Eugene J. Foreman Jr. looked surprisingly calm with his walkie-talkie out on the Beers Street sidewalk outside Augusta Lewis Troup School as a siren sounded and kids poured out of the building.
Maya McFadden |
Jan 24, 2023 11:14 am
After a too-long stint of feeling way too isolated, Brennan-Rogers second grade teachers Samantha Conway and Tracey Peterson found a way out of their ruts thanks to an investment in their professional wellbeing by the teachers union and the city’s public school district.
Laura Glesby |
Jan 18, 2023 8:48 am
Local legislators unanimously approved a new long-awaited contract for school nurses, issuing future and retroactive raises for public health workers who have worked to keep schools and students safe throughout the pandemic.
Laura Glesby |
Jan 17, 2023 8:53 am
Days after Yale graduate student-workers officially won union recognition in a landslide election, a local labor coalition celebrated that victory while rallying in honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.‘s vision of working class justice.
Abiba Biao |
Jan 16, 2023 11:45 am
Immigrant workers spoke out against alleged wage theft and on-the-job abuse at a City Hall press conference focused on beefing up whistleblower protections.
The FBI sounded interesting. Yale’s IT woman made a passionate pitch. The library and the Yale police made their cases. Aspiring forensic scientist Hector Morales heard them out and wondered: Where does his future lie?
Maya McFadden |
Jan 12, 2023 10:14 am
The city school district’s top literacy official plans to retire after 37 years of public education service inside and outside of New Haven classrooms.
Maya McFadden |
Jan 10, 2023 1:24 pm
Teachers and building leaders who help out with before- and after-school programs will get a $13-plus hourly pay bump, thanks to a new agreement approved by the Board of Education.
Yale graduate teachers and researchers voted overwhelmingly in support of forming a union — marking a local-labor milestone that caps three decades’ worth of organizing for better working conditions on campus.
Officer Ashley McKernan was two hours into her second consecutive shift Wednesday morning when she finally found a moment to fuel back up for the next hours on the beat.
A group of highway service plaza workers and union organizers showed up to a Church Street office lobby with $1 million in “cash” as part of a holiday-season pressure campaign against alleged wage theft at Dunkin’ Donuts.
AAA flatbed tech Terry Barrett was behind AAA Pizza Wednesday watching someone else complete a task he has done himself thousands of times — replace brakes on a vehicle.
Jeffrey Davitz |
Dec 8, 2022 1:20 pm
I don’t really know Michael. I know he lives in Connecticut. I know he’s a nurse. I only know that much because he was my nurse for 12 hours from a late Sunday to early Monday.
But for those 12 hours or so he knew me better than anyone because I was almost nothing but pain and he was my companion.