The City Plan Commission dealt a blow to the owner of a Beaver Hills mulch lot that has come under fire with its neighbors and city officials for operating in violation of the law.
Members of the Delta Phi Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa Inc.
The women of the Delta Phi Chapter of the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa Sorority Inc. celebrated 30 years of its annual scholarship luncheon by honoring 13 people who have distinguished themselves as students, educators, business owners and community organizers.
Petisia M. Adger |
Apr 10, 2016 12:57 pm
Petisia M. Adger Photo
Newly installed Lodge 25 Suite of Officers (seated l to r): Antoinette Errico, treasurer; Denise Reynolds, exalted ruler; Joan Turner, loyal knight; and Karyn Snedeker, secretary. Lodge 25 Trustees. (standing l to r) Ret. Col. Kenneth Gertz; Joe Alfano; Bonnie Mullin, PER; Ron Newman; and Charles Cheslock, Sr., PER, (chairman).
On March 24, 2016, Lodge 25 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks (since 1884) conducted its 132nd installation of new officers in New Haven.
Larry Bingaman, President and CEO of RWA, speaks to Common Ground students and staff.
On Tuesday, the Regional Water Authority officially adopted New Haven’s Common Ground High School, a unique learning environment on a 20-acre campus where students learn about local and global environmental issues.
As the city prepares to roll out Mayor Harp’s a “Clean City Initiative” in April, one of the biggest challenges it faces is how to ensure the initiative can be sustained.
What do world famous architect Cesar Pelli, renowned author Jelani Cobb, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, poet Reginald Dwayne Betts and Connecticut Banking Commissioner Jorge Perez have in common? If you love New Haven children as much as we do, you can join these and other leaders for a rousing conversation over dinner in two weeks.
Josiah Brown |
Jan 29, 2016 8:00 am
My wife, Sahar Usmani-Brown, with our family and Judge Vanessa Bryant, after a Jan. 7 ceremony where 55 new U.S. citizens were naturalized.
On Jan. 7, at the Abraham Ribicoff Federal Building in Hartford, my wife (Sahar Usmani-Brown) was among the 55 new U.S. citizens sworn in at a naturalization ceremony.
In her case, it came some 14 years after — having grown up in New Delhi—she received a J‑1 visa, which was eventually followed by permanent residency in the U.S.: a “green card.”
Participants had to take an “Oath of Allegiance,” before everyone recited or read the Pledge of Allegiance, as well.
It appeared that, with the possible exceptions of Australia and Antarctica, every continent was represented among the 55 new citizens (eight of whom reportedly requested name changes).
The New Haven crew traveled to New Britain on Three Kings Day this week, to help McDonald’s franchisee Joseph Rodriguez throw a party for local kids, featuring toys and coats. Mayor Toni Harp, Dixwell top cop Lt. Sam Brown, and Metashar Dillon were joined by U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal at the event.
On Tuesday Dec. 1 members of Local 825, New Haven’s firefighter union, raised $1,000 and awareness for the national chapter of Movember.
Firefighters Anthony Avitable and Daniel Del Prete coordinated with a local salon to shave members’ mustaches at Tavern New Haven. Several members of the department grew mustaches over the month to garner attention and raise awareness of prostate cancer.
They reached out to a local salon in an effort to give exposure to a New Haven business. The salon, called “The Mane Room” at located at 155 Temple St., donated its services to shave the mustaches.
The following article was submitted by the youth agency LEAP. Every year, right before Thanksgiving, LEAP holds its annual Thankful Dinner. LEAPers from all around the city come together in one location, to eat, play games, enjoy each other’s company, explain what they are thankful for and dance. Several hundred children, counselors and volunteers filled the Hillhouse High School cafeteria.
Josiah Brown |
Nov 24, 2015 5:27 am
Brokk Tollefson
Perri Klass presenting
On Thursday, Nov. 19, the Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU) Psychology Department and its Journal of Student Psychological Research held a Forum on Early Literacy Experiences, the Brain, and Child Development. Held at the Adanti Student Center at SCSU with support also from the Literacy Coalition of Greater New Haven, the event featured a panel of the following speakers:
*Perri Klass, M.D., national medical director of Reach Out and Read; columnist, New York Times
*Julia Irwin, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology, SCSU; senior scientist, Haskins Laboratories
*Laura Raynolds, Ph.D., associate professor of special education and reading, SCSU; research affiliate, Haskins Laboratories (moderator).
Cheryl Durwin, Ph.D., professor of psychology at SCSU and a Literacy Coalition board member, was the event’s primary organizer. Christine Garber, Connecticut director of Reach Out and Read, was also instrumental. The audience included numerous early childhood teachers as well as various other educators, researchers, nonprofit staffers, and volunteers – not to mention parents.
Joe Ferraiolo – Frontier’s area general manager for New Haven County; Dion Watts, technical supervisor, Frontier; Bryan Brevard, technical supervisor, Frontier and Amanda Tardif, Connoisseur Media.
Hundreds of parents and students in New Haven took part in the 8th Annual Back-to-School Rally, an event designed to bolster excitement and provide families with supplies and information relating to the upcoming 2015 – 2016 school year.
Dr. Gil Mor, Dr. Elena Ratner, Dr. Dan Silasi, John Levy, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, Dr. Peter Schwartz and Dr. Masoud Azodi.
Michelle Cole of Discovery to Cure sent in this report:
U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro hosted nearly 100 guests at her East Rock home for a thank-you reception to honor supporters of Discovery to Cure at Yale School of Medicine, which advances the prevention, early detection and treatment of women’s reproductive cancers such as ovarian, uterine, cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancers.
Jocelyn Roberson and her Newhallville decided they wanted to throw some love the way of the seniors who live in the Newhall Gardens complex — in the form a birthday party. For all the seniors.
Sue Peters, Alicia Vignola, Althea Brooks and Liliya Garipova submitted this article concerning their organization’s event.
New Haven Public Schools (NHPS) last week launched its first annual Health and Wellness Summit to recognize past and current efforts to make schools and the City healthier places to learn, live, work and play.
Peter Webster |
May 4, 2015 8:14 am
Contributed Photos
Wooster Square activist Peter Webster sent in this write-up and these photos. Click here and here for previous articles about this project.
The shabby, neglected dumping-ground called Russo Park, on the tiny connecting street between Chapel Street and Wooster Street, site of the Saturday Wooster Square City Seed Farmers Market, is being recast in splendor: Harvey’s Walk.
Ciolino with his Diedrich I-5 coffee roasting machine.
This article was submitted by Benjamin Shanbrom. For many of us, coffee is a given — it’s there in the morning or late nights when we need it, and there isn’t much else to consider. It’s quite rare that we actually sit and ponder the incredible journey these little beans voyage through to make it to our cups.
Rev. Marilyn B. Kendrix |
Dec 22, 2014 4:06 pm
This article was submitted by the Rev. Marilyn B. Kendrix, associate pastor at the Church of the Redeemer in New Haven and a member of the Malta Justice Initiative.
We find ourselves once again in the season between Thanksgiving and Christmas when the bell ringing Salvation Army troops have been deployed to malls and grocery stores across Connecticut.