Health experts contributing to Elicker, clockwise from top left: Gregg Gonsalves, Sten Vermund, Robert Heimer, Ohm Deshpande, Maritza Bond, Saud Anwar.

Veteran civic leaders contributing to DuBois-Walton, clockwise from top left: Dacia Toll, Linda Lorimer, Reggie Mayo, Bruce Alexander, Toni Harp, Serena Neal-Sanjurjo.

Mayor Justin Elicker brought in campaign contributions from high-profile public health experts these past few months in the wake of tackling a public-health emergency. Karen DuBois-Walton brought in bucks from civic leaders she has worked with in government over decades.
Both sides saw cash flow their way from landlords, contractors, and real estate developers.
Those are a few takeaways from the latest campaign finance disclosure reports recently filed by the Elicker and DuBois-Walton mayoral campaigns with the State Elections Enforcement Commission (SEEC). Monday marked the deadline for reporting campaign contributions received in the second quarter of the year, between April 1 and June 30.
Elicker, a first-term incumbent, is running for reelection against challenger DuBois-Walton, who previously served as a top aide to former Mayor John DeStefano before running the city’s public housing authority for 14 years. (Mayce Torres, who has also filed papers to run for mayor, has not filed any reports of raising money.)
Click here and here to read Elicker’s and DuBois-Walton’s Q2 campaign finance reports in full.
Click here to read a previous story about their second quarter fundraising, and here to read about each campaign’s fundraising in the first quarter of the year.
In the three-month stretch covering April through June, Elicker’s reelection campaign raised a total of $103,035.48 across 849 contributions from 705 individual donors. His campaign also pulled in $43,176 in Democracy Fund public financing grants. And it spent a total of $73,336.65.
In that same time period, DuBois-Walton’s campaign — which officially launched on May 3—raised a total of $109,785.14 across 955 contributions from 773 individual donors. Her campaign reported pulling in $30,786 in matching dollars from the Democracy Fund. And it spent a total of $36,866.66.
Overall, Elicker’s reelection campaign ended the second quarter with $184,424.67 on hand. That compares to $104,094.48 on hand for DuBois-Walton’s campaign at the end of June.
A deep dive into each campaign’s Q2 contributors list reveals a few patterns in who is gravitating towards which mayoral contender so far.
Public Health Support For Elicker
On the campaign trail, the mayor has kept front and center his administration’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic as one of his top credentials for winning another term in office.
A campaign fundraising email sent out by Elicker on June 30 had the subject line, “The Importance of Leadership.”
“When the pandemic hit within my first 100 days of taking office, our world was turned upside down,” that email reads. “I took immediate, decisive action by coordinating with health experts, community members and emergency management. We secured free pandemic housing for our most vulnerable, oversaw one of the most robust testing efforts in the state, and helped negotiate millions of dollars in additional funding for our city.”
That email touts that more than 66,000 New Haveners had gotten at least one dose of the vaccine at that time, and that the city’s seniors were nearly 90 percent vaccinated.
Elicker’s Q2 contributor list shows that this focus on the pandemic appears to be paying off, including with some high-profile local and statewide public health experts.
Those include Yale infectious disease expert Gregg Gonsalves ($390), Yale School of Public Health Dean Sten Vermund ($390), Yale epidemiologist and needle exchange pioneer Robert Heimer ($125), and Yale New Haven Health Associate Chief Clinical Officer Ohm Deshpande ($200). Elicker has maintained the support of his own health staff, receiving contributions from city Community Services Administrator Mehul Dalal ($390) and city Health Director Maritza Bond ($242.48). And he also earned the financial support support of South Windsor State Sen. and physician Saud Anwar ($100).
“I think the mayor and the health director have done a very, very good job” in responding to Covid so far, Heimer told the Independent. He praised the mayor for closing off a road in East Rock early on in the pandemic to allow for social distancing. And he praised Elicker and Bond for working to make testing and vaccinations as accessible as possible, and for successfully grappling with ever-changing pandemic-safety guidelines handed down by the state.
“He’s created a sense of competent leadership about practical measures to manage how state regulations about pandemic control have played out in New Haven,” Heimer said.
Gonsalves agreed, in an email statement provided to the Independent. “In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the dramatic rise in overdoses, the lingering health disparities in this city, we need someone as Mayor of New Haven who understands the fundamental role of public health, doesn’t equivocate about the science and supports cutting edge work to address the health issues we face,” Gonsalves wrote. “That is why I am supporting a second term for Justin Elicker as mayor.”
Establishment Figures & Change Makers For DuBois-Walton
DuBois-Walton’s campaign contributor list for the second quarter, meanwhile, reveals many familiar names from New Haven business, political, and public life over the past few decades. She has worked with many of them as a city mayoral chief of staff and chief administrative officer as well as, for the past 14 years, head of the housing authority.
Those include former local government stalwarts like former Mayor Toni Harp ($100), former Mayor John DeStefano ($390), former NHPS Superintendents Reggie Mayo ($390) and Garth Harries ($390) and Carol Birks ($150), former LCI Executive Director Serena Neal-Sanjurjo ($390), former city development chief Matthew Nemerson ($390), former city spokesperson Laurence Grotheer ($50), and former Chief Administrative Officer Rob Smuts ($390).
DuBois-Walton also won the support of former Yale Vice Presidents Bruce Alexander ($390) and Linda Lorimer ($390), and former Achievement First CEO Dacia Toll ($390).
And she earned contributions from some of the most civically engaged local change-makers and activists like Luis Luna ($60), Alex Taubes ($390), Andrew Giering ($390), Leslie Blatteau ($100), Kica Matos ($200), Dori Dumas ($360), and Rev. Samuel T. Ross-Lee ($390).
“Karen has been a good friend over the years and I certainly worked with her during my stay as superintendent,” said Mayo, who served as the city school system’s superintendent for two decades.
While he has not been too involved in the current mayoral campaign race, and said that he’s still open to both candidates, Mayo said, he has contributed to DuBois-Walton’s campaign so far because of her respect for her city government track record, and because of his experiences working closely with her over the decades.
DuBois-Walton “is ready to tackle the structural problems of the city budget and high taxes,” said Alexander, a retired Yale vice president for New Haven and state affairs. “She has a vision of cooperation with the business community and non-profits to grow the economy and tax base and to create more jobs, and she is a proven manager of a complex organization who will bring those skills to crime reduction and more effective schools for our kids.”
“While I would prefer a candidate who grew up in the New Haven area, my personal opinion is that Dr. Dubois-Walton is the candidate with the lived experience necessary to meaningfully address New Haven’s vast racial and socioeconomic inequities, and to build a united New Haven out of what increasing looks like two separate cities,” said Giering, a City Point resident, Hill South and Downtown community management team stalwart, and a member of numerous local boards, including for the public library and Artspace.
Giering also said his decision has been influenced by what he sees as a drop in support for Elicker by members of the mayor’s 2020 transition team, and by sustained support for DuBois-Walton by two former, living mayors — DeStefano and Harp.
Don’t Forget About Real Estate
Both sides, meanwhile, attracted significant chunks of change from landlords, contractors and real estate developers amid a building boom in the city.
For Elicker, such contributors included Albert Annunziata ($390), Barnett Brodie ($390), Alexandra Daum ($390), Paul Denz ($140), Robert and Susan Frew ($390 each), Vincent Giordano ($390), Doug Gray ($390), and Randy and Claire Salvatore ($390 each).
