Staff Photos
Elicker donors (from left by row, starting at top): Former city CAO Rob Smuts, Alder Anna Festa, ex-CAO Mike Carter, schools activist Sarah Miller, Alder Abby Roth, ex-U.S. Rep. Bruce Morrison, activist/ City Plan Commissioner Leslie Radcliffe, developer Fereshteh Bekhrad, ex-federal prosecutor Chris Mattei.

Department head/donors Daryl Jones, Dakibu Muley, Gerry Garcia, Steve Fontana, Doug Hausladen, Migdalia Castro, Becky Bombero, John Alston, Carol Birks.
More Yale professors gave money to the Elicker campaign. More city government department heads donated to the Harp camp. Donors came from all over town, with concentrations in both campaigns found Downtown and in Westville.
Those are some takeaways from first-quarter campaign finance reports filed Wednesday by the two leading candidates for the Democratic mayoral nomination, incumbent Toni Harp and challenger Justin Elicker.
Over 500 New Haveners were among 727 donors bringing Elicker $117,694 in first-quarter donations for his mayoral campaign, his report showed. Harp reported pulling in $26,042 from 125 total donors, including $10,700 from 72 different city residents.
Representatives of the two candidates — who are poised to face each other in a Sept. 10 Democratic primary — delivered the first quarter (Q1) financial details to the city’s clerks office. The reports offer a snapshot not just of how much money each candidate has raised, but of who has given to each campaign and in what increments between Jan. 1 and March 31.
Elicker, a former East Rock/Cedar Hill alder who came in second place to Harp in the 2013 mayoral election, reported pulling in $117,000-plus from donors throughout the city, with concentrations in East Rock, Westville, East Shore, Fair Haven Heights, and Downtown. Some of those donors are elected officials, like Alders Abby Roth and Anna Festa and Board of Education (BOE) member Ed Joyner. Some are former City Hall department heads, like former Harp Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Mike Carter and former DeStefano CAO Rob Smuts.
Since Elicker is participating in the city’s Democracy Fund public financing program, all of his individual donations are $370 or smaller.
Harp, on the other hand, is not participating in the Democracy Fund, so she could collect donations as high as $1,000 apiece. Her campaign’s donors are pretty evenly distributed throughout the city, with a concentrations in Westville and Downtown. Many of her New Haven donors are city department heads and officials.
“This was a very good quarter for us,” Elicker’s campaign manager Gage Frank said as he dropped off his candidate’s hefty stack of financial papers at the clerk’s office on the second floor of 200 Orange St. on Wednesday morning.
Click here to download a complete copy of Elicker’s Q1 donors.
Click here to download a complete copy of Harp’s Q1 donors.
You can view the full list of names at the bottom of this story.
Urn Pendragon and Wendy Hamilton, who have filed papers to form mayoral committees, did not file finance reports because they are not raising money for their respective campaigns.
Elicker Donors
A review of Elicker’s donations to date shows that the former East Rock alder raised a majority of his donations from residents in East Rock, Westville, Fair Haven Heights, Downtown, and the East Shore.
In terms of occupation, 100 of his donors identified as being retired, 47 as professors, 25 as attorneys, and 24 as physicians.
As for employer, 113 identified as working for Yale University, 94 identified as self-employed, and eight identified as working for the city.
The average donation Elicker received across all 727 donors was $161. The average donation he received across all 509 New Haven donors was $163.
He received 183 donations at the Democracy Fund-maximum amount of $370, as well as 79 individual donations at $25 or less.

Thomas Breen photo
Campaign Manager Gage Frank drops off Justin Elicker’s Q1 fundraising report at the City Clerk’s office Tuesday.
Some of Elicker’s donors include former state attorney general candidate Chris Mattei ($200), Harp’s former Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Michael Carter ($100), former U.S. Congressman Bruce Morrison ($100), Downtown Alder Abby Roth ($100), East Rock Alder Anna Festa ($100), Board of Education member Ed Joyner ($370), former DeStefano CAO Rob Smuts ($100), Hill neighborhood activist and City Plan Commissioner Leslie Radcliffe ($50), former BOE COO Will Clark ($370), and local developer Fereshteh Bekhrad ($100).
“We are excited about our team’s fundraising success and the enthusiastic support we are receiving — particularly because 70% of our donors are from New Haven,” Elicker said in a campaign press release Wednesday morning. “The fact that we’ve raised over $90,000 more than the incumbent, even with the fundraising limitations of the Democracy Fund, is a sign that the city is ready for change. Meanwhile the Harp campaign has promised transparency in their 2017 campaign paperwork but continues to hide nearly $100,000 of mystery donors.”
Since announcing his campaign, Elicker has held a number of fundraisers and meet-and-greets at supporters’ houses throughout the city, including this one at the end of March in Westville.
Harp Donors
A review of Harp’s donations to date shows that the mayor has raised her local donations from throughout the city, with pockets of donor concentration in Westville and Downtown.
In terms of occupation, 14 of her donors identified as being retired, 12 as attorneys, four as teachers, and three as lobbyists. Thirty-two donors identified as working for the city, four for the New Haven Public Schools system, and four for Yale University.
The average donation Harp received across all 125 donors was $196. The average donation she received across all 72 New Haven donors was $137.
She received eight donations at the maximum contribution level of $1,000 each, as well as another five donations at $500 each. She received 22 individual donations at $25 or less.

Markeshia Ricks photo
Campaign chair Jason Bartlett helping a young woman register to vote at recent Harp event.
Some of Harp’s donors include city transit chief Doug Hausladen ($1,000), Fire Chief John Alston ($750), deputy Community Services Adminsitrator Sheila Carmon ($500), Legislative Affairs Liaison Esther Armmand ($400), CSA Dakibu Muley ($350), Small Business Counselor Gerry Garcia ($300), East Haven Economic Policy Director Sal Brancati ($250), Chief of Staff Tomas Reyes ($200), Deputy Chief of Staff Andrea Scott ($150), City Controller Daryl Jones ($150), NHPS Superintendent Carol Birks ($150) city Parks Director Becky Bombero ($100).
The mayor has held a number of campaign fundraising events at restaurants in and outside of the city over the past few months, including this one on Whalley Avenue and this one in Avon at the end of March.
Donor Lists
List Of Elicker Donors
Abraham, Elizabeth; New Haven, CT; $25; Ansonia High School; Teacher
Abreu, Daisy; New Haven, CT; $75; 1972; Administrator
Aery, Morgan; East Haven, CT; $70; Liberty Mutual; Sales
Alderman, Nancy; North Haven, CT; $50; Environment & Humanities Health Inc; Environmentalist
Alderman, Rachel; New Haven, CT; $370; Hartford Stage; Theater Director
Aldrich, Sarah; Branford, CT; $25; Self; Freelance teacher and writer
Alexander, James; New Haven, CT; $370; Retired; Retired
Alexander, Jeffrey; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale University; Professor
Alexander, Martha; New Haven, CT; $370; Retired; Retired
Alexander, Morel; New Haven, CT; $370; Self; Psychotherapist
Alexander, Nancy; New Haven, CT; $370; Self: Lumenance Consulting LLC; Consultant
Alfiero, Rian; Scarborough, ME; $100; Self; Producer
Allen, Anthony; New Haven, CT; $25; A Tipping Point, LLC; President
Ambach, Lucy; New Haven, CT; $370; n/a; n/a
Anderson, Britt; New Haven, CT; $100; Envision Pharma Group; Sr Scientific Director
Anderson, Edward; New Haven, CT; $100; Self-Employed; Real Estate
Anderson, Marjo; New Haven, CT; $25; Salem Lutheran Church, 3160 Park Avenue, Bpt 06604; Clergy
Angoff, Ronald; New Haven, CT; $250; Pediatric and Medical Associates; physician
Anisfeld, Shimon; Newton Centre, MA; $30; Yale University; Teacher
Ankuda, Megan; New Haven, CT; $50; New Haven Public Schools; Teacher — Worthington Hooker School
Annunziata, Albert; New Haven, CT; $370; Self Employed; Attorney
Annunziata, Maria; New Haven, CT; $370; Self Employed; Esthetician
Appelquist, Thomas; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale Universty; Physicist
Arotsky, Marvin; New Haven, CT; $50; Self; CPA
Arrell, Stephanie; New Haven, CT; $20; Retired; Retired
Ashton, Mark; New Haven, CT; $50; Yale University; Teacher
Attianese, Mary Ann; New Haven, CT; $110; Retired; Retired
Audette, Louis; New Haven, CT; $370; Retired; Retired
Austin, James; New Haven, CT; $30; Connecticut College; professor
