The Fire Commission Tuesday approved the promotion of 25 firefighters to become captains, and 34 others to become lieutenants.
The approval came less than 24 hours after the Civil Service Commission approved the results of the most recent promotional tests.
Fire Chief Allyn Wright recommended promoting candidates in the order of how they scored on the test. So the first 25 people on this list became captains, the first 34 on this list lieutenants.
Assistant Chief Matthew Marcarelli said the department expects to be able to fill another captain’s slot soon.
An earlier version of this story follows:

Paul Bass Photo
Fire Chief Allyn Wright has 30 firefighters to choose among in naming 25 new captains.
Wright received the names Monday of the 30 lieutenants passed a promotional exam for captain. The chief (pictured above at right reviewing results with city Chief Administrative Officer Mike Carter) said he hopes to choose which of the 30 to fill 25 captain vacancies by Tuesday, if a special meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners can be scheduled.
The Civil Service Commission unanimously approved the list of potential captains at a meeting at 200 Orange Street Monday afternoon. Thirty-three candidates took the test; only three failed.
Gregory Boivin topped the list with a 91.64 score out of 100. Click here to see all the passing scores.
The commission also approved a list of potential new lieutenants. Seventy-eight firefighters took the exam; 72 passed. Ryan Almeida led the pack with a 93.68 score. The department currently has 10 lieutenant vacancies; after 25 lieutenants become captains, that should open up another 25 vacancies.
Click here to see all those passing scores.
Wright can now either go straight down the list of top scorers in selecting the new captains and lieutenants; or he can make use of the “rule of three,” which lets him pick one of the top three scorers for every position.
He will then forward his recommendations to the fire commissioners for final approval.
Wright said at Monday’s Civil Service Commission meeting that he expects the promotions to boost department morale while slashing overtime costs.

Firefighters attended the meeting for a first peek at the results. Afterwards some took cellphone photos of the lists to distribute.

“I was shooting for [number] 10 or 15,” Lt. Frank Ricci (at right in photo)—whose challenge of an earlier promotional test ended up before the U.S. Supreme Court and led to a rewrite of promotional rules across the country—said Monday as he examined the latest captain test results. To his pleasant surprise, Ricci ranked number 8.
Fire promotional processes have consistently provoked controversy in recent years, sparking lawsuits from black firefighters who believed promotions were too tilted toward white firefighters; and white and Latino firefighters who charged the results unfairly favored African-Americans.
Seventy-seven of the 78 firefighters who took the latest lieutenant exam were male; 57 percent were white, 21 percent black, 21 percent Latino.
Of the 33 captain’s test-takers, 32 were male; 56 percent were white, 22 percent black, 22 percent Latino.
A consultant hired by the Civil Service Commission certified that the results revealed no disparate racial impacts.
The candidates who passed the fire captain exam were (ranked in order of score): Gregory Boivin, James Watkins, Steven Durand, Mark Vendetto, Bruce Galaski, Orlando Marcano, Felipe Cordero, Frank Ricci, Karl Luschenat, Robert Ortiz, Christopher Parker, Ryan DiVito, Michael Christoforo, Timothy Kieley, Melissa Allen, James Kottage, Gary Cole, James Bohan, Terrence Rountree, Sean Reynolds, Thayer Baldwin, Robert Celentano, Herschel Wadley, Jonathan Brown, Kenyatta Harris, Gary Tinney, Tyrone Ewing, Edward Riordan, Kevin Owens, and Ivan Perez.
The top 15 scorers (in order) on the lieutenant exam were: Ryan Almeida, Daniel Coughlin, Justin Bialecki, Leonard Wishart Jr., Gregoy Carroll, Justin McCarthy, Stanley Slubowski III, Joseph Hilbert, Venson Taylor, Christopher Bingham, Rafael Zayas, David Vargas, Timothy Papp, Wayne Ricks, Michael Farrell.