All The (United)Way

All for the greater good, over 450 people gathered in celebration at the 500 Blake Street Cafe for the Annual Meeting and Volunteer Appreciation luncheon for the United Way of Greater New Haven. In contrast to communities that suffered from Tsunami and Katrina donor fatigue,” our organization realized and surpassed its goal of $6,000,000. Veronica Douglas (pictured) resumed her totally engaging role as Mistress of Ceremonies.

Barbara Pearce, outgoing chairman of the board, and Hart Caparulo, retiring president and CEO, reflected on the transformation of the agency and the emergence of the community focus and impact that will address systemic changes that are underlying to the many disparities that exist in this area. The work of identifying and cultivating professional and lay leadership was
reflected in the appointments of Jack Healy, from the helm of the campaign to president and CEO, and Heather Calabrese to COO. Tom Sansone (Carmody Torrance Law Firm) will chair the United Way with Al Smith (managing partner of Murtha Culina law firm and 2005 Campaign Chair) and Judith Hackman Dozier (Yale) and Robert Lyons (Bilco Co) as incredibly capable vice chairs. Anthony Santore ( CPA, Beers, Hamerman & Co., P.C.) will continue in the role of Secretary/Treasurer. Hart will continue a relationship with the United Way’s charitable campaign and provide counsel. Other continuing board members are Gerald Rosenberg (Bayer Corp), Cornell Wright (Greater New Haven Business and Professional Association), Steve Saltzman (Brenner, Saltzman and Duffy), and Carolyn Kinder (Sheridan Academy for Excellence).
Heather Calabrese and Jack Healy, incoming COO and president and CEO respectively.

In the spirit of emerging leadership, new members of the board were introduced:
Donald R. Kehoe is assistant supreme secretary with Knights of Columbus and chaired the K of C employee campaign this year.
Cheryl Saloom is immediate past executive director (and still working as a consultant with) Area Cooperative Educational Services (ACES) and is now co-chairing the Success By 6 Advisory Committee.
Dr. James Lewis III is the COO of the National Center for Children Exposed to Violence at the Yale Child Study Center. James also serves on the Success By 6 Advisory Committee.
Lawanda Leslie is director and corporate secretary for administration and insurance with The United Illuminating Company .
Outgoing members, James Bzdyra (NewAlliance Bank), W. Edward Dowling ( UHY Advisors), Terri B. Estes ( Hospital of St. Raphael), Willie Freeman (New Haven Public Schools), Carol Martin (Save the Children), Richard Nicholas ( United Illuminating Company), Dick Fitzpatrick (Crest Auto Mall) , and Michael Schaffer ( C. A. White, Inc.) were feted for their contributions and service. Current and continuing board members included Karen Dubois-Walton (City of New Haven; pictured), Lindy Lee Gold (CT DECD), Mary E. Taylor (Curagen), Mary Lee Weber (WTNH), Michael J. Negron (National Society of Hispanic Engineers); Pat Kaplan (New Haven Legal Aid), Patricia Sue Fitzsimons (Yale New Haven Hospital), George Clarke (Clarke Cleaning Service), David Fusco (Anthem), Barbara Tinney (New Haven Family Alliance), and Stephen L. Saltzman (Brenner, Saltzman,Duffy Law Firm)
The partnership with the Community Foundation of Greater New Haven was evidenced with Will Ginsberg, Laura Barrie, Angel Fernandez, Lee Cruz, Sharon Capetta and Jennifer Weymouth at the table. Bob Santy (Regional Growth Partnership), Tony Rescigno and Patti Scussel (Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce) offered further proof of the great public-private sector collaborations.
Sheila Allen Bell represented the partnership with New Haven public schools.
Youth Partners in Philanthropy was well represented and well received.
The Yale University campaign achievement of $1,000,000 was heralded with Vice President Linda Lorimer, David Newton (Yale Properties), Dean Peter Saloway, students, and representatives of each of its contributing constituencies. Judith Hackman Dozier received special recognition for her incredible leadership of that effort. Clearly, this was a non debatable issue for union and administration alike.
Bilco, Town Fair Tire, Anthem , Yale New Haven Hospital, Hubbell and WTNH were among the celebrated campaigns. Recipient agencies and other community partners completed the spectacular show of support and appreciation for the United Way.
Corporate community champions include AT&T, the Bilco Co., Citizens Bank, Hubbell, Knights of Columbus, New Haven Fire Department, New Haven Register, NewAlliance Bank, Proliance, Quinnipiac University, South Central CT Regional Water Authority, Sargent Manufacturing, United Illuminating Co., West Haven Community House, Yale College Council.
Looking forward to the March 10 NFL-United Way weekend, starting with a buffet, silent and live auction at the Omni on Friday night, the assemblage was uniformly eager to forge ahead with the work that lies ahead…….
Yup! ALL FOR THE GREATER GOOD!!! Congratulations for jobs well done!

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