
Sun Shines On ArtWalk

by | May 13, 2019 7:22 am | Comments (0)

Brian Slattery Photos

Heather and Ed Gendron shared a table at Cafe X on the corner of Whalley and Blake. Outside, throughout Westville, the 22nd annual ArtWalk was in full swing, with studios thrown open upstairs at West River Arts, vendors attracting customers to their booths on Central Avenue and Fountain Street, and bands regaling audiences in Edgewood Park. Together, the Gendrons were making art.

It’s not an organized event,” Ed joked. There’s no manifesto involved.”

It’s called, day off,’” Heather said.

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Artists Have 2020 Vision

by | May 6, 2019 1:46 pm | Comments (1)

Janet Warner

Carry Us Away Again.

The buildings in the middle are New Haven’s downtown, there’s no doubt about it. But now the downtown has become an island unto itself, floating off into a gray sky, trailing vines and tree roots as it rises. Carry Us Away Again, artist Janet Warner’s portrait of the Elm City, feels weighty in one sense — it’s New Haven as sanctuary city, New Haven as an oasis. But there’s also no denying the fun in the image, its surreal playfulness.

That combination runs rampant throughout 2020,” Kehler Liddell’s latest show — running through May 26 — which challenged 47 artists to take that titular number and tell us what it meant to them.

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Pitbulls Kill 6 Chickens, 1 Rooster

by | Apr 22, 2019 3:50 pm | Comments (3)

Two pit bulls — one white, the other white and brown — ran into a man’s Pond Lily Avenue backyard.

The white and brown pit bull did the killing. The same dog killed the man’s rabbit last year. But this year the dog got caught, by New Haven Animal Control.

Meanwhile, the police department’s bomb squad also got to detonate a Japanese World War II grenade found in a resident’s garage.

Top Westville /West Hills/ Amity/West Rock/ Beverly Hills cop Lt. Rose Dell details this incident and other crimes in her latest weekly summary of notable police calls.

Her summary follows:

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Let My Matzah Go: Stop & Shop Purchases Deemed Not Kosher For Passover

by | Apr 15, 2019 4:42 pm | Comments (6)

Allan Appel Photo

In one hand he had his cell phone, with mom on the line for shopping advice. In the other hand was a handout with a Westville rabbi’s admonition against crossing a picket line to buy food for the Feast of Freedom. His basket was empty.

There David stood amid walls of macaroons, white fish, and grape juice in Aisle 13 of the Amity Stop & Shop, pondering the fifth question added to this year’s traditional Passover four questions: To buy? Or not to buy?

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Three Artists Reconnect At Kehler Liddell

by | Apr 10, 2019 7:40 am | Comments (0)

Julie Fraenkel

The Visit.

One figure reclines on the ground, head thrown back. The other hovers, impossibly, in the air above the first. Their only points of contact are the delicate hands of the one doing the hovering, and their lips, making contact. Julie Fraenkel’s The Visit is playful and poignant, and one of many highlights of Re: Connecting,” a show at Kehler Liddell Gallery in Westville that finds, as the title suggests, works by three artists — Fraenkel, Liz Antle‑O’Donnell, and Matthew Garrett — connecting with one another in formal, thematic, and emotional ways.

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Edgewood Sets Sail With “Madagascar”

by | Apr 3, 2019 12:08 pm | Comments (0)

Brian Slattery Photo

At rehearsal for Edgewood School’s upcomimg production of the play Madagascar, the students knew their lines, knew the songs, knew where they were supposed to be on stage. They had the dance routines together, the choreographed moments, even an effect that gave the impression of large shipping crates sliding from side to side in the hold of a boat tilting in the ocean — because an animal was now at the wheel.

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Elicker Outlines Road To Mayor’s Office

by | Mar 27, 2019 12:42 pm | Comments (22)

Markeshia Ricks Photo

Mayoral candidate Justin Elicker listens to Westville neighbors during a fundraiser …

… organized by Betsy Schulman and Amy Marx.

Justin Elicker lost by 1,800 votes the last time he faced Toni Harp in an election. And back then, she wasn’t even the incumbent. Now, she’s a three-term mayor with access to a powerful GOTV apparatus and deeper campaign pockets.

How does Elicker plan to win this time?

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Guns Found In Blanket; Market Hit Again; Crash At The Car Wash

by | Mar 18, 2019 7:54 am | Comments (1)

Robbers hit Westville Quality Market again, and officers responded to found object” calls recovered six marijuana plants in Amity and a 12-gauge shot gun and a rifle wrapped in a rifle in a blanket on Fitch Street.

Meanwhile, a conveyer belt malfunction led to a bumper-bender at the car wash.

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Artist Paints An Unconscious Epic

by | Mar 7, 2019 12:50 pm | Comments (1)

Jonathan Wilner

Under the El.

In one sense, the scene in Jonathan Wilners painting Under the El is very quiet. Three figures each occupy their own space in a wide, vaulted hallway. They don’t seem to acknowledge each other. We can’t even discern their faces. The action is all in the architecture. Maybe the columns are encrusted with decorations. Or maybe they’re liquifying, flowing upward into the ceiling. The whole place is melting into the sky, and the three people in the painting don’t even seem to notice.

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