Allan Appel |
Dec 16, 2015 4:14 pm
Allan Appel Photo
Harris with Alder Barbara Constantinople.
Brenda Harris is so eager to move from the Farnam Courts Townhouses, she decided to help matters along by shoveling a little dirt on the site of her next home.
Markeshia Ricks & Aliyya Swaby |
Dec 15, 2015 1:14 pm
Aliyya Swaby ]Photo
Nathman: Parents know we are engaging, not judging, them.
The student absence rate at Quinnipiac School has dropped from 37 to 15 percent over the last year — in part because of a partnership with a probate judge on a new clinic.
As a federal official announced a proposed ban on smoking in all public-housing developments, some New Haven tenants said they aren’t ready to butt out in the privacy of their homes.
Aliyya Swaby |
Nov 10, 2015 4:35 pm
Aliyya Swaby Photo
White gets a standing ovation at Board of Ed.
Stephanie White’s classroom is one of the least tidy at Quinnipiac STEM School, because she encourages students to learn with their hands and get messy in the process.
Chief Wright: “I don’t want him in the firehouse.”
Police retrieved documents from a firefighter’s locker as part of an investigation into whether he stole money from a 94-year-old woman he met on a call — allegations that led the fire chief Friday to put to the firefighter on paid leave.
Officials Tuesday afternoon opened the door for a look-see at the newest and “safest” police substation in New Haven — in a former bank space, complete with two imposing vaults, and a spacious open floor plan on the ground level of Building A at Bella Vista.
Lee at Eastern Terrace site in shadow of Bella Vista.
Allan Appel Photo
A police substation is expected to open soon at the Bella Vista senior housing complex — and, Barbara Constantinople hopes, pave the way for her reelection as a Fair Haven Heights alder.
Meanwhile, Robert Lee, the man trying to unseat her, said he’s running not against her, but against a union that he believes has too much influence on city government.
Stephanie Addenbrooke |
Jun 29, 2015 1:12 pm
Stephanie Addenbrooke Photo
Don’t forget Fair Haven Heights: That’s the mission of Rosa Santana, a Democrat who launched a reelection campaign for Ward 13 alder amid drizzling rain outside Fairmont Park on Sunday afternoon.
Freesia DeNaples |
Jun 9, 2015 1:15 pm
Freesia DeNaples Photo
Jayvon received a present at school Tuesday, along with a lesson. The present: A new bike helmet. The lesson: “You should always wear a helmet, or else you could fall and maybe even crack your head open.”
Encourage neighbors to grab shovels to help an elderly Quinnipiac Avenue neighbor avoid a fine. Send a mega-snowblower to hit neighborhood streets, not just downtown. And have people move their cars first to the even side of the street — then maybe the odd.
Aliyya Swaby and Allan Appel |
Feb 6, 2015 5:15 pm
Allan Appel Photo
LCI’s Mazzadra carries out two fighting roosters.
One rooster was missing an eye and comb.
City officials rescued eight roosters and about a dozen chickens from a house in Fair Haven Heights, after discovering signs of a cockfighting ring beneath a Grand Avenue bar.
Aliyya Swaby |
Dec 18, 2014 2:15 pm
The City Plan Commission denied permission for a half-built house to be completed and a proposal for a Newhallville convenience store, and tabled a request to open a gas station-convenience store on the east side, after the three applicants failed to show up.
A U.S. congresswoman danced the tarantella up and down the aisle kissing old friends as she goes. The majority leader of the State Senate handed out lovely green potholders from a canvas bag. And a state rep whose name is Bob happily distributed square sponges.
Aliyya Swaby |
Oct 8, 2014 1:46 pm
Aliyya Swaby Photo
Superintendent Garth Harries joins the class activity
State and city administrators joined Elm City Montessori School students in semi-structured playtime Wednesday morning, during the school’s official opening six weeks after classes had begun.
Aliyya Swaby |
Oct 3, 2014 1:18 pm
Aliyya Swaby Photo
Quinnipiac parent Laconi praised the school’s high standards.
If a child graduates from a K‑4 school and the only neighborhood middle school with available spots begins in sixth grade, where should that student go?
The state of Connecticut wants little 6‑week old Avery Dill to go to college so much, officials are willing to sock away a hundred bucks in the bank just in honor of her being born.
Melissa Bailey |
Jul 16, 2014 8:24 am
Melissa Bailey Photo
In his debut appearance in a stronghold of elderly Democratic voters, Republican John McKinney brought the pizza that seniors had been waiting for from Gov. Dannel Malloy — and his own promises for what he would deliver as governor.