Citizen Contributions

Hall Of Famers Inducted

by | Oct 11, 2017 10:47 am | Comments (3)

Contributed photo

Inductee State Rep. Toni Walker, a leading community college advocate at the Capitol.

Gateway Community College submitted the following release.

More that 200 from the Greater New Haven community gathered in the Curran Community Center at Gateway Community College on Oct. 5 to celebrate six new inductees at the Gateway Community College Foundation’s 20th Hall of Fame Induction and Celebration.

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Language and Learning: Home, School, and Community

by | Oct 2, 2017 7:02 am | Comments (0)

Brokk Tollefson

Luis Chavez-Brumell, Madeline Negrón, Ann Anderberg, Marilyn Calderón, and Abie Benítez

Josiah Brown, a volunteer member of the board of the Literacy Coalition of Greater New Haven, sent this account of an event in which the Coalition was involved.

On Thursday, September 29, the New Haven Public Schools (NHPS) hosted a forum on Language and Learning: Home, School, and Community,” at the Dr. Reginald Mayo Early Childhood School. Co-sponsored also by the Connecticut Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (CALAS) and the Literacy Coalition of Greater New Haven, the event featured a panel of the following speakers:

Ann Anderberg, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education, Eastern Connecticut State University (ECSU)
 Marilyn Calderón, M.Ed., Executive Director, Connecticut Parent Power
 Luis Chavez-Brumell, Manager, Young Minds & Family Learning Department, New Haven Public Library

(Another invited speaker, Coral Ortiz – the Hillhouse H.S. 2017 valedictorian and a former member of New Haven and Connecticut Boards of Education – appeared despite not feeling well, but she was encouraged to go home and rest.)

The moderator was Abie Benítez, Ph.D., Director of Instruction & English-Language Learning, NHPS; Madeline Negrón, Ph.D., another Director of Instruction who oversees early childhood for the district, offered opening remarks. (Both colleagues are officers of CALAS, as well.)

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Literacy Coalition News

by | Sep 14, 2017 6:37 am | Comments (0)

Josiah Brown, a volunteer member of the board of the Literacy Coalition of Greater New Haven, submitted this report.

The Literacy Coalition of Greater New Haven is welcoming a new colleague to its volunteer board of directors: J. Gregory McVerry, assistant professor of education at Southern Connecticut State University. Having earned his Ph.D. at UConn in Educational Psychology, Cognition Instruction and Learning Technologies through a program recognized for new literacies,” Greg McVerry is a former K‑12 public school teacher, including five years teaching sixth grade. He characterizes himself as a teacher and researcher interested in the intersection of literacy and technology.” At Southern, he says, I teach early reading, children’s literature and new literacies classes. I was also the literacy and technology coordinator for Gear Up.”

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Dwight Team Thanks Yale For 25 Years Together

by | May 10, 2017 1:56 pm | Comments (0)

Probus Club Expands Efforts To Help Homeless

by | Apr 27, 2017 7:17 am | Comments (0)

Ed Botwick, Probus past president, Les Faiman, activities chairman, Meredith Benson, director of operations and the Rev. Steven A. Cousin, Jr., both of the Bethel AME Church, Roy Lukacs, Probus past national president and Bill Kegeles, treasurer.

The Probus Club of Greater New Haven (formerly Hamden Probus) was founded nearly 100 years ago to help people in the community with special needs, and the club continues to do that through an expanded effort to supply survival items to the homeless in the area.

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The Magic Of Science

by | Apr 27, 2017 7:13 am | Comments (0)

Crystal R. Emery of STEM submitted the following article:

In 2015, President Barack Obama said, “[Science] is more than a school subject, or the periodic table, or the properties of waves. It is an approach to the world, a critical way to understand and explore and engage with the world, and then have the capacity to change that world.”

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