Baccei, Anna; New Haven, CT; $50; Yale University; Graduate Student Researcher
Bach, David; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale School of Management; Professor
Baez, Dominique; Hamden, CT; $10; Construction Workforce Initiative 2, Inc.; Grant manager
Baez, Joseph; Hamden, CT; $35; CWI2; Program Manager
Bailey, Joanne; New Haven, CT; $250; Choate Rosemary Hall; Admissions Officer
Bain, Ariana; Somerville, MA; $25; Self employed; Consultant
Baldelli, Raymond; New Haven, CT; $350; pearce real estate; realtor
Baldwin, Sherill; New Haven, CT; $100; CT DEEP; Environmental Analyst
Barbery, Kendall; Guilford, CT; $30; GreenWave; Non-Profit Program Director
Barker, Michael; Trumbull, CT; $50; Westport Country Playhouse; theater manager
Barnes, James; New Haven, CT; $125; retired; Retired
Barnes, Mary; New Haven, CT; $125; Retired; Retired
Barocas Mayer, Melanie; Guilford, CT; $370; Borocas Photography LLC; Principal
Baron, James; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale University; Professor
Barthel, William; New Haven, CT; $20; Retired; Retired
Bartow, Anna; New Haven, CT; $150; na; retired
Bednar, Edward; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired; social worker
Beeman, Ken; Guilford, CT; $370; National Roofing Co., Inc; Sales
Behrendt, Thomas; New Haven, CT; $50; n/a; retired
Bekhrad, Fereshteh; New Haven, CT; $100; Self; Architect
Benoit, Cordalie; New Haven, CT; $10; City of New Haven; Comm. BAA
Benoit, Gaboury; New Haven, CT; $350; Yale University; Professor
Berger, Eric; New Haven, CT; $100; Self Employed; Physician
Berger, Ethel; New Haven, CT; $100; Ethel Berger; Book illustrator
Berkowitz, David; New Haven, CT; $100; Self; Investor
Bermudez, Wildaliz; Hartford, CT; $20; City of Hartford; City Council
Bernard, Ethan; Albany, CA; $10; University of California, Berkeley; Project Scientist
Bernheim, Susannah; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale New Haven Health; Researcher
Bernstein, Phillip; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale University School of Architecture; Architect
Berry, Steven; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale University; Professor
Besunder, Harvey; East Setauket, NY; $100; Bracken Margolin Besunder LLP; Attorney
Bettigole, Barbara; Lakeville, CT; $100; N/A; retired teacher
Bettigole, Charles; Hamden, CT; $50; Yale University; Scientist
Bettigole, Robert; Lakeville, CT; $100; Elm Street Ventures; Investor
Bierman, Howard; Arlington, VA; $370; BWW Law Group,LLC; Attorney
Billings III, Van Dyke; New Haven, CT; $370; Freudigman & Billings, LLC; CoFounder
Binder, Henry; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired; Retired
Bishop, Christine; Hamden, CT; $60; UHG; Project Manager
Bjornson, Robert; New Haven, CT; $50; yale university; scientist
Blackwood, Izabela; New Haven, CT; $50; Stony Brook University; University professor
Bleich, Phil; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired; retired
Bloom, Jeanne; New Haven, CT; $49; retired; Retired
Bloom, Lary; New Haven, CT; $80; Self; Writer
Bonanno, Christine; Chevy Chase, MD; $200; Self; Freelance
Bonnett, Lynne; New Haven, CT; $30; NA; NA
Bontly, Thomas; New Haven, CT; $150; UConn; Professor
Boomer, Cy; New Haven, CT; $50; Centralized Logistics; Owner
Booz-Klein, Linda; New Haven, CT; $50; Yale University Press; Retired publishing attorney
Borowski, Wojtek; New Haven, CT; $250; Pearce real estate; realtor
Botta, Katherine; Hamden, CT; $10; Seedlings Educators Collaborative; educator
Bozzi, Laura; Providence, RI; $20; RI Department of Health; Program manager
Brackeen, Darryl; New Haven, CT; $50; Educators For Excellence; Director
Bradley, Kathleen; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired; Retired
Brantley, Jessica; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale University; Professor
Breland, Debbie; Hamden, CT; $100; Retired; Retired
Brennan, Matt; New Haven, CT; $20; Yale University; Social Worker
Brett-Smith, Helena; New Haven, CT; $370; Trevi Therapeutics; Chief Development Officer
Brewster, Riley; New Haven, CT; $100; W CT State University; Educator/Artist
Briggs, Linda; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired; Retired
Bright, Grace; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale University; Library Asst
Brodie, Janet; New Haven, CT; $50; Yale New Haven Hospital; Psychotherapist
Brown, Laura; New Haven, CT; $40; ;
Browning, Samuel; Norwich, CT; $50; Self; Attorney
Bruce, Benjamin; Hamden, CT; $30; Yale; Sr. Analyst
Bruce, Jamie; Hamden, CT; $25; Choate; Higher ed
Bruce, Lori; Hamden, CT; $45; Yale University; Associate Director
Bruce, Lucille; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale; Communications
Bruno, Thomas; New Haven, CT; $370; Retired; Retired
Buckholz, Robert; Brooklyn, NY; $370; Sullivan & Cromwell LLP; Lawyer
Buda, Kyle; Bay City, MI; $35; Self; Consultant
Budries, David; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale University; Sound Designer Teacher
Burger, Eugene; New Haven, CT; $20; Ctr for Special Learning; Office Mgr
Burke, Maureen; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale University; University Lecturer
Buterbaugh, Kevin; New Haven, CT; $50; Southern Connecticut State University; Professor
Cajigas, Heriberto; East Haven, CT; $25; State of Connecticut; Manager
Callaway, Shannon; New Haven, CT; $300; self employed; health care technology
Cameron, David; Madison, CT; $250; Yale University; Educator
Campion, Paul; New Haven, CT; $10; Adecco Group USA; Vice President
Candelora, David; Madison, CT; $370; Prime Management LLC; Maintenance Manager
Caplan, Robert; New Haven, CT; $100; Self; IT Consultant
Carrigan, Joy; New Haven, CT; $50; Yale; School of Medicine
Carter, Howard; New Haven, CT; $250; Self; Self employed
Carter, Jayuan; New Haven, CT; $130; Self Employed; Self Employed
Carter, Michael; New Haven, CT; $100; Self employed; Consultant
Case, Madelon; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale University; Student
Casella, Diane; Northford, CT; $50; Yale University; Teacher
Casella, Edward; Northford, CT; $50; U.S. Post Office; Postal worker
Champion, John; New Haven, CT; $250; Retired; Retired
Chan, Belinda; New Haven, CT; $250; CT Medical Group; Physician
Chapnick, Randall; New Haven, CT; $370; Self; Lawyer
Chase, Phoebe; Ashland, MA; $30; Sanofi; Social worker Case Manager
Chauncey Jr, Henry; New Haven, CT; $370; Retired; Retired
Chegwidden, Cynthia; New Haven, CT; $20; IKEA; Retail
Chevalier, Judith; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale School of Management; Professor
Chou, Jenny; New Haven, CT; $200; Wiggin and Dana, LLP; Attorney
Christmann, Ian; New Haven, CT; $50; Self; Photographer
Cirello, Michelle; New Haven, CT; $200; Yale University; n/a
Clampitt, Cynthia; New Haven, CT; $100; NHBOE; Teacher
Clark, Anthony; North Haven, CT; $150; CT Green Bank; Clean Energy Finance
Clark, Cristiana; New Haven, CT; $50; Hartford Health; Nurse Practitioner
Clark, Djuna; New Haven, CT; $370; None; Stay at Home Mother
Clark, Patricia; New Haven, CT; $30; City of New Haven; HR
Clark, William; New Haven, CT; $370; New Haven Board of Education; COO
Clarke, Laura; Guilford, CT; $370; Self; Arts advocate
Clayton, Nancy; New Haven, CT; $250; Pickard Chilton; Architect
Clayton, William; Dulles, VA; $100; US Department of State; Diplomat
Coady, Roxanne; New Haven, CT; $370; RJ Julia Booksellers; Bookseller
Cochran, Frank; New Haven, CT; $50; retired; attorney
Cohen, Gloria; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired; Retired
Cohen, Lawrence; New Haven, CT; $50; Yale University; Physician
Cohn, Richard; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale University; professor
Coleman, Cleveland; Cypress, TX; $370; Columbia; Student
Coleman, Kieran; New Haven, CT; $100; Coleman DFM LLC; Engineer
Congdon, Diana; New Haven, CT; $30; Greater New Haven Counseling; APRN
Consiglio, Salvatore; New Haven, CT; $40; New Haven Fire Department; Firefighter
Coren, Michael; San Francisco, CA; $30; Atlantic Media; media
Cox, Bernard; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired; Retired
Cox, Katha; New Haven, CT; $100; NA; retired/volunteer
Cox, Robert; Brookline, MA; $200; Capitol for change; Lender
Crews, Andrew; New Haven, CT; $30; Student; Student
Crews, Craig; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale; Doctor
Criscuolo, Christine; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired; Nurse
Cruz, Eliezer; New Haven, CT; $68; Community Foundation for Greater New Haven; Administrator
Cruz, Elio; New Haven, CT; $50; Laydon industries; Truck driver
Cumiskey, Kelli; Brooklyn, NY; $370; Federal Reserve Bank of New York; Policy Analyst
Cunningham, Alison; Hamden, CT; $100; Columbus House; CEO
Cunningham, Jan; New Haven, CT; $370; Self; Artist
Curran, William; New Haven, CT; $370; Halsey Associates; Retired