For DuBois-Walton, such contributors included Michael Giordano ($390), Larry Gottesdiener ($390), Yves Joseph ($390), Dara Kovel ($390), Matthew Short ($390), and Larry Stewart ($100).
See below for all Q2 contributors to Elicker’s reelection campaign, followed by a list of all Q2 contributors to DuBois-Walton’s campaign. Note that some of the aggregate contributions to DuBois-Walton’s campaign top the Democracy Fund cap of $390 per individual. DuBois-Walton campaign manager Will Viederman said that most of those excess amounts were refunded in the second quarter, and that the remaining excesses will be refunded in the third quarter.
Both campaigns are participating in the public-financing Democracy Fund, which provides matching grants to mayoral candidates so long as they limit individual contributions to $390 a piece and not take contributions from PACs.
List Of Elicker Donors
Abdalla, Fuad; New Haven, CT; $390; Manager, New Haven Pizza
Abercrombie, Scott D.; Northford, CT; $100; Insurance Agent, GAP Insurance LLC
Adams, Debra; New Haven, CT; $100; assistant Director, Sarah Tuxis
Agrawal, Mohit; New Haven, CT; $390; Deputy Policy Director, Office of Gov. Ned Lamont
Agyekum, Kimberly; New Haven, CT; $358.37; Campaign Manager, Elicker 2021
Ahmad, Muneer; New Haven, CT; $200; Professor, Yale Law Sxhool
Alderman, Nancy; North Haven, CT; $50; retired, retired
Alderman, Nancy; North Haven, CT; $25; retired, retired
Alexander, Jeffrey; New Haven, CT; $390; Professor, Yale
Alexander, Morel; New Haven, CT; $390; Psychotherapist, Self Employed: Morel Morton Alexander, LMFT
Alexiades, Elias; Branford, CT; $100; Attorney, City of New Haven
Alexiades, Elias; Branford, CT; $100; Attorney, City of New Haven
Altman, Bruce; New Haven, CT; $37.37; Actor, Self Employed
Alvarado, Frank; North Haven, CT; $125; Veterans Affairs Officer, US SBA
Alvarado, Frank; North Haven, CT; $100; Veterans Affairs Officer, US SBA
Alvarez, Amanda; East Hampton, CT; $50; Brand Manager, Edgewell Personal Care
Anastasio-Bourke, Roye; New Haven, CT; $20; Communication Specialist, Retired
Anderson, Britt; New Haven, CT; $100; Medical writer, Chameleon Communications
Anderson, Edward; New Haven, CT; $140; Real Estate, Self-Employed
Anderson, Marjo; New Haven, CT; $25; Clergy, Salem Lutheran Church, 3160 Park Avenue, Bpt 06604
Angoff, Ron; New Haven, CT; $100; Physician, Pediatric & Medical Associates
Annunziata, Albert; New Haven, CT; $390; Attorney, Self Employed
Annunziata, Karen; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired teacher, Shelton school system
Annunziata, Maria; New Haven, CT; $390; Homemaker, Self Employed
Anwar, Saud; South Windsor, CT; $250; Physician, NEPA, LLC
Armour, Gordon; New Haven, CT; $390; Retired, Retired
Auer, Henry; New Haven, CT; $250; Retired, Retired
Augusta, Judith; New Haven, CT; $20; retired, retired
Austin, James; Guilford, CT; $100; professor, Connecticut College
Avni-Singer, Abraham; New Haven, CT; $100; Pediatrcian, CAHC
Babbidge, Alex; North Haven, CT; $100; Construction Management, Babbidge Construction Company
Baehr, Ashley; New Haven, CT; $10; Teacher, Reachout-Inc.
Baldwin, Sherill; New Haven, CT; $100; Environmental Analyst, CT DEEP
Balletto, Debra; East Hampton, CT; $390; Retired, Retired
Balletto, Joseph; East Hampton, CT; $390; Retired, Retired
Baltimore, Richard; West Hartford, CT; $50; Attorney, State of CT
Bapdrlli, Ray; New Haven, CT; $100; Realtor, Edgehill/Pearce
Barese, Janet; New Haven, CT; $26.01; marketing, retired
Barnes, James; New Haven, CT; $200; Retired, retired
Barnes, Mary; New Haven, CT; $200; Retired, Retired
Barra, Teddi; Branford, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Bartow, Anna; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Bashevkin, Rachel; New Haven, CT; $100; Program coordinator, Yale University
Bates, Lisa Tepper; Stonington, CT; $390; Nonprofit Management, United Way of CT
Batsford, Donna; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Beach, Randall; New Haven, CT; $100; Writer, Self Employed
Behrendt, Tom; New Haven, CT; $100; lawyer, CT Legal Rights Project
Bekhrad, Fereshteh; New Haven, CT; $100; Architect/urban designer developer, self
Beller, Marsha; New Haven, CT; $100; social worker, retired
Bender, Norman; Woodbridge, CT; $150; Retired, Retired
Benoit, Cordalie; New Haven, CT; $30; Consultant, self
Berger, Eric; New Haven, CT; $190; physician, BERGER
Berger, Ethel; New Haven, CT; $190; Designer, Self Employed
Berger, Laura; New Haven, CT; $31.14; Social worker, Self
Berger, Laura; New Haven, CT; $30; Social worker, Self
Berliner, Henry; New Haven, CT; $15; Retired, Retired
Berliner, Henry; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
Bernstein, Phillip; New Haven, CT; $100; Architect, Yale University
Bernstein, Phillip; New Haven, CT; $50; Architect, Yale University
Bertolino, Joe; New Haven, CT; $100; Administrator, SCSU
Betancur, Luz; Hamden, CT; $51.83; Coordinator, New Haven Public School
Bettigole, Robert; Lakeville, CT; $340; Venture Capital, Elm Street Ventures
Biele, Allison; New Haven, CT; $100; Accountant, William Raveis
Blackwood, Izabela; New Haven, CT; $30; University professor, Stony Brook University
Blackwood, Izabela; New Haven, CT; $20; University professor, Stony Brook University
Blessing, Jonathan; New Haven, CT; $390; ceo, DOOR3
Bloom, James; Norwalk, CT; $100; oysterman, Norm Bloom & Son
Bloom, Lary; New Haven, CT; $100; Writer, Self Employed
Bloom, Norm; Norwalk, CT; $100; oysterman, Norm Bloom & Son
Bloom, Paul; New Haven, CT; $51.83; Retired, Retired
Boluk, Osman; Meriden, CT; $100; owner/operator, Self employed
Boms, Elon; New Haven, CT; $390; Finance, PVFO
Bond, Colin; New Haven, CT; $75; Consultant, Boston Consulting Group
Bond, Maritza; New Haven, CT; $100; Administrator, City of New Haven
Bond, Maritza; New Haven, CT; $72.48; Administrator, City of New Haven
Bond, Maritza; New Haven, CT; $70; Administrator, City of New Haven
Bonet-Ojeda, Daniel; East Haven, CT; $103.45; Executive, NHPS
Bonos, William; New Haven, CT; $10.53; Realtor, Coldwell Banker
Borowski, Wojtek; New Haven, CT; $390; Realtor, Pearce Real Estate
Boryca, Jerome; New Haven, CT; $100; architect, Roche Modern
Botelho, Tristan; New Haven, CT; $26.01; Professor, Yale School of Management
Boulanger, Philip; New Haven, CT; $20; Musician, Music Haven
Bourne, Gaylord; New Haven, CT; $50; Accountant, Achievement First
Bozzi, Laura; Cold Spring, NY; $10; program director, Yale University
Brackeen, Darryl; New Haven, CT; $25; CT Director of Regional Impact, Leadership for Educational Equity
Bradley, Kathleen; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Brainard, William; New Haven, CT; $200; Retired, Retired
Brancati, Tracey San Angelo; New Haven, CT; $390; SVP, People’s United Bank
Brinkley, Shirley; North Haven, CT; $40; Retired, None
Brisman, Leslie; New Haven, CT; $36; Professor, Yale University
Brockman, Elin; Hamden, CT; $100; Writer, Self Employed
