Citizen Contributions

“LEAP Year” Looms

by | Feb 1, 2017 8:28 am | Comments (0)

Melanie Eve Barocas Mayer Photo

This article was submitted by LEAP.

Are you concerned about the country’s direction and want to discuss foreign policy with a former assistant secretary of state? Or would you rather reflect on Einstein with one of the foremost scholars of his life? 

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Hoop Shooters Advance

by | Dec 16, 2016 8:01 am | Comments (0)

Contributed Photo

On Dec. 3, Lodge 25, the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks, New Haven, hosted the Elks National Hoop Shoot Free Throw Contest at the Farnam House. The Elks Hoop Shoot is a free throw contest for youth ages 8 to 13. The local New Haven Elks winning contestants have an opportunity to advance through to the District Hoop Shoot Contest held on Jan. 8, 2017. at Derby High School. District winners may then proceed on to state, Rregional and national-level competitions (at the 2017 Hoop Shoot National Finals, Chicago, April 20 – 23).

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Muslim Youth Recognized In Knowledge Competition

by | Dec 15, 2016 10:47 am | Comments (0)

This article was submitted by Matiniah Yahya and AbdulMalik Negedu of X.

A youth recognition celebration was held on Dec. 11, 2016 at the New Haven YMCA. This festive event marked the accomplishments of New Haven area youth who took part in the annual statewide Youth Islamic Knowledge Competition organized by the Bridgeport Islamic Cultural Center (BICC) and held at the University of Bridgeport.

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LEAP Gives Thanks

by | Nov 29, 2016 2:10 pm | Comments (0)

Courtesy LEAP

The following was submitted by LEAP Director Henry Fernandez. 

Last Tuesday, LEAP held its annual Thankful Dinner with several hundred kids, counselors and volunteers in attendance at the Hillhouse High School cafeteria. Food was donated by LEAP supporters and board members while volunteers included LEAP alumni, LEAP parents and recruits from the New Haven Police Academy. 

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Elks Honor Marines

by | Nov 19, 2016 5:20 pm | Comments (0)

Petisia M. Adger Photo

USMC 1st SGT Paul J. Hannaway; USMC Corporal Wilford N. Levy, Jr.; Lodge 25 Exalted Ruler Denise Reynolds; U.S. Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro; & U.S. Army Ret. Colonel Kenneth Gertz, Lodge 25 Trustee.

DeLauro demonstrates the proper technique for cutting a cake, nonetheless with a military sword.

On Thursday, November 10, 2016, Lodge #25 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks commemorated the 241st birthday of the U.S. Marine Corps in a traditional ceremony that embraced the customary cake cutting ritual that celebrates the birth of the illustrious Corps.

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Perennial Pines Party

by | Nov 1, 2016 10:37 am | Comments (0)

Contributed Photo

Hamden Hall Country Day School recently conducted its Middle School Signature Program, the Perennial Pines Party Campaign and Convention. Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro and state Sen. Len Fasano, a Hamden Hall alumnus, offered keynote addresses during the program’s culminating event, the mock political convention. Students pictured are, from left, Spencer McCleery, William Mollow, Liam Kohler, Claire Shemo, Caleb Bolden and Sam Judson. The week-long, experiential learning project focused on a fictitious third party, called the Perennial Pines Party, and immersed students in the American political process.

Cop Recruits Dance In The Street

by | Nov 1, 2016 8:20 am | Comments (2)

The following was submitted by LEAP Executive Director Henry Fernandez about the organization’s Oct. 28. Halloween festivities. 

LEAP’s annual Halloween Party was a blast. Hundreds of children, parents, grandparents and volunteers joined for a magical and spooky night complete with games, pumpkin painting, trick-or-treating, movies and a haunted house” that was in fact a haunted locker room. Here are some highlights.

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Literacy Coalition Welcomes New Colleague, Previews Forum

by | Aug 30, 2016 10:17 pm | Comments (0)

Josiah Brown, a volunteer member of the board of the Literacy Coalition of Greater New Haven, sent in this release.

The Literacy Coalition of Greater New Haven recently welcomed a new colleague to its volunteer board of directors. Genevive Walker, director of programs for the Connecticut Center for Arts and Technology (ConnCAT), joined the Coalition board this summer. Previously, she served as executive director for the Greater New Haven Help Alliance and co-developed and facilitated the Youth Initiative Summer Leadership Program of New Haven. A longtime resident of Connecticut originally from New Haven, she is a former teacher in both the New Haven and Hamden Public School systems.

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Donuts For Dad

by | Jun 19, 2016 12:41 pm | Comments (1)

Contributed Photos

The following story and these photos were submitted by Veronica Douglas-Givan.

Proud fathers, uncles, father figures, along with members of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity and the New Haven Police Department packed two kindergarten classrooms at Edgewood Magnet School in celebration of Father’s Day and a very special event entitled, Donuts for Dads Day.”

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Foote School Celebrates Centennial

by | May 19, 2016 7:05 am | Comments (0)

Contributed Photos

The celebration featured maypole dancing.

Andy Bromage of the Foote School sent in the following report. (Here’s a previous story about the school’s milestone and history.)

The Foote School celebrated its centennial on May 13 – 15 with a weekend of festivities and learning opportunities for alumni, faculty, parents, students and friends. Nearly 1,000 people attended the three-day celebration, traveling from as far away as Canada, England and China to ring in the school’s 100th birthday

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Impressions of India: New Delhi via New Haven

by | May 5, 2016 6:46 am | Comments (0)

Apparently three generations of a Delhi family of four

Josiah H. Brown recently traveled to India, where his wife grew up, and returned with these reflections on the New Delhi metropolitan region – from the urban economy and environment to social inequalities and history.

My wife (Sahar Usmani-Brown), who became a U.S. citizen this year, grew up in New Delhi, where her parents continue to live. I recently traveled there for the fourth time in the past dozen years – my first trip to India since an April 2014 visit that occasioned Notes on a Nation of 1.2 Billion.” With that population now estimated at 1.25 billion, some impressions follow in this latest installment of an urban travelogue.

Our last trip came during the 2014 Indian national elections, which brought Prime Minister Narendra Modi (formerly leader of the state of Gujarat) and his BJP to power. Since then, Arvind Kejriwal of a rival reform party (AAP) has been elected in New Delhi. As the newspapers reported during our stay, the Delhi and national governments are often at odds over how to address challenges from the economy to the environment. (1)

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