
“Joe, Just Relax.” “Don’t Touch Me”

by | Jul 26, 2018 8:40 am | Comments (8)

Markeshia Ricks Photo

Jazmarie Melendez, sister of cop-slain Jayson Negron, at Albertus.

Paul Bass Photo

Ganim, Lamont debating Wednesday night at Albertus Magnus.

A gubernatorial debate in New Haven turned testy after protesters pushed Joe Ganim about his handling of cops who kill and Ganim pushed his opponent Ned Lamont on how he finances his campaign.

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Eliminating Income Tax: Doable? Or “Fantasy”?

by | Jul 24, 2018 4:26 pm | Comments (9)

Jack Kramer Photo

GOP candidates at Tuesday’s debate.

Fairfield— Can Connecticut really afford to eliminate the income tax?

With the days winding down toward the Aug. 14 Republican gubernatorial primary, the five candidates on the ballot offered differing views on that question as they worked hard Tuesday in a debate to make their position on taxes and state spending stand out from each other.

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Hartford Train Launches From Union Station

by | Jun 15, 2018 3:43 pm | Comments (16)

Thomas Breen photo

The new Hartford Line departs from New Haven’s Union Station.

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy (center) cuts the ribbon for the new train line at New Haven’s Union Station alongside city and state officials.

The first new passenger rail line to open in Connecticut in nearly three decades made its inaugural ride from New Haven to Hartford, carrying with it promises from the governor and the top state transit official of an economic and quality-of-life renaissance” for future state residents.

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Ganim Submits 32,000 Signatures

by | Jun 13, 2018 7:55 am | Comments (5)

Thomas Breen Photo

Troy Jackson, New Haven office coordinator for Joe Ganim, drops off petitions Tuesday at the Registrar of Voters Office at 200 Orange St.

Paul Bass Photo

Joe Ganim with his box of petitions at WNHH FM.

Joe Ganim couldn’t convince 282 delegates at a Democratic Party convention to support him for governor. So he went out and got 32,000 Democratic voters to sign petitions.

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I-95 West River Bridge Opens Ahead Of Schedule

by | Jun 7, 2018 2:57 pm | Comments (0)

Markeshia Ricks Photo

Malloy: The state must continue to invest in its infrastructure.

With the days of his administration winding down, Gov. Dannel P. Malloy has been keeping up a steady schedule of public appearances.

He latest local appearance was Thursday, when he came to the New Haven-West Haven town lines to mark the opening of the West River Bridge on I‑95 and press for the continued modernization of the state’s infrastructure.

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Why She Voted No

by | May 21, 2018 4:56 pm | Comments (5)

Christopher Peak Photo

State Rep. Pat Dillon.

State Rep. Pat Dillon recently wrote the following message to her constituents to explain why she deemed possibly controversial” no votes on two environmental bills that passed in the recently concluded legislative session. (Click here and here to read news stories about those two bills, House Bill 5360 and Senate Bill 9.)

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Session Scorecard: Mixed Bag For City

by | May 11, 2018 1:35 pm | Comments (11)

Markeshia Ricks Photos

Rep. Toni Walker huddles with colleagues on session’s final night …

… while Sen. Martin Looney listens to floor debate.

Hartford —Dreamers got financial aid. Women got a shot at pay equity. Westville homeowners will get sinking-home money.

A bottle deposit on nips? Tweed-New Haven’s runway? Bitcoin regulation? Didn’t quite make it. But they got on the agenda and will return next year.

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Elm City Shoe Leather Pays Off At Capitol

by | May 7, 2018 4:20 pm | Comments (21)

Thomas Breen photo

Aaron Goode outside 200 Orange polls: Legislators eventually agreed to join national compact.

Aaron Goode traveled to the state Capitol five times and sent hundreds of emails to try to convince legislators to have Connecticut join a national movement to bypass the electoral college in choosing a president. Those years of lobbying by him and other New Haven pro-democracy activists have now borne results.

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Bysiewicz Not Ceding City To Lamont

by | May 7, 2018 8:05 am | Comments (8)

Markeshia Ricks Photo

Bysiewicz meets potential voters at Manjares Sunday.

Susan Bysiewicz lost New Haven Mayor Toni Harp’s endorsement for her quest to become Connecticut’s next governor, but she demonstrated support Sunday in the heart of high-voting Westvile from people who pull the vote for progressive candidates.

Local supporters included, from left, Westville Ward Co-Chair Janis Underwood, Gabe DaSilva, Alder Darryl Brackeen Jr., Co-Chair Amy Marx, activist Hilary Grant.

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House Passes Billboard Brightness Bill

by | May 3, 2018 7:44 am | Comments (4)

Christine Stuart photo

The General Assembly’s legit electronic billboard shows the House vote on the billboard bill.

Richard Furlow photo

The new Whalley billboard.

Spurred by public opposition to a blinding blinking billboard on New Haven’s Whalley Avenue, state legislators voted overwhelmingly in favor of a bill that would allow cities and towns to regulate the illumination of public advertisements, so long as those signs have the technological ability to calibrate their own brightness.

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