Brodie, Barnett; Monsey, NY; $390; Landlord, Reichman Brodie Real Estate, LLC
Brodie, Janet; New Haven, CT; $25; Psychotherapist, Yale New Haven Hospital
Brody, Lisa; New Haven, CT; $10; Professor, Yale University Art Gallery
Bronson, Rachael; Watertown, CT; $390; Nurse, Nuvance Health
Brooks, Daphne; New Haven, CT; $100; Professor, Yale University
Brooks, Turner; New Haven, CT; $250; Architect, Yale
Brooks, Turner; New Haven, CT; $100; Architect, Yale
Brown, Brenda; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
Bruce, Lucile; New Haven, CT; $50; Communications, Yale
Bryant, Katurah; New Haven, CT; $51.92; Retired, Retired
Budries, David; New Haven, CT; $51.83; Sound Designer, Self
Budries, David; New Haven, CT; $26.01; Sound Designer, Self
Burgos, Brenda; New Haven, CT; $50; Administrator, Yale School of Management
Burt, Linda; New Haven, CT; $51.83; retired, Linda R Burt
Burt, Linda; New Haven, CT; $50; retired, Linda R Burt
Burt, Linda; New Haven, CT; $30; retired, Linda R Burt
Burt, Mary Jane; Hamden, CT; $390; Real Estate, CitiAtlas RE
Bylone, Mary; Colchester, CT; $10; First Selectman, Town of Colchester
Bynum, Terrell; New Haven, CT; $100; Teacher (retired), Retired
Cajigas, Magaly; East Haven, CT; $50; Development Manager, Community Foundation Greater New Haven
Caldwell, Florence; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Caldwell, Florence; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Caldwell, Florence; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
Caliz, Rick; New Haven, CT; $390; Owner, Self
Campbell, Jill; New Haven, CT; $10; Professor, Yale University
Canna, Christopher; New Haven, CT; $390; Real Estate, Corporation for Independent Living
Cantonwine, David; New Haven, CT; $50; Professor, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Cantor, Allison; South Glastonbury, CT; $100; Lawyer, ESPN
Caplan, Robert; New Haven, CT; $30; Self Employed, Self Employed
Capozzo, Donna; New Haven, CT; $250; office administrator, Boldwood Interiors
Cappuccio, Allison; New Britain, CT; $50; Data Analyst, Aetna
Caraballo, Alice; Orlando, FL; $50; Retired, Retired
Carbone, Joseph; New Haven, CT; $390; President CEO, The WorkPlace Inc
Carchia, Americo; New Haven, CT; $100; Attorney, Carchia Law Offices
Carnegie-Hargreaves, Jerome; Middletown, CT; $50; Real State, Self employed
Carney, Ken; West Haven, CT; $390; Business owner, Baybrook Remodelers Inc
Carney, Ken; West Haven, CT; $100; Business owner, Baybrook Remodelers Inc
Carter, Howard; New Haven, CT; $390; Film Maker, Self Employed
Carter, Michael; Washington, DC; $50; Executive, DC Government
Carter, Michael; Washington, DC; $30; Executive, DC Government
Carter, Michael; Washington, DC; $10; Executive, DC Government
Casella, Diane; Northford, CT; $26.01; Teacher, Yale University
Casella, Ed; Northford, CT; $25; Retired, Retired
Catalbasoglu, Kadir; New Haven, CT; $390; Cook, Brick Oven
Cavaliere, John; New Haven, CT; $140; Self Employed, Self Employed
Cavaliere, John; New Haven, CT; $100; Self Employed, Self Employed
Chambers, Wick; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
Chance, Karen; New Haven, CT; $190; Retired, Retired
Chance, Karen; New Haven, CT; $103.45; Retired, Retired
Charles, Annette; New Haven, CT; $390; Consultant, Self Employed
Checkla, Ira; Jericho, NY; $350; lawyer, self employed
Chegwidden, Cyn; New Haven, CT; $20; Retired, Retired
Chegwidden, Cyn; New Haven, CT; $10.53; Retired, Retired
Chun, Hyung; New Haven, CT; $300; Doctor, Yale
Chun, Hyung; New Haven, CT; $50; Doctor, Yale
Clark, Bayard; Hamden, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Clark, Bayard; Hamden, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Clark, Edmund; New Haven, CT; $10; Teacher, NHBOE
Clarke, Laura; Guilford, CT; $390; Arts volunteer, Self
Clayton, William; Dulles, VA; $50; Analyst, US Dept of State
Claytor, Ifeolu; Shaker Heights, OH; $26; Manager, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Right
Clemens, Susan; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Cochran, Frank; New Haven, CT; $100; attorney, retired
Cody III, J.R.; Plainville, CT; $50; Director, Construction Resources, LLC
Coe, Natalie; New Haven, CT; $100; Professor, SHU
Coffin, Christina; New Haven, CT; $250; Retired, Retired
Cohen, James; New Haven, CT; $390; retired, retired
Colavolpe, Nicholas; New Haven, CT; $15; Custodian, Retired
Colavolpe, Nicholas; New Haven, CT; $10; Custodian, Retired
Coleman, Claire; Woodbridge, CT; $50; Attorney, State of CT
Coleman, Kieran; New Haven, CT; $50; Engineer, Coleman DFM
Collins, Brad; New Haven, CT; $51.83; Graphic Designer, Group C Inc
Coney, Afred; Derby, CT; $200; Electrical Contractor, CSS on Demand Electrical LLC
Congdon, Diana; New Haven, CT; $50; APRN, Greater New Haven Counseling
Connors, Neil; New Britain, CT; $50; Attorney, Law Office of Neil P Connors
Connors, Neil; New Britain, CT; $50; Attorney, Law Office of Neil P Connors
Coon, David; New Haven, CT; $100; Architect, Pelli Clarke Pelli
Corazzini, Andrea; New Haven, CT; $87.96; Self Employed, G cafe Bakery
Coursey, Mary Brennan; West Hartford, CT; $390; Counsultant, Coursey & Company
Crawford, John; Guilford, CT; $390; Consultant/Board member, Strategemllc
Crespo, Jose; New Haven, CT; $50; Patient Advocate, Cornell Scott Hill Health Center
Criscio, Dean; East Haven, CT; $100; Auditor, City of New Haven
Cronin, Elizabeth; Branford, CT; $250; volunteers for national center for housing and chi, Retired
Cruz, Elio; New Haven, CT; $51.83; Self Employed, Laydon Industries
Cruz, Elio; New Haven, CT; $50; Self Employed, Laydon Industries
Cruz, Elio; New Haven, CT; $30; Self Employed, Laydon Industries
Cumiskey, Kelli; Fair Haven, NJ; $390; Product Manager, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Cunningham, Alison; Hamden, CT; $50; Administrator, Yale University
Curran, Gail; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Curran, William; Hamden, CT; $390; Retired, Retired
D’Amato, Jennifer; Guilford, CT; $390; Manager, D’Amatos Seafood II LLC
Dalal, Mehul; New Haven, CT; $390; Executive, City of New Haven
Daley, Kristin; New Haven, CT; $100; Doctor, Fairfield Anesthesia Associates
Daum, Alexandra; New Haven, CT; $390; Economic Development, State of Connecticut
DeCew, Sarah; Minden, NV; $100; Retired, Retired
DeFlumeri, Richard; New Haven, CT; $26.01; Events Coordinator, Yale University
Deitsch, Mordecai; New Haven, CT; $50; Director, deitsch plastic
Deitsch, Mordecai; New Haven, CT; $30; Director, deitsch plastic
Deitsch, Mordecai; New Haven, CT; $10; Director, deitsch plastic
Dembinski, Thomas J.; New Haven, CT; $250; Attorney, Dembinski Law Office
Demusis, Michele; New Haven, CT; $25; Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Self Employed
Denbo, James; Bethesda, MD; $100; Attorney, Retired Lawyer
Denz, Jessica; New Haven, CT; $100; Clinical Trial Manager, Merck
Denz, Paul; New Haven, CT; $140; President, Northside Development co.
