Don’t put each other down. Learn to walk away; it’s no sign of weakness. Do be your brother’s keeper. Pull your pants up, boys. Keep your legs together, girls. Finish school, be involved with a church, and finish your lives.
Melissa Bailey
Aug 16, 2011 7:54 am
A fast-growing charter school found new footing on old stone floors, as students at Amistad Academy held their first day of class at the old — and new — Dwight School.
(Updated) Police arrested a 20-year-old man in connection with Wednesday night’s shooting death of a 16 year-old, and they’re looking for a second suspect — the person they believe pulled the fatal trigger.
Melissa Bailey
Jul 8, 2011 8:23 am
As two simultaneous contests to fill a power gap commenced in Dwight, the race focused on who will bring a strong, independent voice to a neighborhood hit hard by violence.
Thomas MacMillan
Jun 7, 2011 7:38 am
Outgoing Dwight Alderwoman Gina Calder is sticking to her plan to wait until July 1 to retire — and in her first extensive comments on the subject, described allowing the mayor to pick her replacement as more democratic than having an election.
Thomas MacMillan
Jun 2, 2011 7:36 am
Dwight Alderwoman Gina Calder announced Wednesday she will resign July 1, thus ensuring that her ward’s next alderman will be appointed by the mayor, not chosen by popular election.
A campaign-season press conference Tuesday about wanted crooks turned into a sidewalk seminar with skeptical young “Tre” neighbors who had questions about ski masks and a vanished hoops court.
The morning after surviving the second attack in three months by a gun-wielding robber, Johnny Jimenez was back behind the counter at Eliu’s Mart. He has no plans to quit.
Thomas MacMillan
May 24, 2011 11:00 am
As Dwight Alderwoman Gina Calder left a special budget meeting at City Hall, she was ambushed with a petition signed by 100 constituents — asking her to resign her post sooner rather than later so that they can choose her replacement.
(Updated 9:11 p.m.) “Papi” was walking in from the back room of Eliu’s Delight Mini-Market Monday night when two masked men entered and one of them opened fire, hitting him in the side.
Allan Appel
May 20, 2011 11:39 am
One of the partners in the rescue of the failed and foreclosed-upon Dwight Garden co-operative apartments on Edgewood Avenue, the Housing Authority of New Haven, will no longer play a part in the deal.
Robert Frizzelle stopped in to his neighborhood junk-food outlet Tuesday only to encounter baskets of oranges and bananas in the front window — and a childhood memory swelling up inside him.
Thomas MacMillan
Apr 25, 2011 7:55 am
Brian McGrath wants to bring dense, “European-style” development to Chapel West, instead of a Hamden-like stretch of businesses surrounded by parking lots. But first he’ll have to ensure his plan won’t mean gun shops and off-track betting or an extension of the Crown Street club district.
Allan Appel
Apr 20, 2011 1:47 pm
When real estate developer Michael Schaffer was sworn in on Tuesday as the newest housing authority commissioner, he lost no time in questioning staff on bed bugs, elevator repairs and a missing loan payment at the Dwight Co-op Homes.
Thomas MacMillan
Apr 15, 2011 8:05 am
With no supermarket in the neighborhood, Frank Douglass’ grandkids were eating junk food from the corner store. With a new Stop & Shop on Whalley Avenue Friday, he said, his 7‑year-old grandson Jahsir can go back to eating carrots like he’s “Bugs Bunny’s little brother.”
Melissa Bailey
Mar 31, 2011 4:07 pm
Former Shaw’s worker Darious Goodman is back stocking shelves at his old haunt, as Dwight’s shuttered supermarket prepares to reopen in two weeks with a new name — and a 100 percent-local crew of employees.
Allan Appel
Mar 15, 2011 12:57 pm
This bright ceiling mural with cosmic and zodiacal designs was done over the years by a single artist during his visits to Fellowship Place It will be preserved and reinstalled when the mental health facility completes a long-overdue rehab of its Elm Street clubhouse.
Allan Appel
Mar 14, 2011 12:14 pm
The Celentano Funeral Home wants to use a brick building four houses down the street to serve wine and beer at events that are not funeral-related. That departure from quiet post-mortem repasts has some neighbors worried it will become a magnet for late night carrying-on in a a neighborhood that already has its problems. Others feel a business has a right to try to make it any way it can in a tough economy.
Anne Demchak used to slice bologna and wrap meats at East Haven’s Stop & Shop. Today she’s the manager of the new Stop & Shop replacing Shaw’s on Whalley Avenue. She vowed it will be staffed and open by Easter.