
“Bridgehaven” Makes Capitol Casino Case

by | Mar 15, 2018 5:41 pm | Comments (7)

Markeshia Ricks Photos

Ganim, Walker and Harp pitch for Bridgeport and New Haven (top); Davis and Maynard pitch for tribal casino underway in East Windsor.

Hartford — Mayor Toni Harp and Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim joined forces here to urge lawmakers to pave the way for a new casino for a region suffering staggering unemployment. They made a simple pitch: We need jobs.

Advocates of a tribal casino planned for East Windsor sought to complicate that narrative.

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Body Cam Question: Who’s Playing Gotcha?

by | Mar 15, 2018 8:32 am | Comments (17)


Still from body camera video released since law passed. Below, Gary Winfield, Kevin Kane square off at Wednesday’s hearing.

Markeshia Ricks Photos

Hartford  — New Haven State Sen. Gary Winfield had some clean-up business to attend to in a law he authored enabling cops to wear body cameras. The state’s top prosecutor balked — and the two ended up sparring about whether cops deserve special rights to check their story before offering sworn statements.

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Dreamers, Clergy Press Forward On Student Aid

by | Mar 14, 2018 3:47 pm | Comments (2)

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Clergy lead a prayer circle on the first floor of the Legislative Office Building Wednesday.

Hartford—“Dreamers” —children born to adults living in the U.S. without legal permission — gathered with clergy at the state Capitol Wednesday to call on the legislature to pass a bill that would open a pool of student-generated financial aid to the undocumented students that help pay for it.

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City Seeks To Nix Nip Litter

by | Mar 14, 2018 8:12 am | Comments (14)

Markeshia Ricks Photos

Nip and drug litter at the corner of Whalley and Osborn avenues.

The city is looking to curb the number of nip bottles littering sidewalks, public parks, and storm drains by pushing for a statewide bottle deposit for the popular alcohol miniatures. It should not expect to find much support among city liquor store owners.

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Vote Early. Real Early

by | Mar 12, 2018 1:10 pm | Comments (15)

Bass, WSHU, Stuart, Breen Photos

Among the candidates (clockwise from top left): Oz Griebel, Erin Stewart, Prasad Srinivasan, Susan Bysiewicz, Tim Herbst, Jonathan Harris, Joe Ganim, Mark Boughton.

Months before the major parties decide who should become Connecticut’s next governor, you can cast an early vote — and in the process challenge our winner-takes-all electoral system.

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Female Lawmakers Push To Protect Women’s Health Coverage

by | Mar 2, 2018 8:44 am | Comments (1)

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Female lawmakers including State Rep. Robyn Porter (at right in photo) advocate for health care prposal.

Hartford — A bipartisan team of women legislators held a joint press conference here Thursday ahead of a public hearing on a bill that would preserve in Connecticut the 10 benefits established by the federal Affordable Health Care Act’s passage in 2010.

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