Deprimo, Debra; New Haven, CT; $390; Kickboxing Instructor, CT. Krav Maga, MMA
Deshpande, Ohm; New Haven, CT; $100; Physician, Yale New Haven Health
Deshpande, Ohm; New Haven, CT; $100; Physician, Yale New Haven Health
Dhar, Ravi; New Haven, CT; $250; Professor, Yale University
DiAdamo, Kevin; New Haven, CT; $90; Assistant Clerk, CT Judicial Branch
Diamond, Ann; New Haven, CT; $390; Retired, Retired
Dildine, Greg; Baltimore, MD; $100; Homemaker, Not Employed
Dimbo, Deborah; New Haven, CT; $30; retired, retired
Dogolo, Georgiann; New Haven, CT; $51.83; Social Worker, City of New Haven
Dogolo, Georgiann; New Haven, CT; $51.83; Social Worker, City of New Haven
Dolan, Kristin; Hamden, CT; $150; Controller, Hurley Group
Dondy, Lise; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired, Retired
Dooley, Tadhg; New Haven, CT; $390; Lawyer, Wiggin and Dana
Doolittle, Michael; New Haven, CT; $144.75; Photographer, Self
Dorwart Crane, Joseph; Montpelier, VT; $10; Solar maintenance, Self Employed
Downer, Andrea; New Haven, CT; $155.08; Electrical Engineer, Employed
Downing, Jackie; Hamden, CT; $50; Manager, The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven
Dremov, Ivan; Somerville, MA; $390; Finance Senior Director, Clearwater Paper Corporation
Driscoll, David; New Haven, CT; $30; Photographer, Yale University
DuBoff, Max; New Haven, CT; $26.01; Student, Yale University
Duffy, Conor; Hamden, CT; $51.83; Attorney, Robinson & Cole LLP
Duke, Glenn; New Haven, CT; $20; None, Not Employed
Dunn, Margaret; New Haven, CT; $50; College Teacher, State of Connecticut
Duprey, Michelle; East Haven, CT; $50; Attorney, City of New Haven
Dutta, Manmita; New Haven, CT; $200; director of development, Gather New Haven
Edel, Charles; Falls Church, VA; $100; Analyst, The Wilson Center
Eder, Andrew; Guilford, CT; $390; Executive, Eder Bros., Inc.
Eder, Eileen; Guilford, CT; $100; artist, Self employed
Ehrlich, Barbara; New Haven, CT; $250; Professor, Yale University
Eilderts, Luke; New Haven, CT; $25; Professor, Southern CT State U
Eisenstat, Dana; New Haven, CT; $390; Professor, Yale University
Elliott, Andrew; New Haven, CT; $10; Designer, Technolutions
Elliott, Joshua; Hamden, CT; $390; Owner, The Common Bond Market
Ellis, Barbara; Litchfield, CT; $100; Unemployed, Unemployed
Engel, Tagan; New Haven, CT; $25; Consultant, Self, Yale Center for Business and the Environment
English, William; New Haven, CT; $250; Economist, Yale
Enright, Brian; Mystic, CT; $100; Attorney, Halloran Sage LLP
Epperson, Johanna; New Haven, CT; $100; project coordinator, D&B
Esposito, Sally; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, CT SERC
Esposito, Sally; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, CT SERC
Esposito, Sally; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, CT SERC
Esposito, Sally; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired, CT SERC
Esposito, Sally; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired, CT SERC
Evans, Peter; Hamden, CT; $150; retired, retired
Ezaguirre, Carlos; New Haven, CT; $51.83; economic development, city of new haven
Fahey, Pamela; New Haven, CT; $30; Attorney, Self Employed
Fahey, Pamela; New Haven, CT; $20; Attorney, Self Employed
Fahey, Pamela; New Haven, CT; $20; Attorney, Self Employed
Fahey, Pamela; New Haven, CT; $10; Attorney, Self Employed
Fahey, Pamela; New Haven, CT; $10; Attorney, Self Employed
Fahey, Pamela; New Haven, CT; $10; Attorney, Self Employed
Fahey, Pamela; New Haven, CT; $10; Attorney, Self Employed
Faughnan, Joseph; Northford, CT; $50; Attorney, Susman Duffy & Segaloff
Festa, Anna; New Haven, CT; $67.92; Homemaker, Self
Festa, Gene; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Festa, Gene; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Festa, Gene; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
Ficca, Sarah; Deep River, CT; $10; Field Director, Self employed in video work
Fielstra, Tyler; New Haven, CT; $26.01; Full time student, Na
Fielstra, Tyler; New Haven, CT; $25; Full time student, Na
Filomena, Augustine; New Haven, CT; $25; Carpenter, Spring Glen remodeling
Filomena, Augustine; New Haven, CT; $20; Carpenter, Spring Glen remodeling
Fiore, Rocco; New Haven, CT; $390; Retired, Retired
Fischman, Barry; Woodbridge, CT; $100; CPA, Marcum LLP
Fisher, Mary-Christy; New Haven, CT; $250; Attorney, Connecticut Veterans Legal Center
FitzGerald, Stephanie; New Haven, CT; $50; educator, Retired
Flake, Marcella; New Haven, CT; $51.83; Business Owner, Self Employed
Flake, Marcella; New Haven, CT; $10; Business Owner, Self Employed
Fleming, Bradley; Guilford, CT; $390; Wilderness Guide, Summit Achievement
Fleming, Norman; Guilford, CT; $390; retired, Retired
Flores-Harper, Mary; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Ford, Joy; New Haven, CT; $75; Retired, City of New Haven
Ford, Joy; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, City of New Haven
Forman, David; New Haven, CT; $10; RETIRED, NONE
Forman, Howard; New Haven, CT; $25; Professor, Yale
Forte, Joan; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Fortes, Stephan; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
Fortin, Auguste; New Haven, CT; $20; Physician, Yale Iniversitu
Fortin, Auguste; New Haven, CT; $10; Physician, Yale Iniversitu
Fountain, Carletta; New Haven, CT; $20; Counselor, Hill Health Center
Fowler, Richard; New Haven, CT; $25; retired, retired
Frew, Robert; New Haven, CT; $390; Architect, Self
Frew, Susan; New Haven, CT; $390; Real Estate, Betsy Grauer
Gaab, Barbara B.; New Haven, CT; $50; retired, Retired
Gaab, Gerald E.; New Haven, CT; $50; retired, Retired
Gabler, Benson; Pittsburgh, PA; $250; Director, International Living Future Institute
Gaglio, Anthony; Bridgeport, CT; $100; President, Viking Construction
Gallant, Keith Bradoc; New Haven, CT; $100; Lawyer, Day Pitney LLP
Garcia, Bryan; Cromwell, CT; $100; Investor, Connecticut Green Bank
Garcia, Norma; New Haven, CT; $50; Unemployed, Unemployed
Garibay, Jane; Windsor, CT; $25; State legislator, State of Ct
Garland, Nathan; New Haven, CT; $390; Graphic Designer/filmmaker, Self
Garland, Patricia; New Haven, CT; $50; Painting Conservator, Self
Garland, Patricia; New Haven, CT; $40; Painting Conservator, Self
Garris, Lonnie; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Gately, Susan; New Haven, CT; $40; Retired, Retired
Geballe, Gordon; Branford, CT; $390; Professor, Yale University
Giampietro, Kathryn; New Haven, CT; $30; Musician, Self
Gibson, Robert; New Haven, CT; $51.83; Retired, Retired
Gibson, Robert; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired, Retired
Gibson, Sandra; New Haven, CT; $51.83; Admin Assistant, Promise Land Church
Gilhuly, Joseph; Branford, CT; $390; Property Manager, Salatto Properties
Gilhuly, Maria; Branford, CT; $390; Attorney, Marcus Law Firm
Gillis, Jane; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Giordano, Vincent; Branford, CT; $390; Contractor, Giordano Construction Co.,INC.