Da Silva, Inger; New Haven, CT; $100; The Frame Shop; Owner
Dashevsky, Meir; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale Medical Group; physician
Davis, Rob; New Haven, CT; $100; East Bay Nursery; Nurseryman
Decew, Amanda; New Haven, CT; $370; Fair Haven Community Health Care; Nurse Practitioner
Decew, Stuart; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale; Program Manager
Decker, Mary Beth; New Haven, CT; $100; Mary Beth Decker; Biologist
Dembinski, Thomas; Hamden, CT; $250; Dembinski Law Office; Lawyer
Denbo, James; Bethesda, MD; $100; James R. Denbo, Esq.; self
Dennett, Nancy; New Haven, CT; $370; retired; Retired
Derosia-Banick, Kristin; New Haven, CT; $30; State of Connecticut; Environmental analyst
Derrico, Dan; New Haven, CT; $370; TOTAL FENCE LLC; Operations Manager
Derrico, Gina; New Haven, CT; $350; TOTAL FENCE LLC; MANAGING MEMBER
Desiato, Laurie; New Haven, CT; $250; Self Employed; Homemaker
Deveny, Adrian; Arlington, VA; $50; Senate; Govt
Di Capua, Paul; New Haven, CT; $180; caremore; physician
Diadamo, Kevin; New Haven, CT; $100; CT Judicial; Assistant Clerk
Diamond, Ann; New Haven, CT; $370; Retired; Retired
Dicks, Renate; New Haven, CT; $30; Innovation Roundtable; Event Manager
Digioia, Enrico; West Haven, CT; $100; SKF automotive; Owner
Dildine, Greg; Baltimore, MD; $100; None; None
DiPaola, John; North Haven, CT; $100; Caffe Bravo; Owner
Dipaola, Mark; New Haven, CT; $50; Caffe Bravo; Restaurant Manager
DiPaola, Mary Lou; North Haven, CT; $100; BOE, New Haven; retired teacher
Dobras, Andrea; New Haven, CT; $50; NERSC; Executive Director
Donius, Elizabeth; New Haven, CT; $30; Westville Village Renaissance Alliance; Executive Director
Donohue, Marguerite; New Haven, CT; $30; City of New Haven; Teacher
Donohue, William; New Haven, CT; $30; NA; Retired
Dooley, Tadhg; New Haven, CT; $370; Wiggin and Dana; Lawyer
Doolittle, Michael; New Haven, CT; $370; Self; Photographer
Dore, Brian; New Haven, CT; $100; Concierge in Umbria, LLC; Travel Specialist
Dorwart Crane, Joey; Montpelier, VT; $30; Suncommon; Solar
Doss-Gollin, James; New Haven, CT; $5; Columbia University; PhD Candidate
Doyon, Leon; New Haven, CT; $75; Yale; Managing Editor
Drabkin, Andrew; New Haven, CT; $370; Self Employed; Self Employed
Duer-Balkind, Marshall; Washington, DC; $100; Integral Group; Sustainability Consultant
Duffy, Sean; New Haven, CT; $200; Quinnipiac University; Professor
Dunn, Margaret; New Haven, CT; $50; State of Connecticut; College Teacher
Dutta, Manmita; New Haven, CT; $150; Sandy Hook Promise; Fundraising Research
Ebersole, Garrett; Hamden, CT; $50; Medtronic; Engineer
Ebrecht, Ronald; New Haven, CT; $370; wesleyan; Professor
Edel, Charles; Dpo, AP; $100; The University of Sydney; Professor
Eder, Andrew; Guilford, CT; $370; Eder Bros., Inc; Executive
Eisenstat, David; Brooklyn, NY; $50; Google; Engineer
Elferdink, Claudia; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired; Retired
Elicker, Ashley; Chester, VT; $370; Self; Business owner
Elicker, Brett; Novato, CA; $370; University of California, San Francsico; Doctor
Elicker, Gordon; New Canaan, CT; $370; NA; Retired
Elicker, Joan; New Canaan, CT; $370; NA; NA
Elicker, Justin; New Haven, CT; $100; Self; Environmental Consultant
Elicker, Natalie; New Haven, CT; $30; US Department of Justice; Laywer
Elicker Richards, Joan; La Jolla, CA; $370; Retired; Former School Psychologist
Elkin-Ginnetti, David; Brooklyn, NY; $10; Student; Student
Emmerth, Michael; New Haven, CT; $100; Kuehne + Nagel, Inc.; Info Techn Proj Mgr
Engel, Tagan; New Haven, CT; $30; Self Employed; Self Employed
Epperson, Johanna; New Haven, CT; $75; D&B; Data Quality
Esselstyn, Caldwell; New Haven, CT; $100; Self Employed; furniture maker
Ezra, Kate; New Haven, CT; $25; none; retired
Fahey, Meredith; Hamden, CT; $370; Yale University; Consultant
Fairty, Patricia; New Haven, CT; $50; Norm Bloom & Son; Shellfish Boat Captain
Famely, Joseph; North Falmouth, MA; $200; Woods Hole Group; Consultant
Farbman, Max; Arlington Heights, IL; $20; Unemployed; Unemployed
Farina, Mike; Manchester, CT; $100; Yale University; Professor
Farrell, William; New Haven, CT; $100; State of Ct; Medical Legal Investigator
Faulkner, Mary; New Haven, CT; $30; Elm Campus Partners; Property Manager
Feinberg, Harvey; New Haven, CT; $300; Retired; Retired
Feinberg, Susan; New Haven, CT; $300; Retired; Teacher
Feinleib, Jessica; New Haven, CT; $50; U.S.Dept. of Veterans Affairs; anesthesiologist
Fernandez, Lisa; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale University; Educational Administrator
Festa, Anna Marie; New Haven, CT; $100; NA; NA
Festa, Christian; New Haven, CT; $370; Ripley Tools; President and CEO
Festa, Gene; New Haven, CT; $110; Retired; Retired
Fielstra, Tyler; Killingworth, CT; $150; self employed; building restoration
Filer, Donald; New Haven, CT; $250; Yale Univ; Academic administrator
Filomena, Augustine; New Haven, CT; $100; Spring Glen remodeling; Carpenter
Fiore, Kimberly; Hamden, CT; $10; Yale University; Proposal Manager
Fitch, Lisa; Northford, CT; $370; Quinnipiac River Marina; Owner
Fitzgerald, Stephanie; New Haven, CT; $50; retired; educatior
Fitzpatrick, John; New Haven, CT; $100; Self Employed; Entrepreneur
Fleming, Bradley; Guilford, CT; $370; New Haven Land Trust; Farmer
Fleming, Norman; Guilford, CT; $370; Retired; Retired
Fluhr, Nicole; New Haven, CT; $50; SCSU; Professor
Ford, Joy; New Haven, CT; $150; Retired; Retired
Fox, Dorothy; Westport, CT; $25; ;
Frank, Gage; Bridgeport, CT; $10; Self; Consultant
Freiberg, Justin; Madison, CT; $50; Yale University; Teacher
Gaab, Barbara; New Haven, CT; $370; Retired; Retired
Gaab, Gerald; New Haven, CT; $370; Retired; Retired
Gabrielle, Ellen; New Haven, CT; $100; n/a; n/a
Gacek, Paul; New Haven, CT; $60; Retired; Retired
Galo, Kathleen; New Haven, CT; $10; Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences; Administrator
Garcia, Mario; New Haven, CT; $210; TriCom; Public Health
Gardner Candelora, Victoria; Madison, CT; $370; David Creek Technology; IT
Garrett, Daniel; Hamden, CT; $10; self; property manager
Geismar, Daphne; New Haven, CT; $50; Self Employed; Designer
Gersick, Connie; Hamden, CT; $35; Yale; Research Associate
Giering, Andrew; New Haven, CT; $50; Federal Defender Office; Attorney
Gilbertson, Terry; New Haven, CT; $250; Town of Woodbridge; Building Official
Ginter, Melanie; New Haven, CT; $370; retired; Home maker
Glisson, DJ; Alexandria, VA; $100; Firefly Imageworks; Business Owner
Gobel, Albert; New Haven, CT; $370; 3GTMS, Inc.; Software Engineer
Gobel, Susan; New Haven, CT; $370; Eastern CT Pathology Consultants; Physician
Goetzmann, William; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale University; Professor
Goldblum, Laura; New Haven, CT; $300; YNHH; Social Worker
Goldfield, Carl; New Haven, CT; $50; Self Employed; Attorney
Goldman, Max; Washington, DC; $30; American Osteopathic Association; Grassroots Coordinator
Gollin, Douglas; New Haven, CT; $100; Oxford University, Department of International Dev; Professor
Goodall, Duncan; New Haven, CT; $370; Self; Entrepreneur
Goodall, Melissa; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale; Sustainability Professional
Goodbaum, Joshua; New Haven, CT; $50; Garrison; Lawyer
Gould, Karin; New Haven, CT; $100; Elm City College Prep; Director of School Operations
Grabauskas, Linda; Waterbury, CT; $50; retired; Retired
Gralla, Howard; New Haven, CT; $100; Self; Graphic Designer
Grant, Dominick; Middlefield, CT; $50; WLIP LLC; Investment Advisor
Grant, Hilary; New Haven, CT; $50; RWS Sciences; Project Planner
Gray, Liz; Bend, OR; $50; Self; Veterinarian
Greenspan, Carolyn; Wallingford, CT; $370; Blue State Coffee LLC; Owner
Griffel, Frank; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale University; Professor
Griffin, William; New Haven, CT; $160; Retired; Retired
Grim, John; Woodbridge, CT; $150; Yale University; Professor
Gulliver, Polly; New Haven, CT; $30; Self Employed; Consultant
Gurvich, Daniel; New Haven, CT; $100; Neighborhood Music School; Non Profit Director
Hadari, Netta; New Haven, CT; $30; Mount Holyoke College; Educator
Hadari, Tina; New Haven, CT; $50; Brass City Charter School; Director of Arts
Hadelman, Allen; Guilford, CT; $370; Hadley Inc; Real Estate
Hadler, Peter; New Haven, CT; $75; State of Connecticut Dept of Social Services; Attorney/Program Administration Manager
Haiken, Charlotte; New Haven, CT; $370; Student; Student
Haiken, Cynthia; New Haven, CT; $370; wallingford public library; librarian
Haiken, Matthew; New Haven, CT; $370; New York Harbor Foundation; Manager
Haiken, Samantha; New Haven, CT; $370; College Possible; College Admissions Advisor
Halac, Elias; New Haven, CT; $370; Retired; Doctor
Halliday, David; New York, NY; $100; George Washington University; Professor
Harper, Annie; New Haven, CT; $30; yale university; instructor
Harrity, Robert; North Haven, CT; $370; Sacred Heart University; Professor
