From now through the end of December, you can join a nationwide campaign to combat fake news by supporting real news where it counts most — at home. And have your contribution matched dollar for dollar.
Today, the Institute for Nonprofit News joins journalists across the country in asking you, the public, to stand up for your rights to free speech and an open government.
Allan Appel |
Aug 14, 2018 6:01 pm
Allan Appel Photo
Kids TV reporter Beam presses Douglass on whom she voted for.
The results of the first exit polls Tuesday came from four energetic 8‑to-10-year olds, members of Newhallville’s Kids TV Network, at their neighborhood’s polling place at the Lincoln-Bassett School.
Thomas Breen |
Jul 31, 2018 12:11 pm
Thomas Breen photo
Plaintiffs’ attorney Patricia Cofrancesco in court.
A Superior Court judge refused to suspend the Freedom of Information Act in part of New Haven — despite the efforts of a lawyer representing cops who were passed over for promotions.
Christopher Peak |
Jul 26, 2018 7:50 am
Christopher Peak Photo
Patricia Cofrancesco: Don’t release public records to press.
After reading a news article she found “hugely problematic,” a lawyer asked a judge to stop the city from releasing a range of public records about police officers to the press until her case is decided.
Marcia Chambers, a barrier-breaking New York Times reporter who combined keen instinct with deep intellect and who went on to found and edit the online Branford Eagle, died Friday night at Smilow Cancer Hospital.
(Opinion) If you believe the above headline, you’re probably among the multitudes mourning the death of Tom Wolfe by praising his impact on journalism.
Yale police not getting to the bottom of a black student’s ID card.
Yale University is refusing to let the public see how its cops dealt with a white graduate student who called in a complaint about a napping African-American graduate student — and to see whether cops treated the two students differently.
Thomas Breen |
Apr 20, 2018 7:51 am
Thomas Breen photo
The approved new home for an “orphan” ad panel, outside the CVS on Whalley Avenue.
Christopher Peak photo
The bike share station, and ad panel, on Grove Street.
The greenbelt outside of the CVS on Whalley Avenue will soon be home to the new city bike share program’s first “orphan” ad panel: an eight-by-five-foot, double-sided advertisement that will not stand immediately alongside a group of lime-green bicycles available for short-term rental.
Markeshia Ricks |
Apr 3, 2018 8:24 am
Richard Furlow Photo
The billboard at night: It’s lit.
Hartford—New Haven State Rep. Pat Dillon said she received some criticism from colleagues when she introduced a bill that would reinforce cities’ authority to regulate the brightness of digital billboards. Weren’t there more important things for her to draft legislation about?
Then a new sign at Whalley Avenue and Emerson Street was powered on.
Lawmakers didn’t press “like” as they questioned a proposal to spend $50,000 a year on a new mayoral Facebook/Twitter/Snapchat specialist while raising taxes 11 percent.
Mayoral officials responded that in a social media-saturated era of vanishing news reporters, City Hall must become more of its own news outlet.
Markeshia Ricks |
Mar 20, 2018 8:10 am
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Furlow testifies at the Capitol Monday..
The fate of a digital billboard erected on Whalley Avenue is clear. It’s not going anywhere.
But west-side neighbors and elected officials said the city should have more explicit power to regulate such future billboards, though outdoor advertising advocates say it already has such powers.
Christopher Peak |
Feb 28, 2018 1:00 pm
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Electronic billboard at 1057 Whalley.
An electronic billboard’s LED pixels on upper Whalley have illuminated a hole in the zoning ordinance, and sent politicians looking to tighten regulations before the Elm City starts to resemble Vegas.
Miami — Fake news and comment-thread sewers don’t scare Jimmy Wales.
Wales, the man who who conquered the World Wide Web 1.0 with a vision of citizen-powered information called Wikipedia, is back with an updated plan to protect us from from threats to a vital press, without giving up the democratic dream.
Christopher Peak |
Jan 12, 2018 2:06 pm
Christopher Peak PHoto
The Elm Street yeshiva building.
One of the men accusing prominent New Haven Rabbi Daniel Greer of sexually abusing him told his story in harrowing detail — on video. Should the public get to watch it?
(Opinion) I’m just a patrol cop in New Haven. This is my opinion and it doesn’t reflect the position of anyone but myself. I wasn’t paid, ordered or otherwise told to write it. I authored it off duty, and it’s worth exactly what you’re paying to read it.