COMPASS crew members Yichu Xu and Nanette Campbell hear out Ollie Cooper, who's homeless, and share information about possible housing.
Key players at crisis-team launch: Mayor Justin Elicker (at left) and U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, who secured $2 million, in top photo; city resilience director Carlos Sosa-Lombardo (center); community services chief Mehlul Dalal.
Social worker Yichu Xu and “peer recovery specialist” Nanette Campbell reported for duty Tuesday to start helping cops and firefighters deal with emergency calls — and pilot a new way of dealing with people in crisis.
Nora Grace-Flood |
Nov 1, 2022 11:11 am
Nora Grace-Flood photos
At Monday's trunk-or-treat on Ashmun St.
Baby Savannah practices candy crawling her own way Monday night.
Little mermaids, Minions and monsters gathered outside of the Connecticut Violence Intervention Program’s headquarters Monday — to take turns “trunk or treating” within a web of safety-minded community members and their cars.
WEB CMT Chair Rebecca Cramer (left), MCCA's Scott Nelson (right) at Monday evening's meeting.
Thomas Breen photo
Former pharmacy at 215 Whalley.
The leaders of a Danbury-based addiction-treatment nonprofit promised to keep preaching abstinence — and not to branch out into prescribing methadone — as they prepare to move their local outpatient clinic into the former CVS site at Whalley Avenue and Orchard Street.
Laura Glesby |
Oct 25, 2022 1:10 pm
Fair Haven Health's parking lot plans.
A health center’s plan to rezone a Fair Haven block to allow for more parking, and eventually a larger medical campus, moved ahead — despite city staff’s initial recommendation of denial.
Thomas Breen |
Oct 21, 2022 4:11 pm
Thomas Breen photo
Patient care tech Jonysah Bouknight at Friday's presser.
Jonysah Bouknight was finishing up giving one patient a “bed bath” when she heard a loud noise — and quickly learned that another patient was having a stroke.
She took a deep breath, collected herself, and jumped into action, making sure the patients got the care they needed without letting the stress of her job completely overwhelm her.
Thomas Breen |
Oct 20, 2022 12:30 pm
Thomas Breen Photo
Lead-buster Ramos: Ramos: Check out this site for more on prevention.
The city's new "lead case dashboard."
New Haven property owners can receive up to $15,000 per apartment from City Hall to help cover the costs of making their homes lead-safe — while city government watchdogs can now keep track online of how the Health Department is doing in making local houses less toxic for children to live in.
Nora Grace-Flood |
Oct 19, 2022 3:09 pm
Nora Grace-Flood photo
This empty Newhall St. church will remain an empty church, for now.
One planned convenience store won’t be coming to a former Newhallville church any time soon — while another convenience store might be on the way to the ground floor of a Hill house.
That was the upshot of two contentious Board of Zoning Appeals hearings at which two sets of neighbors pushed back hard on corner stores coming to their blocks.
Laura Glesby |
Oct 10, 2022 8:46 am
Laura Glesby Photo
So long, mixed-use building and parking lot; hello, new health center?
A map of the clinic's current headquarters, planned addition (at the top left), and planned new parking lot.
Fair Haven Community Health Care’s upcoming Grand Avenue expansion came into sharper focus — as a health center representative described plans to knock down an existing corner building that currently houses a pharmacy, a pizzeria, and a handful of apartments, and to construct in its stead a new neighborhood clinic and community space.
Laura Glesby |
Oct 7, 2022 9:34 am
Laura Glesby Photo
Rick Altice: As overdoses rise, patients need safe equipment.
A Yale harm reduction-focused healthcare team has its sights set on installing a trio of vending machines around town that would dispense not candy bars and soda, but clean syringes, safe injection kits, and overdose reversal medication.
The consolidation of Connecticut health care continued with the announcement Thursday that Yale New Haven Health System (YNHHS) has reached a deal to take over three more hospitals in the state.
Shafiq Abdussabur |
Oct 4, 2022 3:16 pm
Maya McFadden photo
Shafiq Abdussabur.
(Opinion) Let’s take a deeper look at gun violence in New Haven. A look beyond the retroactive approach of throwing resources to violence-plagued communities after the fact.
At Thursday evening's event, clockwise from top left: Jeanette Sykes, Kim Harris, Mayor Justin Elicker, Katurah Bryant, State Rep. Robyn Porter, Alder Devin Avshalom-Smith.
Some ideas for the neighborhood generated by a community brainstorm.
The APT Foundation has committed to pause development of a planned methadone clinic at 794 Dixwell Ave. through Dec. 1 as the organization searches for another location — and as Newhallville neighbors piece together a vision for what they want in their neighborhood instead.
Approximately 1,000 students may be turned away from school Friday if families don’t meet the submission deadline for their students’ health immunization forms this year.
Nora Grace-Flood |
Sep 28, 2022 9:26 am
Breen Photo
Capt. Dell, who led probe into deaths of Maggie and Buttons.
A police captain has been assigned to supervise New Haven’s animal shelter — and remind the city’s animal control officer the difference between a dead cat and a live one.
Maya McFadden |
Sep 23, 2022 9:00 am
Maya McFadden Photo
At Thursday's groundbreaking on Minor St.
A community of healthcare partners and political backers gathered in the Hill to celebrate the groundbreaking of Cornell Scott Hill Health Center’s new hub for behavioral health and substance abuse services.
YNHH VP Vin Petrini: Large deficits led to large layoffs.
Yale New Haven Health laid off 72 hospital managers Wednesday and eliminated another 83 vacant administrative positions in a system-wide “restructuring” done in the face of rising costs and an expected $300 million deficit.
(Updated) School officials reported two incidents Wednesday involving psychoactive “edibles.”
In the first incident, three Bishop Woods School eighth-graders were taken to the hospital after sharing a likely cannabis-infused treat that made them sick.
Thomas Breen |
Sep 20, 2022 1:49 pm
Thomas Breen photo
Finance Committee Chair Marchand on Monday night.
The city’s Health Department will remain in its rented Meadow Street headquarters for another year before moving to a renovated publicly owned space on Chapel Street, thanks to a new lease approved by the Board of Alders.
Fall has arrived early on State Street with Caramel Apple Pie, Skinny Pumpkin Teddy Graham, and Maple Glazed Donut shakes — all of which can now be filed under the category “health food.”
The former CVS site at 215 Whalley. Future home of MCCA outpatient clinic.
CFO Connan: Will "better serve" community.
A Danbury-based addiction-treatment nonprofit plans to move its local outpatient clinic to the former CVS site at Whalley Avenue and Orchard Street, after purchasing that recently shuttered ex-pharmacy property for $2.5 million.
Foundation-setters LindyLee Gold and Michael Taylor.
One of New Haven’s grassroots community health care success stories, the Cornell Scott Hill Health Center, has formed a new foundation — in order to set a new foundation to continue keeping New Haveners healthy for decades to come.