Hart, James; New Haven, CT; $50; Holt-Elwell Memorial Foundation; Non-Profit Development
Harvey, Donald; New Haven, CT; $370; Retired; Retired
Harwood, Alice-Anne; Hamden, CT; $30; Self-employed; Consultant
Hathaway, Oona; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale Law School; Professor
Haynes, Anne; Houston, TX; $50; Houston Land Bank; Architect
Heath, Allyna; New Haven, CT; $10; Serrato Corporation/New Have Job Corps; HR Managers
Hebrank, Kelly; Branford, CT; $30; IRIS; Database Specialist
Heiat, Asefeh; New Haven, CT; $300; Self Employed; Physician
Heimer, Noel; New Haven, CT; $100; Madison Public Schools; Librarian
Heiser, David; Hamden, CT; $50; Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History; Museum Educator
Heller, Gary; New Haven, CT; $100; Self; Self
Higbee, Matthew; New Haven, CT; $100; Comm Fdn for Greater NH; Communications Officer
Hill, John; Old Saybrook, CT; $370; Seabury HIll Realtors; Realtor
Hindenlang, Jane; New Haven, CT; $100; Southern Connecticut State University; Speech Language Pathology instructor
Hobman, Dirk; Fort Collins, CO; $200; DH Photography; Photographer
Hobman, Gisela; New Canaan, CT; $370; Retired; Retired
Hodges, Peter; East Haven, CT; $250; Self; Playwright
Hoffman, Joseph; North Haven, CT; $370; yale university; physiologist
Holahan, Dana; New Haven, CT; $50; All Our Kin, Inc.; Director of PD
Holahan, Erica; New Haven, CT; $30; Integrated Wellness Group; Social worker
Holahan, Susanna; New Haven, CT; $300; New Haven Board of Education; Teacher
Holahan, Tim; New Haven, CT; $180; Broadstripes LLC; Software developer
Holevoet, Donald; New Haven, CT; $50; Self; Graphic Designer
Holmes, Catherine; New Haven, CT; $370; The Trust for Public Land; State Director
Hopkins, Jonathan; New Haven, CT; $50; Student; Student
Horning, Emily; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale University; Librarian
Horsley, Valerie; Hamden, CT; $370; Yale; Professor
Hossenlopp, John; Amagansett, NY; $50; Retired; Spousal Asst
Howard, Molly; Cambridge, MA; $100; Ovia Health; Manager
Howie, Lisa; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale University; Director of Investments
Hurt, Dorothy; New Haven, CT; $370; William Reese Co.; Antiquarian Book Dealer
Hurwitz, Scott; Woodbridge, CT; $370; self-Robin Companies LLC; Real Estate
Hutchings, Stewart; New Haven, CT; $50; Self; Business Owner
Ibbotson, Roger; Hamden, CT; $150; Yale University; Professor
Ibbotson-Sindelar, Timothy; Brooklyn, NY; $100; FreshDirect; Analyst
Illick, Alison; New Haven, CT; $370; Digestive Disease Associates; Project Manager
Illick, Christopher; New Haven, CT; $370; Digestive Disease Associates; Physician
Incorvaia, Joseph; Riverside, CT; $250; Retired; Retired
Inglese, Steven; Washington, CT; $370; New Haven Group, Inc.; Real estate
Inorio, Ralph; Branford, CT; $100; LiUNA 455; Business Manager
Irvine, Frances; New Haven, CT; $250; Retired; Retired
Jacobs, Heather; Three Rivers, CA; $25; UN Food and Agriculture Organization; Consultant
Jensen, Kyle; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale University; Faculty
Jermyn, Roland; New Haven, CT; $150; Yale University; Physician
Jessen, Heather; New Haven, CT; $200; self; writer
Johannesen, Jason; Woodbridge, CT; $50; VA Connecticut Healthcare System; Psychologist
Johnson, Bruce; New Haven, CT; $370; Retired; Retired
Johnson, Dawn; New Haven, CT; $10; COPE Health Solutions; EVP
Johnson, Jessica; Tigard, OR; $40; Tessitura Network; Conference Planner
Johnson, Wesley; Houston, TX; $100; Noble Energy; Asset Manager
Joiner, Megan; North Haven, CT; $250; Unitarian Society of New Haven; Minister
Joyner, Edward; New Haven, CT; $370; Retired; Retired
Joyner, Shirley; New Haven, CT; $370; retired; retired
Kafoglis, Chris; New Haven, CT; $50; New Haven Board of Education; Teacher
Kahn, Gerald; Madison, CT; $150; Retired; Retired
Kane, Patricia; New Haven, CT; $50; Law Office of Patricia Kane LLC; semi-retired
Kaplan, Ed; New Haven, CT; $30; Bristol-Myers Squibb; Clinical Researcher
Kaplan, Michael; New Haven, CT; $100; Self Employed; Doctor
Kaplan, William; New Haven, CT; $50; retired; retired
Karpel, John; New Haven, CT; $10; Plants a la Carte; Interior Landscaper
Kaston, Lisa; New Haven, CT; $50; ACES; Soc Svc Administrator
Kauder, Helen; New Haven, CT; $370; Artspace; Arts Administration (ArtSpace)
Kaufman, Rachel; New Haven, CT; $370; Veterinary Associates of Westville; Veterinarian
Kavanagh, Mickey; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired; Retired
Kaylin, Jennifer; New Haven, CT; $50; self; writer
Kearney, Patrick; New Haven, CT; $20; KGI Bridgeport; Plumber
Keene, Danya; New Haven, CT; $80; Yale; Research
Keeshan, Britton; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale university; Physician
Kerr, Jeanne; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired; Retired
Kim, Christine; New Haven, CT; $30; Unemployed; Unemployed
King, Robert; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale; Physician
Kingsley, Charles; New Haven, CT; $370; Wiggin and Dana; Attorney
Kingsley, Gretchen; New Haven, CT; $350; Retired; Retired
Kissin, Cindy; New Haven, CT; $370; Cindy Kissin; Consultant
Kleppner, Caleb; New Haven, CT; $370; MK Elections; Business Owner
Klingher, Beth; New Haven, CT; $50; Self Employed; Artist
Kneerim, Will; Guilford, CT; $20; IRIS- Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services; Director
Knight, George; New Haven, CT; $100; Knight Architecture LLC; Architect
Knight, Meghan; New Haven, CT; $100; home; home
Knight, Tara; New Haven, CT; $370; Knight & Cerritelli LLC; Attorney
Kopac, Matthew; Durham, NC; $100; Burt’s Bees; Sustainable Business & Innovation Manager
Koppell, Jonathan; Phoenix, AZ; $100; Arizona State University; Professor
Kovel, Carolyn; New Haven, CT; $100; Self; Psychiatrist
Kovel, Jane; West Haven, CT; $75; none; retired
Kozuma, Hikaru; Philadelphia, PA; $370; Amherst College; Higher Education Administrator
Kramer, Richard; Guilford, CT; $370; Retired; Retired
Krayeske, Kenneth; Hartford, CT; $50; KB Law, LLC; Attorney at law
Kreiss-Tomkins, Jonathan; Sitka, AK; $30; State of Alaska; Legislator
Krishnan-Sarin, Suchitra; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale; Professor
Kyle, Robert; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired; Retired
Lachance, Joel; New Haven, CT; $50; Self; Bicycle Repairman
Ladd, David; New Haven, CT; $370; Ladd Capital Management; Investment Advisor
Lalli, Richard; New Haven, CT; $250; Yale Department of Music; Music Professor
Lally, Rachel; Eastchester, NY; $100; Self; Medical Editor
Landers, Maria; New Haven, CT; $100; Concierge in Umbria; Travel Specialist
Langdon, Philip; New Haven, CT; $100; Self; Writer
Lasater, Ike; New Haven, CT; $370; self; Trainer and mediator
Latham, Stephen; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale University; Professor
Law, Anthony; New Haven, CT; $370; Self; Parent
Lawhorn, Clara; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired; Retired
Ledovsky, Greg; New Haven, CT; $25; The Devil’s Gear LLC; Manager
Leffell, Cindy; New Haven, CT; $200; Self; Self
Leffell, David; Norfolk, CT; $200; Yale University; Dean
Lefler, Mark; Rochester, NY; $10; nci connections; IT tech
Lentini, Nina; New Haven, CT; $55; MediaPost Communications; Editor
Levine, Suzanne; New Haven, CT; $150; Retired; Retired
Levinson, Dan; Westport, CT; $370; Main Street Resources; Non-Profit/Community Work
Levy, Arthur; New Haven, CT; $30; retired; Doctor
Levy, Betty; New Haven, CT; $360; Retired; Attorney
Lewis, Adrienne; New Haven, CT; $15; Self; Violinist
Lifset, Reid; New Haven, CT; $20; Yale; Editor
Lin, Catherine; New Haven, CT; $125; retired; lawyer
Lin, Sharon; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale University; Analyst
Lindley, Arthur; New Haven, CT; $50; Self; Project Manager
Lindroth, Linda; New Haven, CT; $200; Quinnipiac University; Teacher
Lipnick, Martin; New Haven, CT; $150; Retired; Retired
Lipnick, Sylvia; New Haven, CT; $150; Retired; Retired
Little, William; New Haven, CT; $80; ESPN; Software Engineer
Liu, Jared; Wallingford, CT; $50; Yale University; Education
Lo, Sherr; Brooklyn, NY; $30; NFF; Consultant
Locklear, Heather; New Haven, CT; $370; PartnerRe; Investment Ops
Lord, Henry; New Haven, CT; $370; Self; Investor
Lovett-Graff, Sharon; New Haven, CT; $100; City of New Haven; Librarian
Lowe, Alexander; New Haven, CT; $100; 1978; Engineer
Lucibello, Hope; New Haven, CT; $50; Stop and Shop Supermarket Company; Clerk
Luckey, Spencer; East Haven, CT; $370; Luckey LLC; Artist
Lynam, William; Columbus, OH; $10; Student; Student
MacArthur, Samuel; Palm Beach Gardens, FL; $150; Golf; Retired
Maguire, Walter; Guilford, CT; $100; Madison Polymeric; Business owner
Maltese, Diane; New Haven, CT; $25; Milford Board of education; Retired teacher
Mangini, Louis; New Haven, CT; $30; US House of Representatives; Congressional Aide
