Kathleen Cei Photo
Good news for city promoters obsessed with making New Haven “the next Brooklyn”: Someone in Brooklyn buys it!
Or at least someone who reads a hip website called The Brooklyn Vegan.
The site alerted its readers to the opening of the College Street Music Hall in downtown New Haven—which, whether or not that qualifies as “hipness,” was widely considered good news even for those of us who don’t happen to live in Brooklyn.
The item prompted (at last count) 37 reader responses, quickly turning into a discussion of whether New Haven is, as one anonymous poster put it, “a rank shithole with flies.” Hartford ended up faring worse in the ensuing discussion — and some readers reported that New Haven has in fact become … a scene where a respectable Brooklyn vegan can be seen.
A reader named RK posted the comment that New Haven’s economic development team and its consultants have spent countless meeting hours and marketing dollars trying to get someone to say: “New Haven is improving quickly. Big influx of young people. It’s CT’s Brooklyn.”
Game over!