Nate Blair knew that every neighborhood needs a hub, and Westville was no exception. With the opening of Cafe X, a new coffee shop on the corner of Whalley and Blake, he aims to create that hub.
Determined special victims cops Lt. Renee Dominguez, Detective Leonardo Soto, Sgt. Mary Helland.
A serial rapist was preying on prostitutes on New Haven’s west end. The cops couldn’t get any leads on him. Until one of his alleged victims turned on her new phone — and saw her attacker’s face pop up in her Google Cloud photos.
Brian Slattery |
Feb 18, 2019 8:30 am
Penrhyn and Rod Cook Photos
The Bite.
It’s a split-second full of energy, caught with the click of a camera — two zebras running at a full gallop, the first one right behind the second, hot on its tail. The zebra giving chase extends its neck, opens its mouth, and bares its teeth, as if to bite.
We don’t know the context. How long did the chase last? Did the bite actually happen? What was the cause? What we do know is both that it’s a far cry from the static portraits of zebras we’ve seen a million times over, or from zebras the vast majority of us see only in zoos, grazing, docile, tails switching. These zebras are doing something else entirely, and photographers Penrhyn and Rod Cook of PenRod Studio are showing us their lives — lives that are in danger.
Sam Carlson |
Feb 13, 2019 1:16 pm
Sam Carlson Photos
“Snails taste with their eyes,” explained artist Martha Savage, who with fellow artist Molly Gambardella created Snail Market at West River Arts on Whalley Avenue in Westville.
Looking around the room, Savage’s metaphor seemed fitting. Every inch was filled with pieces of art and design — most of which were for sale.
Lt. Rose Dell |
Feb 11, 2019 8:41 am
With the help of a quick-acting almost-victim, police caught a 34-year-old man at the corner of West Elm Street and Alden Avenue with a “a reusable shopping bag filled with stolen packages” from people’s porches.
Markeshia Ricks |
Feb 11, 2019 8:39 am
Markeshia Ricks Photo
The Westville arts scene grew a little bigger with the opening of Chapel Haven’s new UARTS program and store in the heart of the village Friday afternoon.
Markeshia Ricks |
Feb 8, 2019 1:38 am
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Julie Robbins cuts the ribbon on The Well for Women Thursday.
Women of the Elm City have a new haven where they can take off their superwomen capes and draw from a “well” that aims to restore them to fight another day.
Markeshia Ricks |
Feb 5, 2019 1:31 pm
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Detective Reid demonstrates how to shield a handbag from thieves.
Police Detective Rosalee Reid told of one scammer who tried to to entice her to give up her personal information so he could attempt to drain her bank account by promising her she’d “won” $750,000 and a white Mercedes Benz.
Brian Slattery |
Feb 4, 2019 1:13 pm
Keith Johnson Photos
At first glance, maybe it looks like a simple painting made on a textured canvas with a broad brush and a confident hand. Maybe that hand has captured a distant mountain and its foothills, giving birth to a meandering river.
But they’re really just tar-filled cracks in street pavement. And that’s part of the point of “2018,” photographer Keith Johnson’s exhibition of recent work, now running at Kehler Liddell Gallery in Westville until Feb. 10.
Lt. Rose Dell |
Feb 4, 2019 8:33 am
Pee Wee Herman.
Officer Yonick Crawford caught a thief trying to make off with two 30-packs of Budweiser from the Amity Stop & Shop. Thieves at other west side locations had better luck escaping with a 55-inch TV and a Pee Wee Herman doll.
Markeshia Ricks |
Jan 21, 2019 1:29 pm
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Incann founder Sarah Paris with the star of her new CBD lineup.
Sarah Paris was like a lot of young entrepreneurs — working hard and stressed out. On a quest to feel better she was introduced to CBD. She said it helped her find her will to chill … and to start a new business.
Markeshia Ricks |
Jan 16, 2019 8:41 am
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Westville Village businesses hit in recent months.
David Sepulveda Photo
Alisa Bowens-Mercado: No more cash to steal.
After a spate of burglaries, Westville Village businesses are on the lookout for people trying to break into their stores and offices, while moving ahead with a revival of the commercial neighborhood.
Brian Slattery |
Jan 10, 2019 12:57 pm
David Roth
The two images in David Roth’s Serigraph are in many ways identical. Same size. Same pattern of dots of changing hues, creating the same shapes, the same shifting fields of light and dark. But in terms of color, they depart radically. One employs only blacks and whites, shades of gray. The other, a vivid palette of the six primary and secondary colors.
It’s a study of color, but more important, a study of the effect of color on the viewer. “What can color do? What is it doing for you?” said gallery owner Gabriel DaSilva. “Does it speak to you differently?”
Brian Slattery |
Jan 2, 2019 8:31 am
Liz Antle-O’Donnell Photos
Pizza making at Rawa as part of “Let’s Play.”
From its art galleries to its warren of studio spaces to its live music and theater venue at Lyric Hall, “Westville is seen as an arts center in New Haven,” said Elizabeth Antle‑O’Donnell. An initiative she’s helping to build is making sure it stays that way, and grows.
Allan Appel |
Dec 21, 2018 1:13 pm
Allan Appel Photos
Father Westerberg beside a rendition of the Last Judgment.
Michael Westerberg will preside over Christmas services one last time next week, then step aside after 38 years overseeing the transformation of the Holy Transfiguration.
Brian Slattery |
Dec 18, 2018 8:36 am
Julie Fraenkel
Two finely textured dolls stand facing each other. Their expressions are simple, but not simplistic. They suggest openness, warmheartedness, a willingness to engage. One of them has an open flame in her hand. She passes the flame to the other one.
The piece, by Julie Fraenkel, is called Conversation. As apt as it is for its chosen subject, it’s also a fitting concept for “Deck the Walls,” the last exhibition of the year from Kehler Liddell Gallery in Westville.
Allison Hadley |
Dec 17, 2018 8:32 am
Allison Hadley Photos
DaDA Mr.
The night started later than billed, allowing a small but attentive crowd to filter into the Lyric Hall, and then opener DaDA Mr. — Christopher Cavaliere on guitar with painter Marcella Kurowski, of Bridgeport — glided silently onto the stage. Cavaliere sat down, center stage, without a spotlight. The projector behind him showed the quick work of Kurowski, paint splattered and smocked, shadowy hands and brushes streaking the white screen in blue or purple.
Markeshia Ricks |
Dec 13, 2018 8:34 am
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Signs like these are up in New Haven, West Haven and Woodbridge.
The West River Greenway is getting a little more advertising in the towns that it meanders through thanks to some new signage \going up in the watershed.
When John Cavaliere bought a decrepit building on Whalley Avenue in Westville Village in 2006, he saw an opportunity to practice his craft as a restorer of antiques on a grand scale by bringing back to life the century-old edifice. He ended up doing that, and much more.