Glenn, Amir; New Haven, CT; $103.45; IT Support Tech, Yale University
Glenn, Amir; New Haven, CT; $25; IT Support Tech, Yale University
Goetzmann, William; New Haven, CT; $100; Professor, Yale
Goldberg, Robin; New Haven, CT; $258.32; Dentist, 42NorthDental
Gonsalves, Gregg; New Haven, CT; $390; Professor, Yale University
Goodbaum, Joshua; New Haven, CT; $50; Attorney, Garrison, Levin-Epstein
Goodman, Linda; New Haven, CT; $50; Clinical Social Worker, Self Employed
Goodman, Linda; New Haven, CT; $40; Clinical Social Worker, Self Employed
Goodman, Linda; New Haven, CT; $26.01; Clinical Social Worker, Self Employed
Gordon, Frances; New Haven, CT; $100; retired, retired
Gorton, Gary; Guilford, CT; $100; Professor, Yale
Gostyla, Jeffrey; Avon, CT; $100; Attorney, Halloran & Sage
Gottschalk, Margaret; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Grabauskas, Linda; Waterbury, CT; $25; Retired, retired
Graff, Bennett; New Haven, CT; $50; Editor, Gale
Grant, Nicole; New Haven, CT; $100; Executive Director, Avangrid Foundation, Avangrid, Inc.
Gray, Douglas; New Canaan, CT; $390; Self Employed, Self Employed
Greenberg, Robert; Branford, CT; $25; Artist, Self Employed
Greenblatt, Sarah; New Haven, CT; $37.37; Social Work Consultant, SBGreenblatt Consulting LLC
Greenblatt, Sarah B; New Haven, CT; $37.37; Social Work Consultant, SBGreenblatt Consulting LLC
Greenfield, Joyce; New Haven, CT; $50; Artist, Self Employed
Greenfield, Joyce; New Haven, CT; $10; Artist, Self Employed
Greenspan, Elizabeth; New Haven, CT; $100; retired, retired
Greenwood, Julie; New Haven, CT; $25; Teacher, Squash Haven
Grenough, Millie; New Haven, CT; $51.83; Coach/Speaker/Social Worker, Grenough LLC
Griffin, William; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
Grimm-Matthews, Veronika; New Haven, CT; $100; University Professor, retired
Gulliver, Polly; New Haven, CT; $10; Self Employed, Self Employed
Gutridge, Melissa; New Haven, CT; $26.01; Home caregiver, N/a
Hadari, Tina; Windsor, CT; $200; Musician, Self Employed
Hadelman, Benjamin; Denver, CO; $390; Investor, Self Employed
Hahn, Judith; New Haven, CT; $50; retired, retired
Haile, Phil; New Haven, CT; $100; Professor, Yale University
Halac, Elias; New Haven, CT; $200; MD, Retired
Halac, Elias; New Haven, CT; $50; MD, Retired
Halac, Elias; New Haven, CT; $50; MD, Retired
Halac, Elias; New Haven, CT; $50; MD, Retired
Halac, Elias; New Haven, CT; $50; MD, Retired
Hall, Gail; New Haven, CT; $75; retired, retired
Harper, John; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Hayn, Dylan; New Haven, CT; $100; Architect, Urbane NewHaven
Headrick, Daniel; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Headrick, Daniel; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Heath, Allyna; New Haven, CT; $25; Not Employed, Not Employed
Hebrank, Kelly; Branford, CT; $30; Teacher, New Haven Public Schools
Heimer, Noel; New Haven, CT; $100; Consultant, Self Employed
Heimer, Robert; New Haven, CT; $100; Professor of Epidemiology, Yale University
Heimer, Robert; New Haven, CT; $25; Professor of Epidemiology, Yale University
Heller, Nathaniel; New York, NY; $30; Consultant, Hell Whale Enterprises
Hill, Kathryn; Madison, CT; $103.45; retired, New Haven Public Schools
Hinman, Rosalind; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Hinman, Rosalind; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Hinman, Rosalind; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Hobbs, Cynthia; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, AT&T
Hobbs, Cynthia; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, AT&T
Hodes, Lisa; New Haven, CT; $10; Psychotherapist, Lisa Hodes, LCSW
Hoffnung, Robert; New Haven, CT; $100; Psychologist, retired
Holahan, Susanna; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Holevoet, Donald; New Haven, CT; $50; home owner, Self
Holtgrewe, Burdette; Manchester, CT; $5; Consultant, Blue Edge Strategies
Holtgrewe, Burdette; Manchester, CT; $5; Consultant, Blue Edge Strategies
Horvath, Howard; West Haven, CT; $50; retired, retired
Horwitz, Carla; New Haven, CT; $50; Teacher, Yale University
Horwitz, Robert; New Haven, CT; $50; Psychologist, Self Employed
Howard, Joe; New Haven, CT; $190; Professor, Yale University
Howard, Joe; New Haven, CT; $100; Professor, Yale University
Howard, Joe; New Haven, CT; $100; Professor, Yale University
Huang, Bernadette; New Haven, CT; $150; Financial Planner, Kreitler Financial LLC
Hunter, David; New Haven, CT; $100; Health Care Administration, Mary Wade Home, Inc.
Hurwitz, Scott; Denver, CO; $390; Owner, Self
Hutchings, Stewart; New Haven, CT; $250; Business Owner, Self
Hutchinson, Richard; Branford, CT; $390; FINANCIAL ADVISOR, DICK HUTCHINSON RIA
Hyde, Thomas; Farmington, CT; $100; economic development, NVRDC
Ibbotson, Roger; Hamden, CT; $150; Professor, Yale School of Management
Ibbotson-Sindelar, Tim; Hamden, CT; $103.45; Student, Yale University
Incorvaia, Joseph; Riverside, CT; $258.32; Retired, Retired
Inglese, Steven; Washington, CT; $390; Realtor, New Haven Group, Inc.
