Photo by Sally E. Bahner
Walsh Intermediate School discussion.
The Public Building Commission this week discussed new added costs in the renovations at Walsh Intermediate School Community Center. The meeting took place at Fire Headquarters.
Scott Pellman of Collier’s International said that the state’s reimbursement system is changing as of July 1, when the system will be shut down for a training process. As a result, grant payments between Sept. 1 and Nov. 1 will not be able to be filed. The town is expected a total of $30 million from the state toward the $88.2 million renovations project.
Two potential change orders (PCOs) were discussed at length and approved the building commission meeting. These orders anticipate extra work or additional costs. In the case of the Walsh PCOs, the funds will come from contingency accounts.
One involves the temporary relocation of the nurse’s and health care services area, reception, security, and storage. Lockers in the area will also be moved. A previous estimate came in at $192,000; it was reduced to $124,459 without impacting security. The funds needed to be approved before the project could move forward.
The nurse’s station will need to be relocated again during Phase II construction.
“I’m not happy spending money on temporary work,” said Commission Chair Peter Banca.
Fusco Corp. construction manager Greg Pasil noted that that the cost is a small percentage of the guaranteed maximum price (GMP). He said this information was not available at the time the GMP was calculated.
A second PCO involves $21,886.87 for relocation of water supply piping under the locker area. The three lines runs from the industrial arts area over to other sections of the school. They are buried and didn’t appear on original drawings.
Board member Leonard Tamsin Jr. was critical of the extra costs. “People have to own up,” he said. “When is someone responsible besides the town?”
In terms of the construction update, Pellman said construction of the temporary parking lots, including the handicapped area, is underway. He said that additional fill is needed at a cost of $7,100, to adjust the grade to make the area ADA compliant. The area needs to be raised by 1 ½ to 2 feet and a curb cut added. Pellman said that it was an error or omission in the construction documents and he will keep tracking the problem.
Chris Touissant of Fusco reported that abatement is continuing in the gym and auxiliary gym and that asbestos and PCBs are being removed from the industrial arts area.
Community Center Update
Photo by Sally E. Bahner
Community Center discussion.
Tom Arcari of Quisenberry-Arcari Architects, reported that the completion of the Community Center is expected to be delayed by about 80 days. Concrete work is just about completed, and the steel fabrication will be completed this week and delivery will take place next week. Installation will take four to six weeks, and after that, Arcari said, more trades will be on site and there should be no more “schedule impediments.” The work that goes beyond the original completion date is interior work. The cost associated with the delay is still within the contingency amount.
Arcari said Dave Secondino is working to try to compress the schedule. Commission member Robert Barnett asked that Secondino be present at future meetings.