“Who are these people???
“What are they thinking???”
So asks a flyer for an upcoming event that promises to answer the question.
The “they” are the four candidates seeking this year’s Democratic mayoral nomination: incumbent Justin Elicker and challengers Shafiq Abdussabur, Liam Brennan, and Tom Goldenberg.
The event is a forum with all of the candidates sponsored by Westville/West Hills Democratic ward committees. It takes in person place at Davis Street Magnet School on Sunday, June 4, beginning at 6 p.m.
A second forum — focused on city finances — is scheduled to take place on Zoom Tuesday, May 30, from 6:30 – 9 p.m. Activist Dennis Serfilippi is organizing the forum; he said all the candidates except Elicker have agreed to participate. Click here to submit questions and learn the Zoom details. Click here for the Zoom link.