Adrian Pate sent in this info about a recent Hands For Help bowling fundraiser for an upcoming back-to-school supplies drive.

We reserved 25 lanes at the bowling alley for” Bowling For A Good Cause,” with an expected attendance of 140 people. Here family, friends, and children got the chance to interact with one another.

We also held three raffles. Third prize was a free night of bowling for a family of six courtesy of AMF, secondnd prize a galaxy tablet, and the Grand Prize a 50” smart TV. At the 7 o’clock hour, we announced that the first three people to bowl a strike would be the ones to draw the tickets for the raffle prizes.
All the proceeds from our tickets sales and the raffles are being put towards our back-to-school drive August 16th in which 200 kids from K‑8 will receive book bags and supplies to jump start their school year. We will have the New Haven Fire Department there so kids can interact with firefighters, check out fire trucks and other equipment. Also sponsorship and attendance of Wells Fargo, along with many more!
Info can be found at www.facebook.com/handsforhelp203 or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)