Citizen Contributions

"LEAP Year" Dinner-Convos Loom, Some In Person, Some Zoomed

by | Feb 2, 2022 7:50 am | Comments (1)

LEAP co-founder Anne Calabresi, LEAP alumna Yvonne Temple, LEAP co-founder Roz Meyer, and LEAP alumna Tomi Veale.

The following was submitted by LEAP:

It’s not every day that you have the chance to share a meal with the Dean of Yale’s School of Management or rub elbows with a CNN host and best-selling author. The opportunity to cross paths with the production designer of Hollywood’s most complex cinematic universe arises maybe once in a blue moon. Leadership, Education, and Athletics in Partnership’s (LEAP) annual LEAP Year Event (LYE) promises those opportunities and more for New Haveners and supporters across the globe. 

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Montessori Clinic Vaccinates 150 5-11 Year-Olds

by | Nov 8, 2021 9:02 am | Comments (5)

Lillian Price Photos

Sixth-grader Samantha Braren getting her Covid-19 vaccine.

This story was submitted by Elm City Montessori seventh-graders Lillian Price & Winter Szarabajka.

Elm City Montessori School (ECMS) Friday hosted one of the first Covid-19 vaccine clinics for children between the ages of 5 and 11. Many families with young children showed up from around New Haven, particularly Westville, hoping to receive their first dose of the vaccine.

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Born In Crisis, Learning Hub Look To Build On Successes

by , and | Oct 29, 2021 9:11 am | Comments (1)

Emily Hays Photo

2020: It was the best of times and the worst of times. If there had to be a rewrite of the Charles Dickens classic, it could revolve around our current times. COVID-19 struck like an unexpected tsunami. As devastating as the virus still is, during its early stages, it — for just a moment — made us all take a moratorium and stop and be still. Maybe we had to realize just how vulnerable we are and, like dust in the wind, can be gone at any given moment. That we should appreciate the sand in our hourglass and love more and not value the things that are value-less. Perhaps this lesson is far from over.

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Newhall Gardens Wins Top Preservation Award

by | Jul 2, 2021 9:27 am | Comments (3)

New Haven Preservation Trust photo

Newhall Gardens.

These photos and the following write-up were submitted by the New Haven Preservation Trust.

This year, the New Haven Preservation Trust celebrates its 60th Anniversary and recognizes the creativity and preservation of some unique structures built in the founding year of 1961. The Trust also reflects on the prescient and deeply relevant vision of one of its founders and embraces a New Haven partner with the shared spirit of appreciation of our city’s multi-cultural heritage.

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Students Sought For Youth Rowing Program

by | Jul 1, 2021 9:11 am | Comments (2)

The following release and these photos were sent in by a nonprofit looking for students to participate in summer and fall rowing programs on Long Wharf.

Crew Haven Corporation and Canal Dock Boathouse have partnered to create the Crew Haven Youth Rowing Program, a Sports Based Youth Development program that will bring competitive and recreational rowing, as well as academic after-school programming, to students in underrepresented communities in New Haven. The program, which launches this Fall, will be underwritten by Crew Haven Corporation (“CHC”) and operated by the Canal Dock Boathouse.

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“Outraged Elders” Keep RBG’s Spirit Alive

by | Mar 16, 2021 9:30 am | Comments (1)

Contributed Photo

Outraged Elders Monday on the Green.

Activist Melinda Tuhus submitted the following write-up about an event she helped organize on the Green Monday.

Dori Dumas wanted to celebrate Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s birthday on March 15, so she pitched the idea to the other members of the core group of Outraged Elders.

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A Sweet Xmas

by | Dec 24, 2020 10:26 am | Comments (2)

Bruce Seymour Photos

I was walking past Lucibello’s this morning,” Bruce Seymour wrote in on Thursday after visiting the Grand Avenue Italian pastry shop, and was inspired to send you these pictures.

The line runs AROUND the building. Everyone socially distancing, and getting some of the best cookies in the world.

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Cold + Covid = Tough Winter For Homeless

by | Oct 16, 2020 12:53 pm | Comments (43)

Steve Hamm Photo

Steve Hamm Photo

“There’s a lot of us that are still out here. I’ve known people who fell asleep outside and died.”

