Thomas Breen |
Jul 4, 2019 9:09 am
Ellen Doon photo
Thomas Breen photo
Teo Baldwin with assistant coach (and son) Roger. Top: Undefeated Edgewood NHYS team.
Whether commanding firefighters at a blazing building or coaching middle schoolers on the field, Teo Baldwin emphasizes the same two principles: Respect your teammates. And know the unique role you play in helping your group succeed.
Thomas Breen |
Jun 28, 2019 1:12 pm
Google Maps photo
The Family Dollar at 1168-1186 Whalley Ave.
A Windsor-based development company sold the Family Dollar site on Upper Whalley Avenue to a group of California investors for $1.8 million, in one of the city’s latest property transactions.
Sam Carlson |
Jun 13, 2019 12:24 pm
Daniel Eugene Photos
Self Portrait with Madison Sapphire Duchanne, Partners Café – New Haven, CT – August, 2018.
Daniel Eugene was dressed down. Classical music played over the speakers on a recent visit to his Westville live and work space, periodically punctuated by the ping of incoming emails.
Eugene is, after all, a busy person, especially as he shifts his art from pens to lens.
Before and after: Plan for Winthrop-Edgewood stretch.
The city has finally gone out to bid to build a 2.1‑mile cycletrack along Edgewood Avenue after receiving all necessary project sign-offs from the state Department of Transportation.
Brian Slattery |
Jun 11, 2019 12:55 pm
Alan Shulik
Quiescence — Crescent Moon, Totem Rock, Dawn, Utah.
The background colors seem too vivid, and the shapes in the foreground too stark, to be real. But they are. It’s a photograph from Utah. It’s photographer Alan Shulik’s heightened sense of reality that makes it pop. But as the title of the image — “Quiescence” — suggests, Shulik isn’t drawing out the details to excite it. He wants us to drink, long and slow, from his images, and maybe feel our heart rates drop a little in the meantime.
Never mind that on the opposite wall, there’s a party going on.
Allan Appel |
Jun 11, 2019 8:21 am
Allan Appel Photo
Jacob Oakes at work milling around catch basins and curbs.
Karina Courtmanche rushed outside Monday morning — to make sure the machines making noise outside didn’t inadvertently crush the wild roses growing along the curb outside her Greenhill Terrace home.
Brian Slattery |
Jun 3, 2019 11:57 am
Brian Slattery Photos
Luna Candelario, Luciana Campoverde, and Charles Jefferey.
On the stage Saturday afternoon at Mauro-Sheridan Interdistrict Magnet School — in preparation for the school’s performance of Hamlet on Tuesday, June 4, at 6 p.m. — Luna Candelario, as Hamlet, was getting some advice from co-directors Sarah Bowles and Michael Hinton on the best way to stab a man behind a curtain.
Clockwise from top left: Tomato pie at Ernies; West River in Edgewood Park; Strange Ways merch; Manjares’ Ana De Los Angeles whips up fresh guacamole.
The most revealing answers at the first debate of the mayoral campaign season — at least about the nature of the candidates and their candidacies — may have had to do with old-school versus new-school tastes in downtime pleasures.
Harp, Hamilton, Elicker at Wednesday night’s debate.
Paul Bass Photos
Urn Pendragon wades through crowd for Oprah-style closing.
The gloves came off at the tail end of the first debate of this year’s mayoral campaign, as candidates established a central theme: Either New Haven has made great progress and should build on it by staying the course. Or its government has gone off the rails and needs drastic change amid looming crises.
Thomas Breen |
May 15, 2019 4:32 pm
Thomas Breen photo
Westville Kosher Market co-founders Yuval and Rachel Hamenachem.
Three days before Passover, a longtime customer of Westville Kosher Market called Rachel Hamenachem in a panic. Her husband, a celebrated Yale professor, had just died. Now she needed enough food to feed 100 people who would be coming to her house to sit shiva.
So Hamenachem and her husband Yuval stayed up all night cooking. The co-owners of the decades-old Upper Westville market made sure their customer, and friend, got what she needed in time for the week-long ritual mourning.
Mayoral hopefuls Justin Elicker, Wendy Hamilton, Urn Pendragon, Toni Harp.
The four candidates who have taken out papers to run for mayor witht he intention of seeking the Democratic Party nomination are scheduled to appear together for their first joint forum— not a debate — Wednesday, May 15.
Brian Slattery |
May 14, 2019 12:33 pm
Michael Quirk
Molotov Cocktail.
It’s a lone figure against an undefined background, but the details of the silhouette are crisp enough to make the figure an individual, a real person frozen in mid-action. And that action happens to be throwing a Molotov cocktail.
Lt. Rose Dell |
May 13, 2019 1:12 pm
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Tires and wheels disappeared from numerous cars parked in Westville.
Roosevelt’s nightclub was caught twice allegedly serving booze after having its permit revoked.
And the driver of a Camry drove fast at a car in the parking lot, got out, then sprayed the other driver’s eyes with Lysol, tased her, and stole her cellphone. Witnesses video-recorded the incident.