
Dam! It's Time To Tend To Whitney Dam

by | Jun 11, 2024 9:11 am | Comments (4)

RWA photo

Lake Whitney Dam: Ready to be improved for “the next 160 years.”

The Lake Whitney Dam on the border of New Haven and Hamden has been going strong since 1860, when Eli Whitney and the city built it. But it’s in need of rehabilitation — a major construction project — to prepare it for the climate challenges of the next century and beyond. That can be done while also keeping an eye on the community and environmental concerns of the present.

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Hundreds Keep It Healthy At The Q

by | Jun 10, 2024 9:42 am | Comments (1)

Lisa Reisman photo

Nancy Jordan (right), with Mike Downing Jr. and Langston Dennis, checking out the threads.

There were t‑shirts and button-downs and pullovers, dress pants and jeans and sweatpants, jackets and hoodies and windbeakers, each meticulously organized by size. There were shoes of every style and make. There were household items like cleansers and kitchenware, and personal care essentials like deodorant, shampoo, and conditioner.

None of it was for sale, including the food. At Saturday’s 12th annual Free Market and Health Fair just outside the Dixwell Community Q” House, everything was, as advertised, free. 

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Yale Panel Welcomes “Psychedelic Renaissance”

by | Jun 4, 2024 11:30 am | Comments (0)

Arthur Delot-Velain photo

Dr. Pittenger: "So much of our society can be described as alienation from meaning."

Researchers psyched about bringing psychedelics from the underground to the therapist’s office are confident that drugs like MDMA can help those suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

What they’re less sure about: how such experimental treatments might interact with antidepressants, which are widely taken by many patients who would benefit most from a therapeutic trip.

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$5M Grant Targets Maternal, Infant Support

by | Jun 3, 2024 5:14 pm | Comments (3)

Jabez Choi photo

Robert Farrow and daughter Harmony (center) with U.S. Sen. Blumenthal and Rep. DeLauro.

The local chapter of a federally funded program that fights to keep moms and infants in good health has secured a five-year, $5 million award to subsidize doula care, increase outreach to at-risk communities, and sustain education programs for new and expecting parents.

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Ex-Theater Reopens As Pot Shop

by | May 30, 2024 11:21 am | Comments (38)

Thomas Breen photos

Weed-focused labor organizers & customers Jose Anaya and Jake Serafini: Canna-biz is "like the new gold rush."

Long Wharf Theatre, now itinerant. INSA Cannabis, now on Sargent.

Jake Serafini and Jose Anaya showed up to the ex-Long Wharf Theatre site on Sargent Drive Thursday morning — not to catch a play by Samuel Beckett or Anna Deavere Smith, but instead to buy an eighth of Scout Breath and some weed gummies on opening day of the city’s newest cannabis dispensary.

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Guv Signs Paid Sick Days Expansion

by | May 28, 2024 1:24 pm | Comments (21)

Thomas Breen photos

Paid sick leave advocates celebrate ...

... Gov. Lamont's signing of bill, alongside Lt. Gov. Bysiewicz and State Sen. Kushner.

The bill doesn’t single out female workers as such.

But everyone who took the microphone to speak at a packed, celebratory press conference heralding the expansion of the state’s paid sick days program made clear on Tuesday that this law — freshly signed by the governor — is meant to make Connecticut a more family-friendly place, by helping women stay in the workforce.

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YNHH Seeks Orchard Lane Closure During Construction

by | May 22, 2024 11:52 am | Comments (4)

Thomas Breen photo

St. Raph's ambulance drop-off area: Closing for construction. Temp drop-off area to be built next door.

How do you double the size of a hospital’s emergency department without displacing ambulances from a construction zone?

Yale New Haven Hospital is seeking to solve that riddle by shutting down a portion of Orchard Street for 18 months — and paying the city an extra $150,000 for the inconvenience — as it builds a larger emergency department for its St. Raphael’s campus.

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Ocean Settles Suit & Sells, Sells, Sells

by | May 14, 2024 11:42 am | Comments (18)

Laura Glesby File Photo

Ocean's Shmuel Aizenberg and attorney Gerry Giaimo in housing court.

Ocean Management’s Shmuel Aizenberg won’t have to take the witness stand in Waterbury after all — now that his company has struck a last-minute settlement in a long-standing child lead poisoning lawsuit that had been set to go to trial this week.

That jury trial was to determine how much the local megalandlord had to pay a mom whose son suffered irreversible brain damage” while living at one of Ocean’s New Haven apartments on Edgewood Avenue. 

While the dollar amount of that deal remains secret, public land records show that plenty of cash has been flowing into Ocean’s coffers — as the company has sold another 37 New Haven rental properties for nearly $13 million over the past two months.

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Cops Seek "Health & Wellness" Supervisor

by | Mar 25, 2024 2:29 pm | Comments (18)

Paul Bass Photo

Chief Jacobson: "We see what happens if our officers aren't well."

Sometimes police respond over and over again to the same address for mental health calls that would best be served by an agency like Clifford Beers or COMPASS or the Veterans Affairs medical center. 

So the city’s police department wants to add a new lieutenant position focused on making sure those connections take place — for the betterment of community and officer health and wellness” alike.

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Sickle-Cell Breakthrough Hailed; Affordability Push Comes Next

by | Feb 23, 2024 12:44 pm | Comments (6)

Kamini Purushothaman Photo

Biree Andamarian, James Rawlings, Cece Calhoun at Thursday evening's gathering.

A panel of doctors lauded the recent approval of CASGEVY, a gene therapy for sickle-cell disease, but called for advocacy to make the treatment affordable, especially for people on Medicaid.

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Cancer Fighters Call On Faith

by | Feb 19, 2024 1:09 pm | Comments (1)

Allan Appel Photo

Steve Harvin with his friend Rev. John Cotten at Sunday's event.

The same God that protected Steve Harvin in combat in Mogadishu, Somalia, in 1993, as a soldier with the 75th Army Ranger Regiment, is continuing to protect — and heal — him in an ongoing battle with cancer.

Sunday evening Harvin raised his hand in praise, along with more than a dozen other cancer survivors in a moving, music and prayer-filled celebration inside a New Haven church billed as Faith Over Cancer.”

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"Ultrafine" Pollution Enters Tweed Debate

by | Feb 13, 2024 4:12 pm | Comments (62)

Paul Bass File Photo

Tiny particles from Tweed planes like this one have raised concerns about Morris Cove air.

An air pollution researcher reported finding that unregulated ultrafine” particles spike when Tweed airplanes take off and land — prompting neighbors to consider whether to adjust their daily routines to avoid air pollution, and the airport to double down on plans to expand their operations.

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