Manning, Christel; New Haven, CT; $50; Sacred Heart University; Professor
Marcarelli, Margaret; New Haven, CT; $10; MaxCyte; Account Manager
Margulies, Donald; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale University; Playwright
Mark, Steve; New Haven, CT; $370; Housatonic Community College; Professor
Markham, Maria; New Haven, CT; $50; Lifebox; Development
Marottoli, Vincent; New Haven, CT; $10; retired; teacher
Marra, Robert; West Haven, CT; $50; Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station; research scientist
Marseille, Anne; New Haven, CT; $100; Betsy Grauer Realty; Real Estate Broker
Martinez, Michael; New Haven, CT; $250; Ramax; Realtor
Martinez, Robert; Rockport, MA; $50; none; retired
Maruyama, Reina; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale University; Professor
Mashhadi, Marjan; Berkeley, CA; $300; TaskRabbit; Attorney
Massaro, Bruno; New Haven, CT; $370; Bruno Massaro & Son, Inc.; Construction
Massaro, Maria; New Haven, CT; $370; Artistic Touch; Manicurist
Matheson, Suzanne; Hamden, CT; $50; NA; unemployed
Mathews, Lindsay; New Haven, CT; $20; Thyme & Season; Retail
Mattei, Christopher; Hartford, CT; $200; Koskoff; Attorney
May, Al; Milford, CT; $10; Retired; retired
May, Cyril; New Haven, CT; $18; City of Waterbury; Recycling Coordinator
May, Seashore; New Haven, CT; $370; Self Employed. Seashore May; varied
Mayer, Rick; Guilford, CT; $370; M Fund, Inc.; investor
McAleer, Edward; Kennebunkport, ME; $100; retired; retired
McCallum, Bailey; Boulder, CO; $370; Paragon Energy Advisors; Renewable Energy
McCurdy, Brian; Bozeman, MT; $100; Greycliff Advisors, LLC; Consultant
McDermott, Drew; New Haven, CT; $100; n/a; n/a
McGuire, Audrey; Minneapolis, MN; $100; SALA Architects; Architect
McKenzie, Katherine; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale University; Physician
Medina, Domingo; New Haven, CT; $200; Self Employed; Self Employed
Mercier, Michael; New Haven, CT; $30; City of New Haven; Legislative Aide
Merk, Julia; New Haven, CT; $10; Yale University; Manager
Merkel, Jane; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale University; Scientist
Merriman, John; North Haven, CT; $100; Transystems; Architect
Merson, Jonathan; New York, NY; $100; Northwell; Physician
Messer, Thomas; New Haven, CT; $370; Self; Actuary
Metrick, Andrew; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale University; Professor
Metrick, Susan; New Haven, CT; $370; none; homemaker
Meyer, Spencer; Guilford, CT; $200; Highstead; Ecologist
Milikowsky, Daniel; New Haven, CT; $370; Jordan International; Business owner
Milikowsky, Jennifer; New Haven, CT; $370; Student; Student
Milikowsky, Sharon; New Haven, CT; $370; Norwalk Public Library; librarian
Miller, Andrea; New Haven, CT; $50; Yale University; Research assistant
Miller, Cathie; New Haven, CT; $30; Scott VanderVennet; Nurse midwife
Miller, Danny; New Haven, CT; $100; Self Employed; Self Employed
Miller, Julia; New Haven, CT; $50; NHPS; Teacher
Miller, Rachel; Cambridge, MA; $10; Student; Student
Miller, Ronald; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired; Physician
Miller, Sarah; New Haven, CT; $72; Yale University Press; Editor
Miller-Jensen, Kathryn; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale University; Professor
Mitchell, William; New Haven, CT; $200; Amistad Center; arts manager
Mittelholzer, Monika; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale University; Administrator
Moeller, Bonnie; New Haven, CT; $10; Yale University; Service Assistant
Monaco, Mary Ann; New Haven, CT; $20; Cold Spring School; Office Manager
Moore, Russell; New Milford, CT; $100; Self-Employed; Nonprofit Organizational Consultant
Moran, Mary Ann; New Haven, CT; $90; Self Employed; Designer
Mordecai, Chris; New Haven, CT; $370; Cafe Romeo; Owner
Morris, Viveca; Rochester, MN; $15; Yale University; Student
Morrison, Bruce; Bethesda, MD; $370; self; Consultant
Mraz, Jerrold; Oxford, CT; $150; Retired; Retired
Muehleisen, Andrew; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale University; Student
Mukhopadhyay, Rosemary; Baltimore, MD; $50; Retired; Babysitter
Mund, Melanie; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale University; physician
Munoz, Sergio; New Haven, CT; $200; mActivity Fitness; Fitness Trainer
Murfin, Melissa; Ithaca, NY; $250; N/A; None
Murphy, Charlotte; New Haven, CT; $30; Self employed; Nonprofit Communications
Murphy, Grayson; New Haven, CT; $200; Retired; Retired
Musto, Jeanne; New Haven, CT; $150; NA; Retired
Nalebuff, Barry; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale University; Professor
Napor, Tricia; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale; HR
Nardini, Carol; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired; Retired
Narracci, Robert; New Haven, CT; $200; Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects; Senior Associate
Nickerson, Sean; New Haven, CT; $25; Unemployed; Unemployed
Nilsson, Peter; Deerfield, MA; $50; Deerfield Academy; Educator
Nixon, John; New Haven, CT; $50; Self Employed; Consultant
Nosenzo, Elida; Eastchester, NY; $370; TransRe; Underwriter
Nosenzo, Michael; Eastchester, NY; $100; Retired; Retired
Novemsky, Nathan; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale University; Professor
Nugent, Judith; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired; Retired
Nyhart, Andrew; New Haven, CT; $250; Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects; Architect
Nystrup, Stephen; New Haven, CT; $50; State of CT; Professor
O’Brien, Barbara; Chicago, IL; $100; CARPLS; Attorney
Oppenheimer, Mark; New Haven, CT; $10; Yale University; writer
Opperman, Hilary; New Haven, CT; $10; Site Projects; Art Nonprofit
Orefice, Andrew; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale New Haven Health; Program Coordinator
Oricchio, David; Hamden, CT; $150; East Rock coffee; Managing parter
Orr, Robert; New Haven, CT; $370; Self; Architect
Oster, Sharon; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale; Yale School of Management professor
Ozyck, Paul; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale; Assoc Dir
Paine, Abigail; New Haven, CT; $75; Fair Haven Community Health Care; Vice President
Palm, Noah; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale University; Assistant Professor, Biomedical Sciences
Papa, Susan; New Haven, CT; $10; self; writer, editor
Paparella, Chris; Rye, NY; $370; Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP; Lawyer
Paugh, Rebecca (Becky); New Haven, CT; $10; development
Peaper, David; New Haven, CT; $200; Yale University; Physician
Pellegrino, Anthony; New Haven, CT; $370; Dept of Veterans Affairs; RN
Pellegrino, Beth; New Haven, CT; $370; United Way of Greater New Haven; Director
Pels, Andrew; Woodbridge, CT; $100; Yale University; Finance
Pendergrass, Tyra; New Haven, CT; $50; Yale University; Research Associate
Penner, Anne; Denver, CO; $50; University of Denver; Professor
Penner, Catherine; Ithaca, NY; $370; Retired; Retired
Pepe, Gregory; Hamden, CT; $370; Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C.; Lawyer
Perna, James; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired; Engineer
Perry, Alice; New Haven, CT; $370; self-employed; Pastoral Counselor
Perry, Sydney; New Haven, CT; $198; Jewish family services; Educator
Petrakis, Ismene; Branford, CT; $370; Yale university; Professor
Petrelli, Eglio; New Haven, CT; $370; Self; Ophthalmologist
Pettigrew, David; New Haven, CT; $370; Southern Connecticut State University; Professor
Pickett, Anna; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale University; Administrator
Pickett, Casey; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale University; Director of the carbon charge
Piekarz, Lynn; Wolfeboro Falls, NH; $50; City of New Haven; Executitive Administrative Assistant
Pierce, Patricia; New Haven, CT; $250; Century 21 Shutters & Sails; real estate sales person
Pillsbury, Charles; New Haven, CT; $370; Quinnipiac University School of Law; Law Professor
Pinzka, Lauren; New Haven, CT; $200; Yale University; lecturer
Piraino-Holevoet, Elaine; New Haven, CT; $50; Self; Graphic Designer
Plass, Christina; New Haven, CT; $100; City of New Haven; retired legislative aide
Poon, Lydia; Berkeley, CA; $50; Thruline Marketing; Marketing Manager
Pope, Jennifer; Hamden, CT; $10; Yale University; clinical trials team manager
Pothin, Timothy; New Haven, CT; $370; Faxon Law Group; Lawyer
Priest, Kathy; New Haven, CT; $200; self — davis o’sullivan Priest; Attorney
Pureka, Judy; New Canaan, CT; $300; Retired; Retired
Quinn, Thomas; New Haven, CT; $100; City Of New Haven; Retired
Quintman, Analis; Hamden, CT; $50; Collins Aerospace; Program Manager
Qureshi, Claire; New Haven, CT; $50; Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors / MDGHA; Consultant
Radcliffe, Leslie; New Haven, CT; $50; Yale University; Admin. Asst.
