Paul Bass Photo
Chief Campbell.
The Board of Alders Monday night unanimously approved the appointment of Anthony Campbell to become the city’s new police chief.
Campbell, 44, was selected by Mayor Toni Harp after a search committee reviewed 24 applicants. He was among three finalists who interviewed for the job; the other finalists were Assistant Chief Luiz Casanova and retired Assistant Chief Thaddeus Reddish.
Campbell is scheduled to be sworn in at City Hall on June 20.
Legislation Committee Chair and Fair Haven Heights Alder Rosa Santana said the committee found that Campbell’s education, background, and experience qualified him for the chief’s job. She said that as interim chief, Campbell has made changes that have had a positive impact on the department.
She said alders on her committee also valued Campell’s ability to work with people, including people of faith. (Read more about his qualifications and the vision Campbell shared with alders during his appointment hearing here.)
Annex Alder Alphonse Paolillo Jr. said that Campbell has served the city admirably in his 19 years of service, rising through the ranks.