Iovanne, Angeline; Branford, CT; $390; Owner, Lupinski Funeral Home
Iovanne, E William; New Haven, CT; $390; Funeral Director, Iovanne Funeral Home
Irvine, Francie; New Haven, CT; $140; Retired, Retired
Jackson, Typhanie; Hamden, CT; $100; NHPS, Educator
Jacobs, Bruce; West Haven, CT; $100; Attorney, Jacobs & Jacobs
Jacobs, Steve; New Haven, CT; $100; attorney, Self Employed
Jacobson, Joel; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Jafferis, George; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Jarem, Russell; Hartford, CT; $50; Attorney, Jackson Lewis PC Law Firm
Jarett, Laura; Madison, CT; $50; Psychologist, Self Employed
Jenkins, Enetria; New Haven, CT; $10; disabled, disabled
Jensen Sembos, Michael; New Haven, CT; $20; Administrator, Yale School of the Environment
Jessen, Heather; New Haven, CT; $100; Writer, Self Employed
Johnson, Curt; Branford, CT; $250; Attorney, Save the sound
Johnson, Laura; Spring, TX; $390; Homemaker, Same as mailing address
Johnson, Michael; West Hartford, CT; $218.33; Director of Gov Affairs, Sullivan & LeShane
Johnson, Michael; Guilford, CT; $51.83; Surgeon/educator, Yale new haven and private practice
Johnson, Michael; Guilford, CT; $51.83; Surgeon/educator, Yale new haven and private practice
Jordan, Pamela; New Haven, CT; $140; Retired, Retired
Joy, Julia; New Haven, CT; $10; Administrator, EBI Consulting
Joy, Stephen; New Haven, CT; $30; Professor, Albertus Magnus College
Joy, Stephen; New Haven, CT; $30; Professor, Albertus Magnus College
Joyner, Edward; New Haven, CT; $30; truancy officer, New Haven Public Schools
Kafoglis, Chris; North Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Kaplan, William; New Haven, CT; $200; teacher, retired teacher
Kaplan, William; New Haven, CT; $50; teacher, retired teacher
Kaplan, William; New Haven, CT; $30; teacher, retired teacher
Karne, Anita; New Haven, CT; $100; Physician, Yale university
Kaston, Lisa; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Katz, Marilyn; New Haven, CT; $103.45; Retired College Professor, Former Employer: Wesleyan University, Middletown C
Kauder, Helen; New Haven, CT; $390; Self employed, Self Employed
Kehoegreen, Meaghan; Colchester, CT; $30; Teacher, Colchester board of ed
Kerr, Jeanne; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Kiefer, Dale; New Haven, CT; $200; Director, DSM, Inc
Kim, Christine; New Haven, CT; $144.75; Unemployed, Unemployed
King, Marissa; Guilford, CT; $100; Professor, Yale University
King, Robert; New Haven, CT; $390; Psychiatrist, Yale
King, Wanda; New Haven, CT; $50; retired, retired
Kissin, Cindy; New Haven, CT; $390; retired, retired
Klein, Bruce; New Haven, CT; $36; Social Worker, Private Practice
Klein, Linda; New Haven, CT; $103.45; Retired, Retired
Klein, Linda; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Klein, Linda; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired, Retired
Kleiner, Alex; New Haven, CT; $390; Software Investor, Rubicon Technology Partners
Klingher, Beth; New Haven, CT; $50; Artist, Self Employed
Klyuchenko, Joanna; New Haven, CT; $5; Retired, Retired
Klyuchenko, Joanna; New Haven, CT; $5; Retired, Retired
Knight, Katriela; Missoula, MT; $36; Administrator, Days Inn
Knight, Tara; New Haven, CT; $390; Attorney, Self Employed
Knott, Andrew; Hamden, CT; $390; Attorney, Knott & Knott
Knox, Ryan; New Haven, CT; $25; Consultant, Ivy Labs Education
Knox, Ryan; New Haven, CT; $10; Consultant, Ivy Labs Education
Koenig, Karel; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Koenig, Karel; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Kohn, Elias; Devon, PA; $75; Attorney, Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office
Konetchy, Andrea; New Haven, CT; $140; Retired, Retired
Konetchy, Andrea; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Kosowsky, Paul; Hamden, CT; $103.45; Administrator, Youth Continuum
Kovel, Carolyn; New Haven, CT; $100; Psychiatrist, Self
Kovel, Carolyn; New Haven, CT; $25; Psychiatrist, Self
Kovel, Carolyn; New Haven, CT; $25; Psychiatrist, Self
Kovel, Jane; West Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Kozlowski, Janice; New Haven, CT; $10; Tutor, New Haven Board of Ed
Kozuma, Hikaru; Sunderland, MA; $140; Administrator, Amherst College Office of Student Affairs
Kravetz, Karen; Woodbridge, CT; $200; Attorney, Susman Duffy & Segaloff PC
Kreitler, Robert; Easton, CT; $100; financial advisor, Kreitler Financial
Kuhr, Joshua; New Haven, CT; $50; Architectural Designer, Gray Organschi Architecture
Labbe, Jessica; New Haven, CT; $103.45; Administrator, Yale University
LaChance, Joel; New Haven, CT; $100; Bicycle Repairman, Goatville Cyclesmith llc
laconi, larry; New Haven, CT; $10; Manager, Inbox Health
Laliberte, Joe; Vernon, CT; $50; Consultant, CDM Smith
Landreneau, Mark; New Haven, CT; $100; Physician, Yale New Haven Health
Lane, Susan; New Haven, CT; $103.45; Grant magr, Planned parenthood of SouthernNew enland
Lanpher, Daniel; New Haven, CT; $25; Historian, Self Employed
Lapides, John; North Haven, CT; $309.95; Business Ownder, united aluminum
Lasater, Ike; New Haven, CT; $100; presenter, Self Employed
Lawhorn, Clara; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Lawson, Jenell; New Haven, CT; $25; Realtor, CAANH
Lee, Doreen; New Haven, CT; $35; Employed, Yale New Haven Health
Lemert, Charles; New Haven, CT; $10; Professor, Retired
Lemert, Charles; New Haven, CT; $10; Professor, Retired
Leshane, Paddi; Hartford, CT; $200; Lobbyist, Sullivan & Leshane
Lesser, Mary; New Haven, CT; $75; Retired, Retired
Levin, Jay; New London, CT; $100; Attorney/Lobbyist, Jay B. Levin Government Relations Consulting
Levine, Suzanne; New Haven, CT; $51.83; retired, Self Employed
Levinsohn, Jim; New Haven, CT; $390; Educator, Yale University
Levy, Arthur; New Haven, CT; $110; Retired, Retired
Levy, Betty; New Haven, CT; $50; Attorney, Self Employed; retired
Lewin, David; New Haven, CT; $250; Scientific Business Development, Yale Office of Cooperative Research
Leys, Nathan; New Haven, CT; $51.83; Attorney, New Haven Legal Assistance Association, Inc.
