
Motley's Crew

by | Feb 6, 2011 11:13 am | Comments (3)

Allan Appel Photo

Prosecutor Kiyana Smith felt that the death of Jack in Jack and the Beanstock” was hardly accidental. So she led the prosecution team on a charge of murder. Judge Angela Robinson commiserated and counseled her that one of the glories of our legal system is how hard the prosecutor must labor to overcome the presumption of innocence.

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Hundreds Say Farewell to A “New Haven Original”

by | Dec 23, 2010 9:06 am | Comments (10)

Melissa Bailey File Photo


John Dow returned to New Haven to offer a vision of a lion at heaven’s threshold.

Ben Hunter’s basketball coach asks him to put his cigar out at the Pearly Gates, Dow told a standing-room-only crowd of mourners. He walks around and says: Yo, Moses, whyn’t you let me borrow that staff?’ Yo, David, show me the sling shot; I don’t believe it.’ Sitting down with Dr. King, Mother Theresa at his first heavenly meal, Ben’s at the table and looks down at all of us and says, Now what?’”

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Sergeant Tracks
Xbox "Kidnapping"

by | Nov 18, 2010 12:16 pm | Comments (2)

Robin Higgins.

Johnny sat at his Xbox chatting with his new friend, Max, through his Xbox Live Internet connection. As they played together, Max, who’s 12, asked Johnny questions.

How old are you, Johnny?” he inquired. Where do you live? What school do you go to?”

Out of earshot of his mother in the other room, Johnny answered his friend as they both cooperated to shoot the bad guys in the video game.

Johnny had no idea that his new friend had lied: He was actually an older man pretending to be a middle-schooler so that he could lure him in trusting kids. The next day, Johnny disappeared.

Fortunately, like the video game they were playing, this abduciton story was fictional. Sgt. Robin Higgins role-played it for ten parents and grandparents gathered at the at the Dwight police substation on Tuesday night. She was there to teach the crowd about online dangers and how to address them.

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Xbox "Kidnapping"’

“She’s Dead, Right?”

by | Oct 25, 2010 2:07 pm | Comments (26)

A wall by the park at the Garden Street apartments where a 16-year-old girl was shot to death Sunday. The alleged shooter appeared in court Monday.

Neighbor Tenia Howell (with son Randy Jr.): “Life is crazy” in the neighborhood.

Nineteen-year-old Golda smiled” and laughed” as she told police how she pointed Little G,” her .380-caliber handgun, at her 16-year-old friend Jamese and pulled the trigger. She thought the safety was on. It wasn’t.

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