Rakic, Pasko; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale University; MD/PhD
Randall, Chris; New Haven, CT; $20; Self Employed; Photographer
Ranelli, Gian-Matthew; New Haven, CT; $50; Saipman & Goodwin LLP; Attorney
Ranelli, Kendra; New Haven, CT; $50; Shipman & Goodwin; Lawyer
Rathbun, Elizabeth; New Haven, CT; $100; Self; Clinician Therapist
Ravich, Madeline; Hamden, CT; $100; CT Coalition to End Homelessness; Development Advisor
Reed, Shawna; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale University School of Medicine; Postdoctoral research associate
Remnick, Richard; New Haven, CT; $370; Self; MD
Remnick, Will; New Haven, CT; $370; College; College student
Resnik, Judith; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale Law School; Law Professor
Richard, Heidi; Branford, CT; $200; Yale School of Public Health; Chief of Staff
Richards-Black, Kristen; San Diego, CA; $370; Torrey Pines Dermatology; Dermatologist
Riera, Timothy; New Haven, CT; $10; State of ct; Social worker
Rigsby, Michael; New Haven, CT; $100; yale; Doctor
Rios, Christina; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale University; Grants Administrator
Rizzo, Andrew; New Haven, CT; $370; Self; Consultant
Rizzo, Judith; New Haven, CT; $370; n/a; disabled
Roberts, Susanne; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired; Retired
Roberts, Susanne; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale; retired
Robinson, Justin; New Haven, CT; $30; SmartEquip; Manager
Rocke, Robert; New Haven, CT; $25; Yale University; information technology
Rohner, Jonathan; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale, Peabody Museum; Director of Finance
Rosenbaum, Stanley; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale; Physician
Rosenthal, Judy; Hamden, CT; $10; Self; Photographer
Rossi, Patricia; New Haven, CT; $370; Retired; Retired
Rosthowski, Carolyn; New Haven, CT; $30; ASML; Communications
Roth, Abigail; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale; Higher education
Rouwenhorst, Klazinus; New Haven, CT; $350; Yale University; Professor
Rozen, Janet; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired; Retired
Rozen, Kate; Woodbridge, CT; $10; Yale University; Executive Assistant
Ruben, Andrew; New York, NY; $370; Davis Polk & Wardwell; Attorney
Ruben, Marshall; Wallingford, CT; $370; Ruben/Horan PC; Attorney
Ruddle, Nancy; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale University; Professor
Ruggieri, Thomas; New Haven, CT; $370; XPT specialty; Executive
Russek, Jeffrey; North Haven, CT; $100; Self Employed; Self Employed
Ryan, Albert; Cleveland, OH; $100; Retired; Retired
Sabbatino, Joseph; New Haven, CT; $370; Retired; Retired
Sabin, Paul; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale University; Academic
Sachs, June; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired; Retired
Sackheim, Donald; New Haven, CT; $50; retired; retired
Sacks, Katharine; New Haven, CT; $100; Katharine B. Sacks, Attorney at Law, LLC; Attorney
Saddler, Joan; New Haven, CT; $50; Jaci Carroll Staffing; Mortgage Underwriter
Salomon, Suzanne; Norwalk, CT; $350; None; Homemaker
Samsel, Andrew; New Haven, CT; $10; State of Ct; Correctional Officer
Sandman, Mordechai; New Haven, CT; $100; Deitsch Plastic Co., Inc.; Manager
Sanseverino, Emilio; New Haven, CT; $30; ;
Sanseverino, Joyce; New Haven, CT; $30; State of CT; Teacher
Sapadin, Helene; New Haven, CT; $28; Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel; retired teacher
Sasso, David; New Haven, CT; $100; Self; Physician
Sauerteig, Robin; Hamden, CT; $370; Retired; Retired
Saunders, Errol; New York, NY; $50; Student; Student
Saunders, William; New Haven, CT; $20; n/a; n/a
Sawyer, John; New Haven, CT; $130; Retired; Retired
Schaffer, Anthony; Woodbridge, CT; $370; C.A. White, Inc.; Real Estate
Schaffer, Debra; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired; Retired
Schaffer, Michael; New Haven, CT; $370; C.A. White, Inc; Real estate
Schaffer, Ted; New Haven, CT; $300; Self; Real Estate
Schenck, Anne; New Haven, CT; $150; NA; Retired
Schmidt, Rachel; New Haven, CT; $50; Law Offices of Carlos E Candal LLC; Legal Assistant
Schneider, Karen; New Haven, CT; $370; Retired; Retired
Schonberger, Robert; New Haven, CT; $200; Yale; Doctor
Schott, Peter; New Haven, CT; $250; Yale; Professor
Schulman, Betsy; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale University; Editor
Schulman, Glenn; New Haven, CT; $30; self; consultant
Schultz, Linda; New Haven, CT; $100; Land O’Lakes; Sales
Schwartz, Diane; New Haven, CT; $100; self employed; contractor
Schwartz, Edward; New Haven, CT; $100; n/a; n/a
Scierka, Anthony; New Haven, CT; $370; Scierka & Assoc.; Health Care Consultant
Sesko, Michael; San Francisco, CA; $370; Frontier Farmland; Investor
Shansky, Marjorie; New Haven, CT; $168; self; attorney
Shea, Kathleen; New Haven, CT; $30; Self; Dog Trainer
Shea, Patricia; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired; Retired
Sherwin-Garland, Patricia; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale Art Gallery; Conservator of Paintings
Shiller, Barbara; New Haven, CT; $100; SCSU; Retired
Shonka, David; Clifton, VA; $250; Redgrave LLP; Attorney
Shrum, Trisha; Burlington, VT; $25; University of Vermont; Professor
Siedlarz, Lisa; New Haven, CT; $10; SCSU; Financial Aid Administrator
Sikand Edelstein, Jane; New Haven, CT; $100; The WorkPlace; Career Counselor
Silberman, Julia; New Haven, CT; $50; Americorps; Americorps
Silverman, Ina; New Haven, CT; $250; Congregation Beth El Keser Israel; principal
Silverman, Pierrette; New Haven, CT; $125; Planned Parenthood Federation of America; Health Care Administration
Simeone, Louise; New Haven, CT; $200; Retired; Retired
Skakle, Cliff; Hamden, CT; $100; New Haven Lawn Club; Director of Tennis
Slanski, Kathryn; New Haven, CT; $40; Yale University; Educator
Slattery, Michael; New Haven, CT; $50; Yale University; Programmer
Sloane, Dave; Hamden, CT; $10; University of New Haven; Teacher
Smetana, Lara; Chicago, IL; $80; Loyola University Chicago; Professor
Smith, David; New Haven, CT; $250; Robbins, Russell; Lawyer
Smith, Eric; Orange, CT; $370; Faxon Law Group LLC; trial lawyer
Smith, Patrick; Hamden, CT; $100; Yale University; Manager
Smuts, Robert; San Francisco, CA; $100; City and County of San Francisco; Manager
Snow, Judith; Guilford, CT; $370; Retired; Retired
Snow Robinson, Laura; New Haven, CT; $33; Jewish Senior Services; Director
Snyder, Kerala; New Haven, CT; $370; NA; Retired
Snyder, Richard; New Haven, CT; $370; NA; Retired
Sokolow, Jay; New Haven, CT; $250; Radiology Group PC; physician
Sookdeo, Tabitha; New Haven, CT; $50; IRIS-Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services; Development Specialist
Spence, Kevin; Eugene, OR; $100; DionyMed; Manufacturing
Spillane, Margaret; New Haven, CT; $20; Yale University; Instructor
Spitzer, Harold; Hamden, CT; $200; Self Employed; Architect
Stanton, Pam; New Haven, CT; $130; None; retired
