City Budget

Boom! Building Permits Up 150%

by | Jan 30, 2020 1:36 pm | Comments (3)

Thomas Breen photo

Demolition wrapping up at future Hilton hotel site on Elm Street.

The city’s building boom is bearing financial fruit, with nearly $7.5 million in permit fees flowing into city coffers so far this fiscal year

That’s 150 percent higher than at this time last year — as New Haven heads toward what the city’s top building official expects will be our biggest year yet.”

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Parking Meter Revenues Tank

by | Jan 10, 2020 9:39 am | Comments (40)

Thomas Breen photo

2 of city’s 3,000 meters: 300 are usually out of service at any given time.

Parking meter revenue collection is down by over $600,000 in comparison to this time two years ago, and by nearly $150,000 in comparison to this time last year.

A dispute with one of the city’s mobile-phone-app contractors may partly explain the drop.

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Budget Passed After Values Debate

by | May 29, 2019 7:25 am | Comments (31)

Thomas Breen Photos

Big-picture values-vs.-responsibility debaters at budget vote (clockwise from top left): Festa, Marchand, Morrison, Roth, Winter, Brackeen.

Alders overwhelmingly passed an amended version of the mayor’s $556.6 million operating budget for the next fiscal year, but not before engaging in an hours-long debate over the proper function of city government in times of fiscal distress.

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Amended Budget Moves $1M From Police OT To Health Care

by | May 16, 2019 8:05 am | Comments (11)

Thomas Breen photo

Alders Adam Marchand, Chair Evette Hamilton, and Alder Sal DeCola at Thursday night’s session.

Police and fire had their overtime budgets slashed, the city’s health care fund got a $1 million boost, and a permanent affordable housing commission was born in an amended city budget Thursday night approved by the Finance Committee.

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Hausladen: Scooters, Residential Parking Permits Will Bring In $400K

by | May 3, 2019 6:40 am | Comments (13)

Scooter share, coming soon to the Elm City?

Thomas Breen photo

Acting TT&P deputy Karla Lindquist and director Doug Hausladen at Tuesday’s budget workshop.

Scooter share is coming. And with it, according to the city’s transit chief, will come upwards of $300,000 a year in new permit revenue for the city.

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Reyes: OT Budget “Honest & Realistic”

by | Apr 30, 2019 12:31 pm | Comments (13)

Thomas Breen photo

Interim Chief Otoniel Reyes testifies.

The city’s interim police chief promised alders that his upcoming year’s proposed overtime budget is honest and realistic,” as opposed to the current year’s, which recently required a $4 million-plus transfer from debt service and police salary in order to break even.

He also revealed that the department plans to move its internal affairs office to Sherman Parkway to get closer to the community, and is looking to hike towing fees.

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Neighborhood Development Plan Sought

by | Apr 29, 2019 7:06 am | Comments (26)

Paul Bass Photo

At work on Audubon Square, downtown.

Thomas Breen Photo

LCI chief Serena Neal-Sanjurjo and deputy Rafael Ramos testify.

Don’t forget neighborhoods.

Alders issued that plea at a public hearing to the city’s economic development team as they pushed for a boom-era strategy for attracting new construction and jobs beyond Downtown.

At the same hearing, a city official made the first public pitch for a plan she said would do just that for Newhallville.

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Who’s Up, Who’s Down, On New Grand List

by | Apr 23, 2019 12:53 pm | Comments (23)

Thomas Breen photo

Acting City Assessor Alex Pullen.

Winstanley Enterprises will pay $815,000 less in property taxes this year for a Yale-oriented Science Park garage it owns.

Winstanley will also pay $2.3 million more this year for the 100 College St. Alexion laboratory and office tower, which has begun weaning off tax deferrals.

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