Steve Hamm Photo

“Before you could walk into the library and stay there. You could look for jobs. You could look for food pantries. Without a phone, without internet access, it’s very difficult for people living in tents, living outdoors.”

Sizing up the challenge ahead — and how we as a community can meet it.

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Help, Not Handcuffs

by | Oct 2, 2020 11:53 am | Comments (2)

The following article was submitted by local clergy and other community leaders:

Every year in New Haven, there are over 100,000 9 – 1‑1 calls. The New Haven Police Department dispatches an array of units depending on the nature of the call. The Special Victims Unit handles cases involving domestic violence or minors, the SWAT team deals with potentially violent situations, and the bomb squad handles suspected explosives and hazardous material.

However, when a resident calls 911 feeling suicidal, or because a family member is experiencing psychosis, we have no specialized unit; we dispatch the police.

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Virtual Teaching and Learning: Supporting Youth and Families in 2020

by | Sep 21, 2020 3:27 pm | Comments (0)

Participants in a July 2020 Zoom forum: “Virtual Teaching and Learning: Supporting Youth and Families in 2020”

Josiah Brown, a volunteer member of the board of the Literacy Coalition of Greater New Haven, sent this update and account of an event in which the Coalition was involved.

As the New Haven Public Schools began the academic year remotely amid the coronavirus pandemic, community organizations from ConnCAT’s safe space” to the Boys and Girls Club’s learning hub have emerged as sites for children to engage with school from a distance.

One of the NHPS teachers (and parents) responding to the pandemic circumstances is Rashana Graham of Troup, featured by the Independent last spring and again as the 2020 – 21 year began. In between, Rashana Graham was a panelist as the New Haven Free Public Library and the Literacy Coalition of Greater New Haven joined to offer a July Literacy Forum on Virtual Teaching and Learning: Supporting Youth and Families in 2020” — a recording of which is now freely available on the Coalition’s new YouTube channel.

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DNC Diary: Get In “Good Trouble,” And Vote

by | Aug 21, 2020 11:43 am | Comments (7)

Darryl Brackeen Jr. photo

At Dunkin’ Donuts Park in person for the virtual DNC watch party.

Below is the fourth and final DNC 2020 diary entry submitted by Westville Alder Darryl Brackeen, Jr., who is a delegate at this year’s national party convention. The convention took place almost entirely online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Click here, here and here to read the first three entries.

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DNC Diary: Kids Watch Kamala Make History

by | Aug 20, 2020 12:53 pm | Comments (1)

Contributed photo

Staying up late to watch the DNC. Darryl Brackeen (second from right) with wife Chaz and daughters Gabriella and Chelsea.

Below is the third DNC 2020 diary entry submitted by Westville Alder Darryl Brackeen, Jr., who is a delegate at this year’s national party convention. The convention, which began Monday, is taking place almost entirely online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Click here and here to read the first two entries.

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DNC Diary, Day 2: Roll Call

by | Aug 19, 2020 12:00 pm | Comments (3)

Markeshia Ricks file photo

Westville Alder and DNC delegate Darryl Brackeen, Jr.

Below is the second DNC 2020 diary entry submitted by Westville Alder Darryl Brackeen, Jr., who is a delegate at this year’s national party convention. The convention, which began Monday, is taking place almost entirely online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Click here to read the first entry.

On Day 2 of the Democratic National Convention, we were off to the races as the CT Delegation kicked off our afternoon celebrating the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment with Lt. Gov Susan Bysiewicz & Norwalk Town committee Chairwoman Eloisa Melendez.

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DNC Diary: “Forever” First Lady Delivered

by | Aug 18, 2020 9:24 am | Comments (2)

Contributed photo

Alder Brackeen with a “Biden Berry” soda included in a DNC swag bag for delegates.

On Monday morning, I rose to my feet to prepare to get ready for what would be my first Democratic National Convention representing the Third Congressional District as a delegate.

By 8 a.m., I was on my way to the convention. Well, actually, my makeshift virtual studio in my home office.

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