Light, Jessica; New Haven, CT; $258.32; Teacher, Nhps
Lindner, John; New Haven, CT; $200; Retired, Retired
Lindner, John; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Lindner, John; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired, Retired
Lindner, John; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired, Retired
Little, William; New Haven, CT; $50; Financial advisor, Edward Jones
Liu, Junjie; Woodbridge, CT; $50; Physician, Northeast Medical Group
Lloyd, Vanetta; New Haven, CT; $30; retired, retired
Lombardi, Thomas; Madison, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Love, Edmond; New Haven, CT; $30; retired, retired
Love, Louis; New Haven, CT; $20; Worker, Downtown Soup Kitchen
Lovett Graff, Sharon; New Haven, CT; $50; Librarian, New Haven Free Public Library
Loving, Patricia; New Haven, CT; $50; physician associate, Yale
Loving, Patricia; New Haven, CT; $30; physician associate, Yale
Lubin, Joan; New Haven, CT; $10.53; Retired, NA
Lubin, Joan; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, NA
Lubin, Joan; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, NA
Lubin, Nomi; New Haven, CT; $5; artist, — self
Lubin, Nomi; New Haven, CT; $3; artist, — self
Lydecker, Janet; New Haven, CT; $100; Psychologist, Yale
Machesney, Steve; New Haven, CT; $25; Director, Comcate
Machesney, Trina; New Haven, CT; $25; Student, None
Mack, Andre; New Haven, CT; $200; Self Employed, ANYTHING DeLiVeRy & REMOVAL
MacLachlan, Robert; Santa Ana, CA; $390; business owner, Vista Towers LLC
Maher, James; Hamden, CT; $100; Attorney, Halloran & Sage
Maisonpierre, Jacqueline; North Haven, CT; $20.85; Student, Student
Malinowski, Jacob; Greendale, WI; $30; Communication Director, Fair Elections Project
Mangini, Louis; New Haven, CT; $40; Staff, US House of Representatives
Mangini, Louis; New Haven, CT; $25; Staff, US House of Representatives
Marcarelli, Margaret; New Haven, CT; $10; Account Manager, MaxCyte
Marcouillier, Peter; New Haven, CT; $50; Product Manager, Converseon AI
Margolis, David; Hamden, CT; $390; Owner, Greenberg Rhein & Margolis
Markovits, Daniel; New Haven, CT; $100; Professor, Yale University
Marlowe, Ann; New Haven, CT; $50; Freelance editor, Self
Marseille, Anne; New Haven, CT; $93.13; Real Estate, Marseilles Properties
Martin, Anne; New Haven, CT; $390; Finance, Wesleyan University
Martinez, Michael; New Haven, CT; $50; Self employed Realtor, Remax Alliance
Martinez, Robert; New Haven, CT; $100; retired, retired
Marx, Helen; Hamden, CT; $103.45; Teacher, SCSU
Maser, Lynne; New Haven, CT; $26.01; Retired, Retired
Mathews, Lindsay; New Haven, CT; $25; Retail Sales, Thyme & Season Natural Market, Hamden
Mathews, Lindsay; New Haven, CT; $25; Retail Sales, Thyme & Season Natural Market, Hamden
Mathews, Lindsay; New Haven, CT; $10; Retail Sales, Thyme & Season Natural Market, Hamden
Matteson, Sean; New Haven, CT; $65; Administrator, City of New Haven
Mattison, Edward; New Haven, CT; $250; Retired, Retired
McCarthy, Justin; New Haven, CT; $250; Firefighter, NHFD
McCaslin, Susan; New Haven, CT; $50; Graphic Designer, Self-Design Monster
McClintock-Batista, Kevin; Washington, DC; $20.21; Consultant, Self
McCreight, Matthew; New Haven, CT; $140; Management Consultant, Schaffer Consulting
McCurdy, Brian; Bozeman, MT; $50; Self Employed, Self Employed
McDermott, Brian; Milford, CT; $100; Police Sergeant, City of New Haven
McGeary, Gerard; Brooklyn, NY; $50; Technology, Catchafire Inc
McGuire, Audrey; Minneapolis, MN; $25; Architect, SALA Architects
McGuire, Jane; Westbrook, CT; $25; retired, retired
Meares, Tracey; New Haven, CT; $100; professor, Yale
Medina, Domingo; New Haven, CT; $77.64; Self Employed, Self Employed
Megna, Robert; New Haven, CT; $390; Retired, Retired
Melendez, Maria; East Haven, CT; $100; Administrative Aide, Mayor New Haven
Melotto, Thomas; East Haven, CT; $390; Clerk, USPS
Merritt, Cheryl; New Haven, CT; $20; retired, retired
Meyer, Molly; New Haven, CT; $30; nurse practitioner, retired
Miller, Andrea; New Haven, CT; $10.53; MTB Program Coordinator, Yale University
Miller, David; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired, Retired
Miller, Lynn; New Haven, CT; $50; retired, retired
Miller, Phillip; New Haven, CT; $50; retired, retired
Miller, Richard; New Haven, CT; $50; Engineer, Self Employed
Mongillo, Frank; New Haven, CT; $300; Physician, Self
Mongillo, Frank; New Haven, CT; $50; Physician, Self
Mongillo, Frank; New Haven, CT; $40; Physician, Self
Moore, Daniel; New Haven, CT; $100; Psychiatrist, Spectrum Psychiatric Group, PC
Morales, Guillermo; New Haven, CT; $50; Administrator, Yale University
Moran, Mary Ann; New Haven, CT; $60; kitchen designer, Self Employed
Moran, Mary Ann; New Haven, CT; $30; kitchen designer, Self Employed
Mordecai, Chris; New Haven, CT; $390; Owner, Self Employed
Morrison, Courtney; New Haven, CT; $30; Teacher, Amity Regional Schools
Morrison, Drew; Bethesda, MD; $100; Transportation Planner, VHB
Morrison, Drew; Bethesda, MD; $50; Transportation Planner, VHB
Moskowitz, Leonard; New Haven, CT; $50; Artist, Self Employed
Mraz, Jerry; Oxford, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Murphy, Charlotte; New Haven, CT; $15; Retired, Retired
Murphy, Charlotte; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
Murphy, Grayson; New Haven, CT; $300; Retired, Retired
Murtaugh, Christopher; New Haven, CT; $100; Health Care Research, visiting nurse service of NY
Musto, Jeanne; New Haven, CT; $290; Retired, NA
Nacht, Arthur; New Haven, CT; $200; consultant, Self employed
Nalebuff, Barry; New Haven, CT; $390; Professor, Yale University
Nardini, Carol; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
Necci, Matthew; Glastonbury, CT; $100; Attorney, Halloran Sage
Neeley, Nicholas E.; New Haven, CT; $390; Retired, Retired
Negro, Joseph; New Haven, CT; $50; glass ship owner, Glass & mirror Company
Neugebauer, Karla; New Haven, CT; $340; Professor, Yale
Neugebauer, Karla; New Haven, CT; $50; Professor, Yale
Newton, David; New Haven, CT; $200; Consultant, Self Employed
Ngo, Huan; New Haven, CT; $50; Science Teacher, NHPS
Norris, Robert; New Haven, CT; $390; Retired, Retired
Novak Foster, Alex; New Haven, CT; $20; Education Director, Arts for Learning CT
Nuelsen, Patricia; New Haven, CT; $100; Development, NH Leon Sister City Project
Nyhart, Andrew; New Haven, CT; $100; Architect, Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects
O’Halloran, Ryan; Hartford, CT; $50; Senior Development Officer, Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
O’Rourke, Anastasia; North Branford, CT; $103.45; Manager, Yale univerity
Oberg, William; New Haven, CT; $100; Architectural design, Self Employed
OConnell, Charles; New Haven, CT; $50; Executive, Fitscript LLC
Oricchio, David; Hamden, CT; $50; Self Employed, Self Employed
Orzack-Moore, Karen; New Haven, CT; $103.45; Social Worker, Spectrum Psychiatric Group
Ostergren, Jeff; New Haven, CT; $26.01; Artist, Self
Osuji, Okey; Tomball, TX; $100; Commercial Advisor, Exxon Mobil
Ott, Maryann; Hamden, CT; $26.01; Managing Director, NewAlliance Foundation
Outremont, Gilda; New Haven, CT; $10; RETIRED, NONE
Padilla, John; New Haven, CT; $250; consultant, New Paradigms Consulting
Paine, Abigail; New Haven, CT; $10; Vice President, Fair Haven Community Health Care
Palm, Noah; New Haven, CT; $25; Professor, Yale
Palmer, James; New Haven, CT; $10; Social Worker, Wellmore Behavioral Health
Paltiel, David; New Haven, CT; $100; Professor, Yale
Panza, John; West Haven, CT; $250; Owner, Self Employed
Papa, Susan; New Haven, CT; $51.83; retired, retired
Papowitz, Melinda; Hamden, CT; $77.64; Manager, Yale
Park, Jeffrey; New Haven, CT; $50; Professor, Yale University
Parker, Robert; New Haven, CT; $140; Retired, Retired
Parr, Julie; New Haven, CT; $103.45; fundraiser, Yale University
Paterno, Bob; Watertown, CT; $390; Self Employed, Self Employed
Patterson, Delilah R; New Haven, CT; $51.83; Retired, Retired
Paugh, Rebecca; Hamden, CT; $100; Unemployed, Unemployed
Peaper, David; New Haven, CT; $250; Physician, Yale University
Pearson, Margaret; Tequesta, FL; $390; Insurance, AFLAC
Pellegrino, Anthony; New Haven, CT; $390; Registered Nurse, VA
Pels, Andrew; East Greenwich, RI; $100; Finance Director, Yale University
Pepe, Gregory; Hamden, CT; $390; Lawyer, Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C.
