Nora Grace-Flood |
Feb 1, 2024 5:26 pm
Nora Grace-Flood file photo
City Health Director Maritza Bond Thursday at her department's new HQ: Wellness the new "holistic approach."
City officials cut the ribbon on a “health and wellness” center — and hoped the fresh color scheme and branding strategy could sell STI tests, school physicals and flu vaccinations to the public as presents rather than punishments.
Nora Grace-Flood |
Jan 16, 2024 9:30 am
2 Thorn St.
New Haven nursing home patients may fret less about flu season next year — if a Bronx-based assisted living company gets the green light to build 150 beds, pave half as many parking spaces and bring ultraviolet disinfection tech to the Hill neighborhood.
Lisa Reisman |
Dec 5, 2023 12:19 pm
May 2001 article in the New Haven Advocate.
On May 31, 2001, an article, headlined “The Predator on the Hill,” appeared in the now-defunct New Haven Advocate. The predator: Yale-New Haven Hospital.
Mayor Elicker (at podium) and regional health leaders on Tuesday.
Roughly $10 million in federal aid will flow to the New Haven area over the next five years to help municipal health departments take a regional approach in combating the opioid epidemic through the hiring of 10 case-management “navigators” and the cross-town sharing of overdose data.
This aid comes as the number of overdose deaths in 2022 reached 490 in New Haven county, including 128 in the city itself.
Lisa Reisman |
Oct 30, 2023 3:22 pm
Lisa Reisman photo
Leonard Gorham with Dr. Frederick Landy at Floyd Little-hosted clinic.
In the midst of a teeming bazaar of dental specialists cleaning, drilling, and extracting at Floyd Little Athletic Center, Leonard Gorham, a 71-year-old Air Force veteran from New Haven, relaxed into his dental chair, waiting to be fitted for a partial denture.
Thomas Breen |
Oct 27, 2023 4:19 pm
Thomas Breen file photo
A lead paint-chipped windowsill in Fair Haven.
Lead paint hazards will be removed from 200 more New Haven homes — and 130 local contractors, maintenance workers, and landlords will receive training in how to do that children’s-health-protecting work — now that the city has been awarded a new $7.7 million federal grant.
Pastors Cesar Padilla, Teresa Rivera, and Miguel Castro: Each overcame addiction "when the Lord Jesus came in our lives."
Three pastors and a mayoral challenger took to the steps of City Hall to criticize the Elicker administration for even considering establishing a safe-use injection site downtown — with the clergy arguing that spirituality is the best balm for addiction, and the Republican candidate claiming that city government is further along in such a plan than it has made itself out to be.
At Monday's dental clinic-boosting press conference.
Eight hundred volunteers will be be descending upon Sherman Parkway later this week to provide cost-free, first-come-first-served dental care to New Haveners in need of everything from x‑rays to fillings to tooth extractions to limited root canals.
Thomas Breen |
Oct 16, 2023 1:45 pm
BZA image
This type of sliding-door won't face Grand Ave., per Fair Haven Health application.
The sliding-door front entrance to Fair Haven Community Health Care’s new Grand Avenue clinic building won’t face Grand Avenue, but will instead point east towards the center’s existing headquarters — in order to prioritize accessibility for patients with disabilities and to avoid existing high-voltage power lines.
Fatou braids a client's hair, hopes for more landlord accountability.
A new layer of city regulation is coming to local hair, piercing, tattoo, and nail salons — sparking a debate over the burden of annual inspection fees, and prompting one African hair braider to hope that more leverage against neglectful commercial landlords is on the horizon.
Dereen Shirnekhi |
Oct 10, 2023 5:03 pm
Seven former patients at a Yale fertility clinic have launched a new lawsuit against the university — in the latest turn in a high-profile scandal involving fentanyl theft and excruciatingly painful procedures for patients who were told they were getting painkillers, but wound up being operated on sober.
Beaver Hills Alder Tom Ficklin (right), with city Environmental Health Director Rafael Ramos: New Haven should "not wait for anyone else and instead be a leader" on a menthol ban.
