Citizen Contributions

A Night In The Lock-Up

by | May 27, 2020 7:52 pm | Comments (5)

New Havener Jhon Llanos contributed the following first-person piece about an experience had had in the New Haven police lock-up, in which he was told he was going to be held and referred to federal immigration authorities in contravention of New Haven’s sanctuary city policies. Asked for a response, Police Chief Otoniel Reyes said that as soon as he was alerted to the situation, he intervened and Llanos was released from custody within minutes.” He attributed the episode to a misunderstanding”: We dealt with it and clarified it” with the officer involved.

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Nursing Home Hell

by | May 6, 2020 1:56 pm | Comments (7)

Annette Korzick in her room a month before the lockdown.

My mom is in a nursing home, and while there have been many stories about the countless number of brave medical personnel, maintenance workers, kitchen staff working this nightmare, living it, dying it, there have not been many about the way it impacts a family — or in my case, a family member. Me.

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Opinion: Non-Infected Homeless Need More Beds, Too

by | Mar 31, 2020 12:02 pm | Comments (1)

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Lunch this week on the patio at the Amistad Catholic Worker House, where inside dining is limited to eight people at a time while others get grab-to-go meals.

Mark Colville, who with Luz Catarineau operates the Amistad Catholic Worker House on Rosette Street, sent the following open letter to Mayor Justin Elicker.

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Girls Launch Contest For Climate Action

by | Mar 18, 2020 12:34 pm | Comments (4)

Submitted Photos

New Haven Climate Movement’s Girls Speak Out for Climate Justice event.

On Monday, March 9, from 4 to 5 p.m, at the courthouse steps at the corner of Elm and Church streets, New Haven Climate Movement held a Girls Speak Out for Climate Justice event to have young women and girls share their thoughts and call for action on the growing climate disaster. Leaders of different youth climate organizations spoke alongside other high school age students. The Speak Out was followed by a social in the Library Performance Space with trivia, food, and educational videos. This event was organized in solidarity with International Women’s Day.

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City Hall v. Yale On Taxes—Circa 1932

by | Mar 9, 2020 1:08 pm | Comments (11)

(Opinion) New Haven has been Yale University’s home for over 300 years and mine for nearly 40. As a longtime Yale employee and New Haven resident, I know that the university and its city love and need each other — and that there come moments when our leaders have special reason to work closely together for the good of our community.

… I do not believe that New Haven’s current financial problems are the result of a lack of generosity from Yale.”

Yale President Peter Salovey, 2020

The History major is for students who understand that shaping the future requires knowing the past..”

Requirements of the Major, Department of History, Yale University

Knowing the past of New Haven and Yale’s relationship may indeed help us think through how we might seek to shape our intertwined future.

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Saturday Code Club Set To Start

by | Feb 4, 2020 1:18 pm | Comments (0)

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Henry Fernandez of LEAP contributed the following:

LEAP is opening a free Saturday Code Club for all children and teens ages 11 to 15. (Kids do not have to already be in LEAP.) Young technology enthusiasts and beginners alike can join to learn more about coding, robotics, virtual reality, app design and more. Short workshops led by instructors and volunteers are followed by opportunities to further explore the topic on their own, with one-on-one help from program staff. Participants will have the opportunity to create projects based on their own interests, collaborating with peers and supported by program staff.

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LEAP Year Celeb Dinners On Tap

by | Jan 18, 2020 9:47 pm | Comments (1)

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Victoria Wang of LEAP submitted the following write-up:

Have you ever wanted to speak to a national radio host about climate change? Enjoy an interactive singing performance from a Yale music scholar? Learn about what goes into designing a menu from a world-class chef? Then LEAP Year Event is what you’ve been waiting for — and you’ll be supporting a good cause while you’re at it!

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URI Kicks Off Street-Tree Pruning Season

by | Dec 16, 2019 1:32 pm | Comments (0)

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Chris Ozyck (right, in green hat) with a street tree pruning team.

Urban Resources Initiative sent in this article.

Winter may be coming, but that doesn’t mean that those who care for New Haven’s urban forest are turning in for the season.

Urban Resources Initiative, a nonprofit/university partnership at the local Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, is gearing up to send out winter crews to prune over 500 young street trees in the next few months.

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Mayor “Kendra” Urges Kids To Open Up

by | Dec 5, 2019 1:06 pm | Comments (0)

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Mayor Harp Wednesday as “Miss Kendra.”

(Natalie Judd submitted the following article.)

Mayor Harp visited a first-grade class at Strong Elementary School Wednesday, playing the role of Miss Kendra for the students.”

The mayor recitedMiss Kendra’s list with the students, and read them letters from Miss Kendra that respond to some of the worries they have shared in their letters to Miss Kendra about family, gunshots, fire drills, and their celebrations about awards and their love of school activities.

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Scenes From The 2019 Elm City Bowl

by | Dec 2, 2019 8:37 am | Comments (0)

Current culinary studentsCross and alumni with the breakfast they prepared.

Veronica Douglas-Givan sent in these photos from Thursday’s Elm City Bowl, which brought together the Hillhouse and Wilbur Cross (and New Haven) communities for a pre-game meal and then an annual Thanksgiving football rivalry, which Hillhouse won 37 – 0 this year.

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Elks Serve Turkeys

by | Nov 29, 2019 2:19 pm | Comments (1)

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Elks Committee Quintarus MacArthur, Daughter Ruler Arlice Brogden, Exalter Ruler Gary Hogan, Daughter Wanda Mitchell, Kevina Mitchell.

The Elks Club East Rock #141 and Pocohontas Temple #55 served 70 families and guests at their 14th annual Thanksgiving Community Dinner Thursday.

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How Hillhouse JROTC Celebrated Veteran’s Day

by | Nov 14, 2019 8:44 am | Comments (2)

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The James Hillhouse High School Army JROTC cadets were very busy over Veterans Day Weekend. Instructors Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) John Hinrichs and Sergeant First Class (Retired) Lisa Rodriguez, both combat veterans, incorporated information on Veterans Day into their curriculum leading up to the events.

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