Markeshia Ricks |
Jun 19, 2017 4:38 pm
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Diane Orson, chief of WNPR’s new downtown New Haven news bureau.
You may soon hear a familiar voice with a new ID tag: “This is Faith Middleton of ‘Food Schmooze’ broadcasting from Gateway Community College in New Haven.”
Era of continual change: The last-ever locally printed Register front page rolls off the former presses at 2:21 a.m. on March 4, 2012.
Hearst prez Aldam.
As print-daily newsrooms continue to shrink across the nation, the New Haven Register’s new corporate boss said he plans to add reporters and increase local coverage.
The chain owner of the Connecticut Post has purchased the New Haven Register and other local news outlets reportedly for under $50 million, consolidating its southern base in its statewide competition with the chain owner of the Hartford Courant.
Christopher Peak |
May 15, 2017 12:03 pm
YouTube/Larry Dressler
Larry “Noodles” Dressler speaks to camera after peppering Rabbi Daniel Greer with questions.
Hartford — Defense attorneys for Rabbi Daniel Greer tried to prohibit a blogger who has intensely chronicled Greer’s sexual abuse case from entering a courtroom here — by misrepresenting a legal document.
Starting Wednesday, you can chase a whole lot of “ugliness” each weekday morning with a shot of love, now that Babz Rawls-Ivy has joined the daily WNHH radio line-up.
After braving the digital threat to print for more than a decade — and outlasting a corporate competitor he said was created to put him out of business — publisher Mitch Young is moving his Business New Haven and New Haven magazine publications completely online.
A former Connecticut TV and newspaper exec is returning to New Haven from the Big Apple to take the reins of WTNH, as the station undergoes yet another corporate changeover.
Through Jan. 19, you can help keep the Independent reporting on New Haven — and have your donations matched dollar for dollar as part of a national drive to support local not-for-profit news reporting.
The state’s case was continued Monday against a reporter arrested while taking photos of a crime scene, while New Haven’s interim police chief ordered an internal affairs investigation into the case.
After enduring a Trumpian-inspired assault of “kike” and “fag” tweets, Newsweek senior writer Kurt Eichenwald might have reason to disparage die-hard followers of America’s next president.
Instead, he urged a blue (in two senses of the word) New Haven audience gathered for a post-election reckoning to move beyond dismissive stereotypes.
Allan Appel |
Oct 26, 2016 11:56 am
Allan Appel Photo
Boss Brogan (left) hails Carolla at her 50th annviersary party.
Marianne Carolla remembers when there were eight neighborhood library branches, not only the five current (including the main). In particular she remembers the storefront branch on Chapel at Norton, where the paperbacks hung on spindles as in an old book store window.
Once a man, a library patron, came in and said to her, “I want something that’s hot to trot.”
Lucy Gellman |
Oct 25, 2016 7:59 pm
Lucy Gelman Photo
The most recent programs on WNHH radio delve into jazz music new, old, and New Haven specific, urge listeners to get out and vote, dabble in high school football, and look at new initiatives in journalism.
Aliyya Swaby and Markeshia Ricks |
Jul 26, 2016 12:18 pm
Clayton, McMorris-Santoro dish in Philly.
Philadelphia — As renowned political reporters raced to get Democratic National Convention hot takes recorded in the annals of Twitter, another set of reporters kicked off their own political entertainment show — with a shot of whiskey.