Firefighters on scene Friday at Blatchley and Peck.
Fire investigators are seeking answers about why three fires broke out in 25 hours late last week, in one case leading to the demolition of two buildings in the Hill.
Jason Puttre, one of 10 Bella Vista tenants facing eviction.
Two years after losing one of his legs, and one year after losing his family’s financial support, Jason Puttre is now on the cusp of losing his Bella Vista apartment — as a Meriden-based landlord moves to evict 10 elderly and disabled tenants who are more than six months behind on rent.
Maya McFadden |
Feb 4, 2021 1:56 pm
Maya McFadden Photo
Marottoli on the Q Avenue beat.
Clamper in hand, Vin Marottoli watched cars roll in and out of the El Mexicano Hand Car Wash across the street as he picked up a receipt and a black ice car freshener from the ground.
West Rock and Quinnipiac students who want to start learning in-person will have that option on Feb. 17, one month after other New Haven elementary schoolers.
Administrators Tuesday evening revealed those and other details to families at two schools set to shutter permanently after this school year: West Rock STREAM Academy and Quinnipiac Real World Math STEM School (Q‑STEM).
Maya McFadden |
Nov 12, 2020 11:23 am
Maya McFadden Photo
A plastic bottle = “big money.” A paper receipt? “Chump change.”
Those calculations applied to a game with real-life consequences for the environment, made up by Eastview Terrace youth who spent their Veterans Day picking up neighborhood litter.
Maya McFadden |
Oct 14, 2020 11:46 am
Maya McFadden Photo
Neighbors, officials reviewing plans at the park Tuesday evening.
Next year, the baseball field won’t flood and cause the cancellation of the little-league season at Fairmont Park, if newly revealed renovation plans bear fruit.
Courtney Luciana |
Sep 28, 2020 3:24 pm
Courtney Luciana photos
Colorful fish, tadpoles, and other marine life took over the intersection of Quinnipiac Avenue and Hemingway Street Saturday, thanks to 30 volunteers who painted an environmental awareness project that also aimed to calm traffic.
New apartments coming soon to (clockwise from top left) 109 Court, 98 Olive, 192 Fitch, and 904 Quinnipiac.
New Haven’s market-rate apartment boom continued apace as four different projects that would add 51 new units of housing across town — including in former ground-floor commercial and office spaces — won key city sign-offs.
Allan Appel |
Jul 23, 2020 1:39 pm
A jobs program on the west side of town to reengage teens. An expanded police presence on the east side of town.
The Housing Authority of New Haven/Elm City Communities ( HANH/ECC) is including those two features in a response to the uptick in violence in the city, particularly as it is affecting vulnerable residents in public-housing developments.
Last look: now-scrapped Heights on the River rendering.
Historic commissioners’ objections and zoning limitations convinced a builder to ditch plans for a mixed-use project along the Quinnipiac River — leaving the neighborhood with a Mandy Management-run property instead.
Lisa Reisman |
Jun 3, 2020 2:55 pm
Contributed Photo
Recovery Mansion house manager Mark Manfredi.
In late March, Rick DelValle learned that a resident at the Recovery Mansion in Fair Haven Heights had been exposed to Covid-19 at work. He told him and his roommate Scott S to get tested. Then he moved them to the top floor of the four-story Victorian Gothic building.
Thomas Breen |
May 21, 2020 3:35 pm
Thomas Breen photo
Paramedics retrieve RegalCare resident in April.
State health inspectors found that a Fair Haven Heights nursing home hard hit by Covid-19 had an inadequate supply of protective gowns, an incomplete system of screening temperatures and oxygen levels, and an overall deficient infection control program to protect residents, visitors, and staff.
Scenes from Friday’s emergency medical response at RegalCare.
A half-dozen firefighters, paramedics, and ambulance drivers were back Friday at the RegalCare nursing home, which has emerged as one of New Haven’s Covid-19 hotspots where 17 people have already tested positive and workers and families worry that lives are being put at risk.
The 18-month shutdown and repair of the Grand Avenue Bridge is still on schedule to begin mid-April, according to the latest update from the city’s structural engineer.