Tess Wheelwright
Jun 8, 2006 9:02 am
An effort to bust a landlord for taking advantage of immigrant tenants turned ruinous Wednesday. Cops blew whistles while undocumented Mexican immigrants fled out the back door into the rain with whatever they could carry, wanting nothing to do with advocates who pleaded with them to wait.
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‘Immigrants Flee Raid Meant To Help Them’
Paul Bass
May 9, 2006 8:39 am
Wait. Wasn’t the name of this building “Troup School”?
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‘Politician Self-Promotion Watch’
Melissa Bailey
May 3, 2006 8:10 am
“It’s like someone puts a mask over your face and you can’t breathe,” said this 10-year-old boy (pictured at left). “Your heart starts zooming,” said his 7‑year-old brother. The trio came to the front of the room at a Dwight neighborhood meeting Tuesday to testify to the crippling effects of asthma and rally neighbors to negotiate with Yale-New Haven Hospital to keep as many cars as possible away from the proposed $430 million cancer center.
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‘A CO Necklace’
Melissa Bailey
Apr 27, 2006 1:01 pm
Despite inital rumors, the 21-year-old city woman fatally shot in Dwight-Kensington Wednesday was “not a random individual caught in the crossfire,” said Police Chief Cisco Ortiz Thursday (pictured) at a press conference. Police said Kendraya Glasper was shot in the chest by a man who was just plain “reckless” in handling a big, expensive gun.
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‘Not Random, Just Stupid’
Melissa Bailey
Apr 27, 2006 8:33 am
Parents showed up at a public meeting Wednesday looking for summer jobs for their teens. They found out the deadline for the city’s biggest teen summer job program, Youth at Work, has already passed. How come “nobody heard about it” before? Dwight parents like Marissa Samuel (pictured with her 8‑year-old daughter, Riquee Toney) wanted to know. But after hearing about a range of programs, they came away with new ideas.
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‘Summer Jobs Pass Dwight By’
Melissa Bailey
Apr 5, 2006 8:45 am
Spring is bringing the first flocks of teens back to the streets on bikes. Remembering the trouble that ensued last summer, proactive youth leaders like parent Greg Smith (pictured) are getting started early this year. Tuesday night Dwight neighbors talked specifics.
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‘“They’re Just Two Inches Taller”’
Tess Wheelwright
Mar 21, 2006 8:00 am
Eighteen Mexican immigrants sharing a rundown Elm Street house have called in activist John Jairo Lugo (pictured with them in bottom photo) to stand up to their landlord about code violations (like hanging wires from a missing ceiling, above). The landlord — an immigrant herself — says she was trying to help them and now feels burned enough to rent to Yalies instead.
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‘“This Isn’t An Apartment. It’s a Cave!”’
Melissa Bailey
Mar 15, 2006 8:34 am
A new look for the Colony Inn (architect’s rendering pictured) drew heat at Tuesday’s Board of Zoning Appeals meeting. No one made mention of the hotel’s startling design, which would catapult the building decades ahead of its neighbors. But neighbors of the downtown hotel feared further expansion would only tighten a parking crunch in the Chapel/Dwight area.
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‘Expanding the Colony’
Melissa Bailey
Mar 8, 2006 1:50 pm
The once-shady sidewalks behind Shaw’s are now bathed in white light, and the rest of Dwight may soon be, too.
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‘Lighting up Dwight’
Tess Wheelwright
Feb 22, 2006 9:16 am
A neighborhood teen center? A citywide youth summit? A “Teen Caf√©”? People in Dwight (including Gina Calder, pictured) tossed around those ideas for kids — and separate ideas about neighborhood safety — in a church basement Tuesday night.
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‘“These Kids Are Going to Listen to People Who Know Who 50 Cent Is”’
Tess Wheelwright
Feb 8, 2006 8:34 am
Fearing an invasion of concrete parking “bunkers” and repeats of urban planning blunders past, neighbors packed the Timothy Dwight School Community room Tuesday night to hear —” and throw objections at —” plans for two big new developments on Howe Street and along Route 34. “People are worried,” said Alderwoman Joyce Chen (in photo).
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‘They’re Skeptical’
Paul Bass
Jan 25, 2006 4:30 pm
Twelfth-grader Enrique Otero is used to bullets flying and kids causing trouble after dark on Kensington Street. So he says he’s OK with a proposed curfew for kids his age.
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‘Chen, Cops Weigh Curfew’
Paul Bass
Dec 22, 2005 9:17 am
Her number 15 basketball jersey hangs in two schools’ halls of fame. Now Tracy Claxton has joined a new team: New Haven’s Liveable City Initiative (LCI). She plays on her home court, the Dwight neighborhood.
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‘Home Court Advantage’
Paul Bass
Nov 30, 2005 3:25 pm
Bleeding on the sidewalk on Kensington Street, 22-year-old Marquis “Toby” White said those words to Ed Beamon after a man in a passing car shot him Tuesday. Beamon (above) returned to the scene of the shooting Wednesday and recalled consoling Beamon until the police arrived. Toby White did die in his hospital bed Wednesday morning. The shooting was one of four within 32 hours that police said were related to a spat between young men from the Dwight and Hill neighborhoods.
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‘“Ed, I Don’t Wanna Die”’
Paul Bass
Nov 9, 2005 2:02 pm
So said a mugger at this corner of the Dwight neighborhood as he warned his victim, a 28-year-old Yale School of Management student, not to call the cops. Read on to hear the student’s tale of the latest in a string of street crimes involving Yalies.
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‘“This Is My Neighborhood”’
Paul Bass
Sep 19, 2005 12:31 pm
Police made an arrest Monday following yet another case of gunfire involving kids on bikes in the Dwight neighborhood. Meanwhile, police stepped up patrols in the same area after a Yale student was mugged at gunpoint.
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‘Tough Night in Dwight’
Paul Bass
Sep 18, 2005 10:24 am
This WPA-era mural is one of 27 historical gems hanging in an empty New Haven school. The murals, like the school, are undergoing a makeover.
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‘History Rescued’
Paul Bass
Sep 11, 2005 7:20 pm
Voters Tuesday will decide: Should an alderman play nice with City Hall and get more neighborhood favors? Or fight from the outside for structural change?
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‘Chen vs. The Machine, II’
Paul Bass
Sep 1, 2005 12:46 pm
As a summer of bike mayhem winds down, a dad takes to the streets in search of other parents — “and a solution.
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‘On Parent Patrol with Mr. Greg’