Board of Alders Agenda — April 20

The Board of Alders meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Monday, April 20 on Zoom at Attendees can call in at +1(646) 558‑8656 with the meeting ID 204204463.

Divine Guidance
Committee of Escort
Black and Hispanic Caucus State of the City Address
Approval of The Journal of the April 2, 2020 Board of Alders Meeting


1. From Alder Sabin submitting a Resolution of the New Haven Board of Alders condemning anti-Semitism.

2. From the Board of Alders submitting a Resolution of the New Haven Board of Alders opting into the State of Connecticut’s property relief program.

3. Order of the Board of Alders approving the request from David Mullings for assistance concerning motor vehicle tax account number account #734109.


4. From Alders Roth, Festa, Winter submitting a request for a workshop of the 2019 State of Connecticut’s property tax relief Deferment Program and Low-Interest Rate Program.

5. From Alders Roth, Douglass, Sabin, Walker-Myers submitting a Resolution expressing our condolences on the passing of former longtime city employee and civic leader Brian McGrath.

6. From Alder Walker-Myers submitting a Resolution expressing our condolences on the passing of former long-time city Registrar Delores Knight.

7. From the Mayor submitting an Order of the Board of Alders of the City of New Haven accepting and approving the list of proposals and organizations applying for eligibility to receive donations under the 2020 Connecticut Neighborhood Assistance Act.

8. From the City Budget Director And Acting Controller Submitting an Order Authorizing the Mayor to accept Cares Act Funding awarded by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development for Community Development Block Grant Corona Virus (CDBG-CV), Housing Opportunities for Persons with Aids Corona Virus (HOPWA-CV) and Emergency Solutions Grants Corona Virus (ESG-CV) Funds.

9. From the Executive Director of Livable City submitting an Order authorizing the City of New Haven to enter into a second amendment to the amended & restated city cooperation agreement with the Housing Authority of the City of New Haven and Glendower Farnam Courts I, LLC and Glendower Farnam Courts II 4% and Glendower Farnam Courts II 9% LLC and Glendower Group, Inc., with respect to the redevelopment of Farnam Courts.

10. From the Chapel West Special Services District submitting an order approving the fiscal year 2020 – 2021 budget and imposing a levy as municipal tax levy for the Chapel West Special Services District.

11. From the Grand Avenue Special Services District submitting an order approving the fiscal year 2020 – 2021 budget and imposing a levy as municipal tax levy for the Grand Avenue Special Services District.

12. From the Town Green Special Services District submitting an order approving the fiscal year 2020 – 2021 budget and imposing a levy as municipal tax levy for the Town Green Special Services District.

13. From the Whalley Avenue Special Services District submitting an order approving the fiscal year 2020 – 2021 budget and imposing a levy as municipal tax levy for the Whalley Avenue Special Services District.


14. Joint Community Development/Health and Human Services. Favorable.
From the Mayor submitting the Order of the Board of Alders of The City of New Haven approving the City of New Haven’s 2020 – 2024 Five Year Consolidated Plan And 2020 – 2021 (CDBG), Home Investment Partnership (HOME), Housing Opportunities For Persons With Aids (HOPWA), And Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Funds to be submitted to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for federal financial assistance for planning and community development activities under the provisions of Title I of The Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 as amended, (PL 93 – 383); The Cranston Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 as amended(PL 101 – 625); The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 2000 as amended (PL 106 – 400); The Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition To Housing (HEARTH) Act Of 2009; And The AIDS Housing Opportunity Act (PL 102 – 550); hereafter referred to as Housing And Community Development Program Acts” and, for activities to be funded by program income and/or reprogramming funds from prior grant years.


15. Aldermanic Affairs. Favorable.
a. Order of the New Haven Board of Alders approving the reappointment of Steven Cousin Jr. to the Board of Fire Commissioners.
b. Order of the New Haven Board of Alders approving the reappointment of Vincent E. Mauro, Jr. of to the Board of Fire Commissioners.
c. Order of the New Haven Board of Alders approving the reappointment of Paul Maccio to the Commission on Aging.
d. Order of the New Haven Board of Alders approving the appointment of Kisha Hull to the Commission on Aging.
e. Order of the New Haven Board of Alders approving the Appointment of Kimberly Ploszaj, State Department of Public Health Representative, to the Lead Poisoning Advisory Committee.
f. Order of the New Haven Board of Alders approving the appointment of Amanda Decew, Health Care Provider, to the Lead Poisoning Advisory Committee.
g. Order of the New Haven Board of Alders approving the appointment of Benjamin Trachten, Landlord Representative, to the Lead Poisoning Advisory Committee.
h. Order of the New Haven Board of Alders approving the appointment of Attorney Amy Marx, New Haven Legal Aid Assistance Representative, to the Lead Poisoning Advisory Committee.
i. Order of the New Haven Board of Alders approving the appointment of Dr. Erin Nozetz to the Lead Poisoning Advisory Committee.
j. Order of the New Haven Board of Alders approving the appointment of Dr. Marjorie Rosenthal, Health Care Provider, to the Lead Poisoning Advisory Committee.
k. Order of the New Haven Board of Alders approving the appointment of Dr. Meredith Williams to the Lead Poisoning Advisory Committee.
l. Order of the New Haven Board of Alders approving the Mayor’s Reappointment of Hon. Jeanette Morrison to the Board of Library Directors as Board of Alders Representative.
m. Order of the New Haven Board of Alders approving the Mayor’s Reappointment of Hon. Jody Ortiz to the Port Authority.

16. Aldermanic Affairs. Leave to Withdraw.
a. Order of The New Haven Board of Alders Approving the appointment of Ms. Evelise Ribiero to the Lead Poisoning Advisory Committee.
b. Order of The New Haven Board of Alders Approving the appointment of Ms. Chyrise Holmes to the Lead Poisoning Advisory Committee.
c. Order of The New Haven Board of Alders to read and file the reappointment of Mr. John A. Cirello to the Civil Service Commission.

17. Community Development. Favorable. Order approving the disposition of 92 Olive Street and approving a Development and Land Disposition Agreement with respect to 92 Olive Street and 98 Olive Street, New Haven.

18. City Services and Environmental Policy.
a. Resolution of the Board of Alders authorizing the Mayor of the City of New Haven to execute encroachment permits, maintenance agreements, and other paperwork for a public mural in the I91 underpass at the intersection of State Street and Bradley Street, in accordance with the 2019 Department of Transportation Public Art Policy.
b. Resolution of the Board of Alders authorizing the Mayor of the City of New Haven to execute encroachment permits, maintenance agreements, and other paperwork for two existing public murals on State Department of Transportation Underpasses along State Street, in accordance with the 2019 Department of Transportation Public Art Policy.
c. Resolution of the New Haven Board of Alders authorizing the adoption of the Digital Inclusion Plan for the City of New Haven focusing on expanding internet broadband access to all premises across New Haven, creating jobs and small business opportunities, and advancing the education of our children.
d. Resolution of the Board of Alders of the City of New Haven authorizing the City of New Haven to: 1) enter into an interlocal agreement; 2) create a broadband innovation committee to develop and manage a citywide fiber network; and 3) enter into a concession agreement to develop a feasibility study.



19. From the Development Administrator submitting an Order of the Board of Alders of the City of New Haven accepting the conveyance of land from the State of Connecticut and approving a Development and Land Disposition Agreement among the City of New Haven, the New Haven Parking Authority and WE 101 College Street LLC for the disposition and development of 101 College Street together with all ancillary documentation as required to implement the project.

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