Markeshia Ricks |
Jun 12, 2018 2:46 pm
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Dimitri Rimsky surveys remnants of Hamilton Clock Factory.
Before the new owners of the historic Hamilton Street Clock Factory seal it up and begin the arduous process of turning it into artist lofts, a few ghosts returned to haunt the buildings abandoned halls.
Thomas Breen |
Jun 8, 2018 2:01 pm
A new documentary about New Haven’s Little Italy is part fond recollections, part Ken Burns, and fully committed to the stories of everyday neighborhood residents.
Wooster Square residents shouted each other down, hurled accusations of racism and NIMBYism, and brought some close to tears over a proposal to bring an overnight shelter for homeless youth to a struggling commercial strip of Grand Avenue.
Markeshia Ricks |
May 23, 2018 8:01 am
Rendering of the future Clock Shop Lofts.
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Alder Reveiz with developer Reed before the vote.
The historic Hamilton Street clock factory will get a new lease as an apartment complex on life now that city alders have struck a deal that balances the city’s need for affordable housing with a developer’s need for tax relief to make an affordable-housing project viable.
A landlord amassing thousands of dollars in blight fines on a deteriorating building he owns in Westville is suing the city for harassment over another property he owns at the edge of Wooster Square. The city’s suing him back.
Thomas Breen |
Apr 25, 2018 12:08 pm
Thomas Breen photo
Next stop: 620 Grand Ave.
The state Department of Correction’s (DOC) planned relocation of its parole office from Westville to Grand Avenue is moving forward despite city concerns that it conflicts with the development vision of the Mill River District.
Markeshia Ricks |
Apr 23, 2018 8:39 am
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Attendees try their waists at hula hooping …
… while St. Luke’s Steel Band keeps the crowd on it’s feet.
The cherry blossom trees hadn’t quite popped, but it seemed that spring had — finally, maybe — Sunday just in time for the 45th Annual Cherry Blossom Festival in Wooster Square.
Allan Appel |
Apr 16, 2018 1:11 pm
Allan Appel Photo
The transformers on the Huges Place side of 311 Greene St.
Three years ago United Illuminating moved its high pole-mounted transformer banks so close to Ellen Ryerson and Bonnie Rosenberg’s historic 311 Greene St. building, no painting, scraping, and pointing work could be done without violating federal health and safety rules.
Yet the work must be done on the historic facades of these Wooster Square landmarks, or they’ll deteriorate.
Thomas Breen |
Apr 13, 2018 7:50 am
Thomas Breen Photos
Old C. Cowles Company building on Water Street, acquired by U-Haul.
U-Haul’s Levi Parmerter and Patrick Keefe with neighbors.
Starting Aug. 1, Wooster Square residents will have a new neighbor on Water Street offering 200 self-storage units, upwards of 69 rental vans, 25 new jobs — and some bike racks and a hydration station — at a refurbished factory that has been vacant for the past three years.
Markeshia Ricks |
Mar 29, 2018 4:16 pm
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Chapman Wednesday at her last Historic Wooster Square Association Inc. meeting as president
Elsie Chapman never intended to be president of the Historic Wooster Square Association. She was just helping a founding member of the association navigate how to use email.
A year after a breakthrough in negotiations with abutting property owners, the city is wrapping up legal loose ends on plans to construct the last leg of the Farmington Canal Trail in New Haven.
Markeshia Ricks |
Mar 1, 2018 4:10 pm
Rendering of the planned renovation.
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Radcliffe: “One man’s trash is another man’s junk collection.”
Should the city choose artists as a special class of renters needing affordable housing?
Leslie Radcliffe posed that question as the city and an out-of-town developer prepare to transform a former clock factory into 130 apartments for artists.
Aneurin Canham-Clyne |
Feb 28, 2018 12:58 pm
Aneurin Canham-Clyne
Justin Elicker, Russell Moore, and Amelia Reese Masterson at the grand opening of New Haven Farms and New Haven Land Trust’s new offices.
“Nonprofits don’t often work well together,” Justin Elicker said at the grand opening of a new working space Tuesday night to be shared by the New Haven Land Trust and New Haven Farms.
A developer is seeking a 15-year tax break and $400,000 in city environmental clean-up help to transform a long-vacant clock factory complex on Hamilton Street into 130 low- and moderate-income apartments for artists.
Christopher Peak |
Jan 25, 2018 3:34 pm
Christopher Peak Photo
630 Chapel St., Spinnaker’s contested property.
Enough already, a judge told a property development company that has filed multiple rounds of litigation to block potential competitors from building apartments at the downtown edge of Wooster Square.
Aneurin Canham-Clyne |
Jan 9, 2018 2:26 pm
David Adam Realty
Rendering of the 44 Olive Street development.
The new developer of a Wooster Square property said he plans to move forward on schedule to build 299 new apartments and 6,000 square feet of stores as planned on land at the gateway to Downtown.
Markeshia Ricks |
Dec 6, 2017 9:07 am
Markeshia Ricks Photo
The 1198 Chapel lot.
A builder is a step closer to getting a second chance to construct a residential building on a Chapel Street lot — as long as he agrees to include four affordable apartments this time.
Say you want to take 30 minutes at lunch time to give a touch up to that hairdo. Also maybe upgrade those lashes a bit and perhaps add a je ne sais quoi of mystery to your hairline in some tonsorial manner. Then head back to work renewed, and maybe even a touch more beautiful.