City Budget

Pandemic Property Tax Relief A Click Away

by | May 28, 2020 1:54 pm | Comments (4)


City Budget Director / Acting Controller Michael Gormany at hearing.

New Haven property owners who have lost at least 20 percent of their income due to Covid-19 can pay their taxes three months late this coming fiscal year without incurring any penalties.

Before receiving such a benefit, they first must apply to the city by June 30, and they must promise — if not necessarily prove — that they really have suffered such a pandemic-induced economic hardship.

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Alders Pass Budget: Taxes Rise 2.09%; $2M In Cuts; $2.5M Revenue Prayer Remains

by | May 26, 2020 10:46 pm | Comments (21)


Tuesday night’s full board meeting.

Alders voted 27 – 1 to pass a new fiscal year budget that includes a 2.09 percent tax increase, a non-binding hope that Yale will increase its voluntary payments to the city by $2.5 million, and over $2 million in non-Board of Education operational cuts that City Hall must make wherever it can.

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Pandemic’s Wrong Time To Kill Parks Department

by | May 24, 2020 10:52 am | Comments (12)

Paul Bass Photo

Entrance to the new Orange Trail at Edgewood Park.

(Opinion) I was troubled when the mayor proposed killing our Department of Parks, Recreation & Trees by merging its functions into two other city departments back in March –- and am even more troubled now as we struggle to make our way through the COVID-19 pandemic. Our parks are our greatest opportunity for healthy, public space that supports social distancing. At a time when we should be lifting up our parks as places to recreate, recover, and simply breathe, I’m worried that we are squandering both their immediate and long-term promise.

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NHPS: Covid $ Not A Blank Check

by | May 19, 2020 4:28 pm | Comments (1)

Interim Superintendent Iline Tracey: Buying laptops would be first priority.

Laptops are a yes, teacher salaries likely a no.

These are some of the early guidelines for which gaps $8.5 million in federal Covid-19 relief dollars can fill, New Haven Public Schools administrators explained to the Board of Education Finance and Operations (F&O) Committee on Monday.

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NHPS Pitches $8.3M In Cuts, Savings

by | Apr 30, 2020 12:10 pm | Comments (2)


NHPS CFO Phillip Penn. Below: Next year’s projected deficit.

The public school system plans to cut 30 certified positions through attrition, shift elementary school bell times, move instructional coaches back into the classrooms, and pursue nearly a dozen other budget mitigation strategies in an effort to close next fiscal year’s projected $8.3 million deficit.

As for what in-person classes might look like later this spring or next fall during a sustained Covid-19 crisis? That future — and its potential budget implications — remain uncertain.

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Alders Pass Pandemic Property Tax Relief

by | Apr 20, 2020 11:31 pm | Comments (10)


Monday night’s virtual Board of Alders meeting.

City residents who have been hard hit financially by the Covid-19 pandemic will receive an extra 90 days to pay their next set of property taxes.

And all city taxpayers, regardless of whether or not they’re hurting financially during this public health crisis, will benefit from a lower interest rate on overdue tax payments than the state usually allows the city to levy.

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Health Inspectors Take To Phones; Housing Inspectors Still Hit The Streets

by | Apr 2, 2020 5:35 pm | Comments (3)


Tuesday night’s budget hearing.

City lead paint inspectors and restaurant inspectors are still doing their public health work amidst the Covid-19 crisis — primarily over the phone, not in person.

The Livable City Initiative continues to send housing code inspectors out into the field, but primarily to vacant buildings and, if for occupied residences, only on emergency calls.

And the city’s Transportation, Traffic & Parking Department has cut back on parking tickets and stopped monitoring meters, even as it continues responding to SeeClickFix complaints and issuing right-of-way permits in collaboration with the building and public works departments.

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Social Services Chief Details Covid-19 Support Plan For Neediest

by | Apr 1, 2020 12:01 pm | Comments (0)


City social services chief Mehul Dalal at Tuesday night’s budget hearing.

