Dixwell Alder Jeanette Morrison partnered with her sorority sisters to bring food gift cards and hand lotion to the seniors of Dixwell and Newhallville.
The Theta Epslion Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. donated 205 food gift cards and lotion to five Dixwell and Newhallville senior homes to support ongoing issues with food insecurity and health concerns amougst seniors during the Covid-19 pandemic.
This week the donation was presented to Morrison via Zoom.
The Theta Epslion Omega Chapter’s Covid task force is made up of 23 members. The sorority’s support to the community has reached more than a total of $30,000 in assistance to New Haveners.

Theta Epslion Omega Chapter Covid Task Force Co-Chair Diane Turner worked with Morrison to identify which senior homes were in need of additional support and how.
“She [Morrison] is always keeping her finger on the pulse of the community,” Turner said.
The senior homes are Monterey Place, Ella B Scantlebury Senior Residence, Edith Johnson Towers,Victory Garden Apartments, and the Hannah Gray Home.
During the pandemic food insecurity has been an issue for all but particularly the Black and brown community and seniors, said Turner.

“We know that when the pandemic hit in 2020, it didn’t create a lot of the inequity it just kind of brought them more so to the surface,” said New Haven Pearls of Excellence Foundation President Adrienne Parkmond.
The New Haven Pearls of Excellence Foundation was founded in 2019 as a branch of the Theta Epslion Omega Chapter’s community service mission.
Morrison plans to distribute the $50 gift cards and lotions to each senior at the homes during the next few weeks.
The task force aimed to help with food insecurity and issues with personal care. Turner said seniors’ hand care has been an issue during the pandemic, as they are required to repeatedly wash hands during the day. The teams hope is that the lotion and balms can help alleviate seniors issues with damaged and dry skin to avoid possibly having to seek medical care.
Theta Epslion Omega Chapter President Shenae Draughn thanked her sorority sister Morrison for having her “boots on the ground” as an alder and a representative of the organization.
Morrison said she would have never thought of the need for lotion. Morrison presented Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc with an official citation of thanks during the Monday Zoom meeting.