Stark, Fortney; New Haven, CT; $10; Peace First; Manager
States, Randall; New Haven, CT; $50; Michael Baker International; Civil Engineer
Steinhardt, David; Branford, CT; $370; D.S. Sewing Inc; President
Stewart, Arthur; Meriden, CT; $100; Sunrise Supportive Care; Social Worker
Stone, Ann; New Haven, CT; $370; Self Employed; magistrate/attorney
Stone, Leslie; New Haven, CT; $60; Yale University — Yale-China Assoc; Dir Education
Stone, Mary; New Haven, CT; $50; Yale; Psychiatrist
Stovall, Marcy; New Haven, CT; $150; Pullman; Lawyer
Street, Lynn; New Haven, CT; $370; Self; Physician
Strickler, Michael; New Haven, CT; $10; Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Research Specialist
Strom, Steve; New Haven, CT; $50; State of CT; Asst Attorney General
Strong, Thomas; New Haven, CT; $200; Self; Graphic Designer
Stuart, Joanna; New Haven, CT; $50; self; artist/retired
Suatoni, Elizabeth; New Haven, CT; $300; NRDC; Scientist
Suggs, Tara Celeste; New Haven, CT; $350; Retired; Retired
Sullivan, Bonnie; New Haven, CT; $370; None; None
Sullivan, Shaun; New Haven, CT; $370; Wiggin & Dana; Retired
Summerville, Jeffrey; New Haven, CT; $250; Summerville Consulting; Owner
Summerville, Martha; New Haven, CT; $250; Summerville Consulting; Owner
Suzuki, Ken; New Haven, CT; $75; Local 34 Fed. of University Employees; Union Representative
Swirsky, Charles; Chicago, IL; $100; Chicago Public Schools; Office of Public Policy
Tagliarini, Joseph; New Haven, CT; $115; Comprehensive Dental Health; Dentist
Tai, Alice; Brooklyn, NY; $100; Rockwell Group; Architect
Talbot, Thomas; North Haven, CT; $100; Retired; retired
Taylor, Chris; Jamaica Plain, MA; $370; Cybereason; Director
Thapa, Suvadin; New Haven, CT; $150; Hopkins School; Maintenance
Thomas, Jamaal; New Haven, CT; $40; Yale University; EEO Representative
Tobias, Lauren; New Haven, CT; $370; Yale University School of Medicine; Physician
Topitzer, Patricia; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired; Retired
Torres, Berenice; New Haven, CT; $190; Retired; Retired
Torres, Miguel; Philadelphia, PA; $160; Beacon Point Recovery; Assessment Therapist
Totman, Lisa; Hamden, CT; $200; retired ; teacher
Trachten, Ben; New Haven, CT; $370; Trachten Law Firm, LLC; Attorney
Tracz, Kristin; Washington, DC; $100; Walton Family Foundation; Program officer
Tucker, C Michael; New Haven, CT; $50; Self Employed; Architect
Tufts, Christopher; Brooklyn, NY; $150; JPMorgan Chase & Co; Portfolio Manager
Tufts, Frederick; Naples, FL; $370; Retired; Retired
Tufts, Julie; Naples, FL; $370; Retired; Retired
Tupper, Maria; New Haven, CT; $50; Self; Social Worker
Tureck, Jerome; New Haven, CT; $30; Self; Retired
Tureck, Marlene; New Haven, CT; $30; Self; n/a
Turner, Paul; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale; Professor
Tyler, Sara; New Haven, CT; $100; Sacred Heart Academy; Teacher
Underwood, Janis; New Haven, CT; $30; retired; retired
Urban, Trinity; New Haven, CT; $50; Mass General Hospital; Program Manager
Urbano, Anthony Patrick; Orange, CT; $97.5; Self; Consultant & R&D
Vaccarelli, Susan; Middlebury, CT; $30; Naugatuck Valley Community College; Registered Nurse
Vallone, Jeff; Essex Junction, VT; $50; The Grift, LLC; Musician
Van Tassel, Paul; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale University; Professor
Vance, Julie; New Haven, CT; $20; yale; adjunct faculty
Vandebroek, Emilia; New Haven, CT; $370; CT Veterans Legal Center; Lawyer
Venema, Doss; Branford, CT; $50; NA; retired
Victor, Stephen; New Haven, CT; $50; none; Program Planner/Archaeologist
Virostko, Barbara; Reston, VA; $10; Perfectly Female Women’s Health Care; Operations Manager
Vitale, Liz; New Haven, CT; $10; Yale University; Operations Manager
Walsh, Brooks; New Haven, CT; $370; Bridgeport Hospital; Physician
Warner, Carol; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale; Professor
Warren, Tyler; Bethesda, MD; $370; Self employed; Male Mdoel
Watkins, Anne; New Haven, CT; $370; Watkins Strategy Group; Consultant
Webb, Emily; Novato, CA; $370; University of California, San Francsico; Doctor
Weinreb, David; New Haven, CT; $36; Fair Haven School; Teacher
Werlin, Steve; New Haven, CT; $100; Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen, Inc.; Executive Director
Wessel, Paul; New Haven, CT; $100; U.S. Green Building Council; Director
Westover, Louise; New Haven, CT; $150; retired; RN
White, James; New Haven, CT; $370; AECOM; Manager
Whitney, James; New Haven, CT; $100; Cooper, Whitney, Cochran & Francois; Attorney
Wiedeking, Tanya; New Haven, CT; $200; Yale University; Operations Manager
Wiener, Marjorie; New Haven, CT; $30; n/a; n/a
Williams, Elizabeth; Hamden, CT; $50; Yale University; Manager
Williams, Robert; Hamden, CT; $50; Yale Law School; Attorney
Wilson, Dennis; New Haven, CT; $10; Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services; Education and Advocacy Coordinator
Wilson, Elizabeth; New Haven, CT; $370; Self; Physician
Wilson, Juliana; New Haven, CT; $370; None; None
Wolf-Sorokin, Jacob; Cambridge, MA; $185; Cove Hill Partners; Investor
Wrzesniewski Law, Amy; Philadelphia, PA; $370; Yale University; Professor
Yaro, Jennifer; North Haven, CT; $50; Fair Haven Community Health Center; Nurse Practitioner
Ye, Jin; Scarsdale, NY; $100; NYPH; Medical
Zalesch, Steven; New Haven, CT; $36; Retired; Engineeer
Zarrow Schrager, Sherry; New Haven, CT; $150; Retired; Retired
Zehner, Andrew; New Haven, CT; $370; University of Pennsylvania; Attorney
Zito, Joanne; New Haven, CT; $50; Yale University; Financial Assistant
Zorzanello, Mary; New Haven, CT; $110; Yale University; Nurse Practicioner
List Of Harp Donors
Adams, LaChandra; New Haven, CT; $25; Divine Elements Salon; Owner
Alston, John; New Haven, CT; $250; City of New Haven; Fire Chief
Alston, John Jr. ; New Haven, CT; $500; City of New Haven; Fire Chief
Anderson, Bryan; Milford, CT; $160; Retired; Teacher
Armmand, Esther; New Haven, CT; $250; Legislative Policy Liasion; City of New Haven
Armmand, Esther; New Haven, CT; $150; City of New Haven; legislative affairs liasion
Barr, Tony; Bridgeport, CT; $200; Consultant; Union Local 191
Bender, Norman; Woodbridge, CT; $100; Retired; Retired
Birks, Carol; Bridgeport, CT; $150; NHPS; Superentendant
Bombero, Rebecca; New haven, CT; $100; City of New Haven; Director Parks & Rec
Boyarsky, Michael; Bethany, CT; $72; Welco Realty; Realtor
Brancati , Salvatore J; New Haven, CT; $250; Town of East Haven; Economic Policy Dir.
Brett, Patricia; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired; Retired
Brown, Diane; New Haven, CT; $100; City of New Haven; Librarian
Bruno, Riga; Guilford, CT; $1000; pasquariello corp; Operations
Campbell, Naomi; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired; Retired
Carmon, Sheila; New Haven, CT; $250; City of New Haven; Deputy CSA
Carroll, Mabel; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired; Retired
Castro, Migdalia; New Haven, CT; $150; City of New Haven; Director Elderly Svc.
