a lot of them), click here. And click here to read what the Register wrote about Friday’s event.
Bollywood Comes to New Haven
Dec 2, 2005 8:36 am
Train travelers have noticed extra bustling at Union Station this week, as a crew from India’s Dharma Productions has been filming a major motion picture. Dharma folks are mum on the project because it involves top stars and they’ve wanted to avoid drawing crowds among Indian movie fans. Howard Blas took some shots for the Independent on his way to catching a train to the Big Apple. Asked about the film, a cop told him, “In English, it’s ‘I’ll never say goodbye.’” To which a curious 50-something man said, “That’s appropriate for a train station!”

Nov 25, 2005 9:20 am
Reader Howard Blas took these shots the other day while passing the Coliseum in its latest stage of falling to the ground. Have a photo of something happening in New Haven? In your neighborhood? Downtown? Click here and send it our way.
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‘In The Stages of (Coliseum) Death & Dying’