A Fireworks Downpour

Mary Johnson Photo

From the point of view of Alex Palluzzi, Jr., the town’s recreation director, Sunday’s fireworks at Foote Park was the best ever!”

Despite the torrential rain, the thunder and the lightning, Palluzzi said more people could view the fireworks (from inside their homes, of course). He received many kudos from folks living in different parts of town, he told the Eagle. If you were indoors, looking up you had a great spectacle unfold before your eyes.

Our photographer, Mary Johnson, snapped away from the second floor of the Stony Creek Brewery.

Mary Johnson Photo

He said there were a couple hundred people at Foote Park, mostly huddled under umbrellas. All in all, a great evening, he observed.

His was one perspective. Not everyone was thrilled with the idea of standing under an umbrella while the fireworks went off in the teaming rain. Many in town thought the fireworks should have been called off or saved for another weekend or even for later in the year. Many did not want to take their kids out on a stormy night.

The reasons for holding the fireworks on Sunday had to do with the reality of the fireworks permit, which was in effect for only two evenings, Saturday and Sunday. There was also the fact that Palluzzi called off the Saturday evening fireworks because of expected rain. As it turned out, there was some rain on Saturday night but not as much as on Sunday. 

That the Saturday forecast predicted Sunday rain at about the time the fireworks were to begin didn’t seem to faze town officials.

Loading Up the Fireworks

That’s because of another reality, one folks don’t typically think about. It’s called the loading issue. Once you load the fireworks, you have to shoot them off. This is the reality on fireworks day. The loading took place Sunday morning.

Since the permit lasted until Sunday night, Palluzzi and Deputy Fire Chief Shaun Heffernan would have had to consider obtaining an emergency permit, one that would have taken them to at least Monday night, which, as fate would have it, was warm, sunny and beautiful.

Getting an emergency permit, not that costly it turns out ($200), is complicated in terms of filing for an extension and taking care of other legal aspects, especially on a weekend, Palluzzi said. 

Community Speaks Out

The Branford Fireworks Facebook page was buzzing with comments, pro and con, about the decision to go forward in the rain. Folks asked questions about the timing, provided weather reports, and shared photos and video.

Oscar Jones observed the impact of the weather on the event. There was severe lightning and thunder, along with downpours. We tried to stick it out through the rain but the lightning (while being on the dock) was way too dangerous. Show lasted probably 10 minutes, wasn’t too bad at the start but definitely became unsafe to be out in the open towards the end.”

Shöna Nilsson wrote, What a beautiful display. I see a lot of complaints here but what I don’t think a lot of people know is that with a fireworks show with setup they get to a point of no return where they have to shoot them off. That point was probably much earlier this afternoon when it was beautiful out and looked as if we were gonna dodge the bad weather. It’s never an easy call to make cancelling or moving such big events. There are also extra fees for cancelling or moving the date. This company probably has back to back shows from now into July or August. This is their busiest season obviously. Foote Park was also a great location choice. To those who worked hard to pull tonight off thank you.”

Brittany Redman was succinct: Wow. That was absolutely ridiculous. Do you really think people have their phone attached to them to check updates on timing??? They ALWAYS start 9:15 or later. Very poor decision and unsafe. Great waste of $$.”

Lisa Rowley Nilsson praised the town: Thank you for a great show! The rain was a bummer but with all that went into the prep I imagine there was no choice. All the people I spoke to after the show loved it. Again, it was unfortunate that the weather did not cooperate. Thank you!”

Next Year? Back to Foote

This was a much safer venue. More people could see it. This was one of the best fireworks. Foote is a good area for safety reasons,” Paluzzi said, indicating it would be the number one choice next year. 

Mary Johnson Photo

Palluzzi said the show in the sky lasted 20 minutes. Only three fireworks did not go off, he added.

Next year he is thinking about a permit lasting three days, beginning on Friday and going to Sunday.” Foote Park, which the town now owns, is so far the best location. Despite the rain, we were happy.”

Everybody was covered up but he did say when he got home I was soaked.”

Sally E. Bahner contributed reporting for this story.


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