Catalbasoglu, Kadir; Hamden, CT; $1000; Brick Oven Pizza; Owner
Chapman, Elsie; New Haven, Ct; $250; Retired; Retired
Cimini , Peter; Rocky Hill, CT; $250; Capitol Strategies Group; Lobbyist
Clarke, Sioney; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired; Retired
Clarke, Wendy; Hamden, CT; $100; Kelley Drye & Warren; Attorney
Cloud, Chris; Hartford, CT; $250; CC&K; Lobbyist
Cole, Robert; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale University; COO
Comer, James; New Haven, CT; $1000; Yale University;
Coursey, Mary; West Hartford, CT; $500; Coursey & Co ; Public Relations
Cousin, Steven; New Haven, CT; $100; Bethel AME Church; Pastor
Crisco, Joseph Jr; New Haven, Ct; $500; Consultant; Self
Crumbie, Andrew; West Hartford, CT; $1000; Crumbie Law; Attorney
Donna, Wirkus; Orange, CT; $40; Yale; Finance
Exum , Tammy; West Hartford, CT; $50; ; candidate
Fontana, Steven; North Haven, CT; $250; City of New Haven; Deputy Economic Dev.
Garcia, Gerry; New Haven, CT; $150; City of New Haven; Business Counselor
Garcia, Gerry; New Haven, CT; $50; City of New Haven; Business Counselor
Garcia, Magdalena; New Haven, CT; $50; Sikorsky Aircraft; Industrial Engineer
Goodridge, Valencia; New Haven, CT; $25; Coldwell Banker; Realtor
Grant, Sharyn ; New Haven, CT; $25; CAANH; Co ordinator
Graves, Cathy; New Haven, CT; $100; City of New Haven; Econ. Dev Small Bus.
Graves, Cathy; New Haven, CT; $20; City of New Haven; Economic Development
Graves, Clifton; New haven, CT; $100; Probate Judge; State of CT
Guilhermina, Ribeiro; New Haven, CT; $150; Elm City Communities; Director
Halloran, Kaitlin; West Hartford, CT; $250; Halloran & Halloran; Attorney
Halloran, Robert B; West Hartford, CT; $250; MDC; Attorney
Harp, Djana; New Haven, CT; $200; SWCHC; Physician
Harp, Wendell M; New Haven, CT; $250; Real Estate Management; Self ‑Harp
Harris , Michael; New Haven, CT; $150; EDC of New Haven; Grant Coordinator
Hausladen, Douglas; New Haven, CT; $1000; City of New haven; Transportation
Hayes, Gerald W.; Mashpee , MA; $100; None; Retired
Haynes, Michele; New Haven, CT; $25; Divine Elements Salon; Owner
Hennessy, Barbara; Hartford, CT; $1000; CVS Health; Attorney
Hinds, Karen; Waterbury, CT; $250; Workplace Success Group; Consultant
Holness, Karaine; Hamden, CT; $30; Salon; Owner
Jackie, Buster; New Haven, CT; $150; WOW! Creative Design Group; Marketing
Jamil, Harp; Atlanta, GA; $250; Oakhurst; MD
Jepsen, George; Hartford, CT; $250; Shipman & Goodwin; Attorney
Johnson, Iva ; New Haven, CT; $100; SEIU; Organizer
Jones , Daryl ; New Haven, CT; $150; City of New Haven; Controller
Joseph, Martina; New Haven, CT; $250; Dr. Hauschka Skincare; CEO
Kilpatrick, William; New Haven, CT; $150; Retired; NA
Laurence, Grotheer; Woodbridge, CT; $150; City of New Haven; Dir Comm
Lumpkin, Gemma Joseph; New Haven, CT; $150; City of New Haven; Admin BOE
Matteson, Sean; Hamden, CT; $150; City of New Haven; Admin CAO
McCabe, Patrick E.; Hartford, CT; $250; Capitol Strategies Group; Govt. Relations
McCarthy, Thomas; Bridgeport, CT; $250; City of New Haven; Director Labor Relations
McCluskey, David; West Hartford, CT; $100; State of CT; Legislative Liaison
McCrory, Doug; Hartford, CT; $250; CREC; Administrator
McDermott, Brian; Avon, CT; $250; McDermott Group Consulting; Consultant ‑business
McKinnie , Sandra; New Haven, CT; $25; student; student
McQuade, David J; Vernon, CT; $250; Murtha Cullina; consultant
Michael, Gormany; Branford, CT; $150; City of new haven; Budget director
Motley, John H.; Hamden, CT; $500; Motley Consulting ; Self
Muley, Dakibu; New Haven, CT; $100; Administrator; City of New Haven
Muley, Dakibu; New Haven, CT; $100; City of New Haven; CSA
Muley, Dakibu; New Haven, CT; $100; City of New Haven; CSA Admin
Muley, Dakibu; New Haven, CT; $50; Administrator; City of New Haven
Newton-Foster, Patricia; New Haven, CT; $100; Newton Foster Homecare; Owner
Nickelle, Cooper; Hamden, CT; $20; Owner; Office Manager
Peele, Agnes; West Hartford, Ct; $1000; Agnes Peele; Gardener
Peelle, JR, William; West Hartford, CT ; $1000; Bradley Foster & Sargent; Investment
Perkins, Alexis; New Haven, CT; $25; City of New Haven; Receptionist
Pescosolido, Jeffrey; New Haven, CT; $150; City of New Haven; Director Public Wks
Petukhov, Denis; Hartford, CT; $250; Kirk Ice LLC; skater
Piscitelli, Michael; New Haven , CT; $50; City of New Haven; City Plan
Przybysz, Kenneth L; Hartford, CT; $250; Kenneth Przybysz; Lobbyist
Rachel, Stephens; New Haven, CT; $20; Yale University; professor
Rankins, Samod; New Haven, CT; $60; City of New Haven; Firefighter
Reed, Latatia Colbert; Woodbridge, CT; $100; N/A; N/a
Renne, Sanjurjo; New Haven, CT; $100; retired; retired
Rey , Enid; Hartford, CT; $250; OPP; Admin/Atty
Reyes, Norma Rodriguez; New Haven, CT; $50; LaVoz Hispana; President
Reyes, Tomas; Oxford, CT; $100; City of New Haven; Chief of Staff
Reyes, Tomas; New Haven, CT; $100; City of New Haven; Chief of Staff
Rivera, Pedro; New Haven, CT; $250; Rivera & Rivera Assoc.; Accountant
Robert, Reed; Woodbridge, CT; $250; City of New Haven; Legislative Affairs
Rodriguez, Carmen; Orange, CT; $50; NH BOE; Administrator
Rodriguez, Evelyn; New Haven, CT; $200; Unemployed; Unemployed
Rodriguez, Ruben; New Haven, CT; $50; Southern CT University ; Custodian
Rosa, Maritza; New Haven, CT; $25; City of New Haven; Exec. Admin Asst.
Rosa, Myrna; New Haven, CT; $25; NH BOE; Teacher
Rosa , Maria B; Branford, CT; $100; City of New Haven; Executive Admin
Rose, John Jr.; New Haven, CT; $150; City of New Haven; Attorney
Roundtree, Geoff; Bloomfield, CT; $250; CDM Smith; Construction Inspector
Sandler, James; Bloomfield, CT; $250; Sandler & Mora , PC; Attorney
Scott, Andrea; New Haven, CT; $100; City of New Haven; Deputy Chief of Staff
Scott, Andrea; New Haven, CT; $50; City of New Haven; Deputy Chief of Staff
Scott , Carolyn; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired; Retired
Segaloff, Barbara; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired; Retired
Segaloff, James; New Haven, CT; $100; Sussman Duffy & Segaloff; Attorney
Sheila, Carmon; New Haven, CT; $250; City of New Haven; Deputy admin
Silverstone, David; West Hartford, CT; $250; Science Park; Attorney
Sorokin , Matthew; West Hartford, CT; $50; Sorokin Law Firm; Attorney
Stephani, Martinez; West Haven, CT; $20; Combined Insurance; Insurance Sales Agent
Stephen, Fontana; North Haven, CT; $150; City of New Haven; Dep Dir Ec Dev
Teel, Carol; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired; Retired
Thompson, Sherri; New Haven, CT; $100; City of New Haven; NH PSAP
Walker, Donald; New Haven, CT; $150; Gateway State of CT; Professor
Walton, Kevin ; New Haven, CT; $100; ACES; Human Resources
Webb, Leonard; New Haven, CT; $100; Ethnic Online; Owner
Welch, Stanley; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired; Retired
Welfare, Harriett; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired; Retired
Welfare, Harry; New Haven, CT; $25; nhps; Administrator
Welfare, Malcolm; New Haven, CT; $25; NHPS; Teacher
Welfare, Maya; New Haven, CT; $25; City of New Haven; Assistant to Mayor
White , David; Branford, CT; $500; Universal Hotel Liquadators; Sales
Wilson, Peter; New Haven, CT; $25; NHPS; Teacher
Wolf, Andrew; New Haven, CT; $150; City of New Haven; Director Arts Culture
Wolf , Andrew; New Haven, CT; $50; City of New Haven; Manager Arts
Wolfson, John ; Bloomfield, CT; $250; Feiner Wolfson; Attorney
Wood , Adam; Rocky Hill , CT; $150; City and State LLC; Public Relations
Wright , Elease; Hartford, Ct; $250; Retired; Retired
Zinn , Giovanni; New Haven, CT; $150; City of New Haven; Engineer