The city’s plans for protecting and supporting New Haveners most in need during the Covid-19 crisis involve not just moving homeless residents from shelters into hotel rooms, but also distributing food to the hungry, coordinating direct financial assistance for those suddenly without a paycheck, and making existing financial empowerment services accessible by phone to eliminate the need to meet up in person.

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Covid’s City Budget Pricetag “Unknowable”

by | Mar 31, 2020 3:07 pm | Comments (5)


Monday night’s Finance Committee budget hearing.

Will the Covid-19 pandemic tank the city’s pension funds? Will it cause municipal employee healthcare costs to skyrocket?

And how will it change the process of voting during this year’s presidential election? Or the means by which the city conducts its once-a-decade revaluation of all New Haven properties?

The department heads responsible for those areas of city government assured alders that the magnitude of the pandemic’s impact on all aspects of city government will be large, even if the details of that impact are, for now, largely uncertain.

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60% Of City Real Estate Now Tax-Exempt

by | Mar 12, 2020 8:04 am | Comments (31)

Thomas Breen file photo

Acting Assessor Pullen: Broke news at budget hearing.

Nearly 60 percent of city real estate value is currently off the tax rolls, now that New Haven’s tax-exempt grand list has climbed by another nearly $200 million last year to reach a new peak of $8.47 billion, the city’s top property-monitor revealed Wednesday night..

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2 Visions Pitched For Getting More $ From Yale

by | Mar 12, 2020 8:03 am | Comments (7)

Thomas Breen file photo

City firefighters on the job: Should Yale have to pay more for their services?

Should city leaders argue for greater financial contributions from Yale University and Yale New Haven Hospital by focusing on those institutions’ sheer wealth and the relative poverty of the city they reside in?

Or should they promote the many services that the city already provides — from fire suppression to street lights to 9 – 1‑1 emergency support — that those growing institutions inevitably benefit from?

Two city residents pushed those different rhetorical tacks during the aldermanic Finance Committee’s first hearing of the budget season.

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City Hall v. Yale On Taxes—Circa 1932

by | Mar 9, 2020 1:08 pm | Comments (11)

(Opinion) New Haven has been Yale University’s home for over 300 years and mine for nearly 40. As a longtime Yale employee and New Haven resident, I know that the university and its city love and need each other — and that there come moments when our leaders have special reason to work closely together for the good of our community.

… I do not believe that New Haven’s current financial problems are the result of a lack of generosity from Yale.”

Yale President Peter Salovey, 2020

The History major is for students who understand that shaping the future requires knowing the past..”

Requirements of the Major, Department of History, Yale University

Knowing the past of New Haven and Yale’s relationship may indeed help us think through how we might seek to shape our intertwined future.

Continue reading ‘City Hall v. Yale On Taxes—Circa 1932’

Chiefs Roll With Cuts; Yale Strikes Back

by | Mar 2, 2020 6:07 pm | Comments (49)

Thomas Breen photo

Fire Chief Alston (center) with other department heads and staff at Monday’s budget press conference.

New Haven’s police and fire chiefs Monday said they have plans to adjust to deep public-safety cuts Mayor Justin Elicker is proposing in his new city budget.

The mayor, meanwhile, laid into Yale University and Yale New Haven Hospital for not living up to an ethical responsibility” to contribute more financially to the city in which those private institutions thrive. Yale’s president fired back.

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Elicker Proposes 3.56% Tax Increase; 80 Positions Cut; 3 Departments Restructured

by | Mar 2, 2020 8:57 am | Comments (51)

Mayor Justin Elicker has proposed a 3.56 percent tax increase, dozens of cuts to currently vacant city police and firefighter positions, and a restructuring of three city departments in his newly submitted $569.1 million recommended general fund budget. 

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Elicker Slams Yale As Tax Increase Looms

by | Feb 28, 2020 8:53 am | Comments (116)

Elicker: Details coming Monday.

Saying he’s following through on a promise to make tough decisions to restore fiscal order, Mayor Justin Elicker plans to propose a tax increase along with spending cuts in his first city budget.

He revealed that plan as he took a shot as his alma mater for not helping the city more with its financial woes.

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