The city’s health director and a Beaver Hills alder are calling for a citywide ban on menthol cigarettes — while small business owners warned that such a prohibition could drive customers to look to other shops in other towns for not just smoking products, but also bread and milk and gas.
CDC Director Mandy Cohen (second from right): Time to get another Covid shot.
The nation’s top public health official swung by Fair Haven Thursday morning with a vaccine-promoting message: Covid is still with us, and so now is the latest shot designed to protect everyone from an ever-changing virus.
Get the shot, she urged, and don’t worry about paying for it, as the costs should be covered by private insurance and the federal government.
Laura Glesby |
Oct 2, 2023 5:46 pm
Laura Glesby Photo
End Hunger Connecticut's Lucy Nolan: A shutdown would be "horrendous" for families in need of food.
If the federal government shuts down, state agencies and local organizations can only do so much to stop children from going hungry, seniors from shivering in the winter, and healthcare centers from shuttering.
Thomas Breen |
Oct 2, 2023 12:39 pm
Thomas Breen photo
Health Equity Fellow Sophie Edelstein and Coordinator of Community Mental Health Initiatives Lorena Mitchell.
Male New Haveners are almost three times more likely to die by suicide — not “commit suicide” — than female city residents.
That’s according to a newly published City of New Haven Suicide Prevention Guide, which through a deep dive into data and a person-focused shift in language seeks to promote better mental health through understanding instead of stigma.
Maya McFadden |
Oct 2, 2023 8:35 am
Maya McFadden Photo
Best friends Monserrat Martinez and Dazani Hough: Ready for gym class.
As a white ball bounced towards Monserrat Martinez, the Roberto Clemente school sixth grader locked eyes with it — and then kicked it with all her might, sending it across the gymnasium and giving her the chance to sprint towards the safety of first base.
A newly installed 988 sign on the Ferry Street Bridge.
Three hopeful numbers will be posted atop East Rock Park, in a sign urging those who are considering harming themselves to reach out to a new national suicide-prevention hotline instead.
Nora Grace-Flood |
Sep 22, 2023 11:34 am
Contributed photo; Thomas Breen file photo
Newly city-approved cannabis dispensary operators: Kebra Smith-Bolden and David Salinas.
(Updated) New Haven has officially reached its local cannabis limit, with two new dispensaries now key steps closer to opening their doors and bringing the city to its self-imposed maximum of five formal pot shops.
Tom Goldenberg: "This is quid pro quo politics. This is non-transparency. This is corruption."
The city’s Republican candidate for mayor kicked off his post-Democratic primary general election campaign by lobbing accusations of corruption at the Elicker administration in its dealings with a local methadone clinic — claims that the current mayor dismissed as “fearmongering politics,” “ridiculous,” “unethical,” and coming at the expense of some of New Haven’s most vulnerable populations.
Thomas Breen |
Sep 5, 2023 3:02 pm
Thomas Breen photo
No more building at 382 Grand.
A Fair Haven-anchoring community health center has finished tearing down a three-story mixed-use building at Grand Avenue and James Street to make way for a larger neighborhood clinic.
Maya McFadden |
Sep 5, 2023 11:58 am
Maya McFadden photo
Saving a gun shot victim at the Shack during a Yale EMT training program.
Aspiring Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) Andreanna Adkins, Iijonnia White, and Kimah Davis kneeled down to aid a plastic-dummy “gun shot victim” on Elm Street — inside a West Hills community center, as part of their training to save a real life down the line.
"Gypsy" Kathleen McKenzie — with her bag of overdose prevention materials.
“Gypsy” Kathleen McKenzie arrived at the Green for her daily walk with a purse full of nasal Narcan slung over her shoulder as usual — and wound up stocking that bag with Narcotics Anonymous brochures, fentanyl test strips, bracelets with phone numbers for addiction service providers, and more naloxone kits.
She took that stroll just days after another New Havener was found dead at 37-years-old of an overdose downtown and on the same day that the city hosted a parade of providers distributing information and resources for International Overdose Awareness Day.