Perlmutter, Irving; Sarasota, FL; $390; retired, retired
Perry, Alice; New Haven, CT; $140; Pastoral Counselor, Self Employed
Perry, Sydney; New Haven, CT; $54; Educator, Jewish Family Services
Perry, Sydney; New Haven, CT; $36; Educator, Jewish Family Services
Perry, Sydney; New Haven, CT; $36; Educator, Jewish Family Services
Pettigrew, David; New Haven, CT; $200; Professor, Southern CT State University
Pettigrew, David; New Haven, CT; $155.08; Professor, Southern CT State University
Phipps, Robert; New Haven, CT; $150; Self Employed, Self Employed
Phipps, Robert; New Haven, CT; $40; Self Employed, Self Employed
Picard, John; Madison, CT; $200; Financial Advisor, Ameriprise
Pickett, Casey; New Haven, CT; $50; Director of the carbon charge, Yale University
Piekarski, Jacob; North Haven, CT; $100; Insurance Agent, Gap Ins. LLC
Piekarski, Marcel; North Haven, CT; $100; Property Manager, Hadley Inc
Pine, Aaron; New Haven, CT; $100; Architect, Self Employed
Pinto, Michael; New Haven, CT; $75; attorney, City of New Haven
Piraino-Holevoet, Elaine; New Haven, CT; $50; Graphic Designer, Self
Plass, Christina; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Ponet, Elana; New Haven, CT; $54; Educators, freelance
Poole, Caty; New Haven, CT; $50; Farmer, Massaro Community Farm
Post, Robert; New Haven, CT; $100; Professor, Yale University — Law Sch
Potenza, Alyson; Larchmont, NY; $258.32; Consultant, Kearney, inc
Press, Stephen; Branford, CT; $390; Real Estate, Press/Cuozzo Realtors
Price, Jason; New Haven, CT; $390; Banker, Self Employed
Puchi, Sandra; San Juan, PR; $75; guidance counselor, retired
Purves, Alexander; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Yale
Radcliffe, Leslie; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Radcliffe, Leslie; New Haven, CT; $51.83; Retired, Retired
Rae, Doug; New Haven, CT; $250; Professor, Yale
Raffone, John; North Haven, CT; $390; Retired, Retired
Raffone, Joseph; West Newton, MA; $390; Software Engineer, Ibm
Ramirez, Anna; New Haven, CT; $10; Self Employed, Self Employed
Ramirez, Freddy; New Haven, CT; $50; Research Assistant, Yale University
Randall, States; New Haven, CT; $50; Civil Engineer, Michael Baker International
Ranelli, Kendra; New Haven, CT; $10; Administrator, New Haven Ballet
Rastegar, Faye; New Haven, CT; $250; Retired, Retired
Ravich, Madeline; Hamden, CT; $50; Nonprofit, Self Employed
Reed, Jonathan; Chicago, IL; $20; Student, Student
Reid, Cary; New Haven, CT; $390; Medical Physician, Weill-Cornell / New York Presbyterian Hospital
Reid, Deta; New Haven, CT; $390; retired Arts Educator, Retired
Reilly, Ursula; West Haven, CT; $50; retired, retired
Reyes, Felipe; East Haven, CT; $50; Education, Afterschool Program
Reyes, Leslie; New Haven, CT; $390; Teacher, St. Thomas’ Day School
Reyes, Sammy; New Haven, CT; $10; Analyst, Yale New Haven Health
Riera, Timothy; New Haven, CT; $25; Lcsw, CMHC
Riera, Timothy; New Haven, CT; $25; Lcsw, CMHC
Riera, Timothy; New Haven, CT; $10; Lcsw, CMHC
Riordan, Dennis; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Riordan, Dennis; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired, Retired
Risberg, Ruth; New Haven, CT; $5; Retired, Retired
Risberg, Ruth; New Haven, CT; $5; Retired, Retired
Risberg, Ruth; New Haven, CT; $5; Retired, Retired
Rivera, Elmer; New Haven, CT; $390; Administrator, Casa Otonal Inc
Rivera, Janitza; East Haven, CT; $250; Community coordinator, Winn Residential
Rivera, Yesenia; New Haven, CT; $140; Project Mananger, DOH
Rivera Ramos, Milagros; Hamden, CT; $100; retired, Retired
Rizzo, Andrew; New Haven, CT; $350; Consultant, Self
Rizzo, Andrew; New Haven, CT; $30; Consultant, Self
Rizzo, Judith; New Haven, CT; $350; disabled, n/a
Roberts, Susanne; New Haven, CT; $150; Retired, Retired
Roberts, Susanne; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Robinson, Justin; New Haven, CT; $50; Manager, SmartEquip
Rocco, Kevin; New Haven, CT; $250; CEO, Biorez
Rocke, Rob; New Haven, CT; $50; Information Technology, Yale University
Rodriguez, Jenner; Hamden, CT; $390; self mechanic, Self
Romano, Gina; New Haven, CT; $50; manager, Triple AA Pizza Restaurant
Romanow, Joyce; New Haven, CT; $50; retired, retired
Rosenbach, Bernard; West Palm Beach, FL; $50; Retired, Retired
Rosenstone, Caroline; New Haven, CT; $25; writer, Self Employed
Ross, Frederick; Branford, CT; $390; Property mngr/development, Westmount Management
Rossi, Patricia; New Haven, CT; $140; retired, Retired
Roth, Abigail; New Haven, CT; $100; Higher Ed, Yale University
Roth, Abigail; New Haven, CT; $100; Higher Ed, Yale University
Roth, Abigail; New Haven, CT; $25; Higher Ed, Yale University
Rouwenhorst, Geert; New Haven, CT; $150; Professor, Yale University
Roy, Catherine; New Haven, CT; $25; Teacher, NHPS
Roy, Catherine; New Haven, CT; $25; Teacher, NHPS
Ruben, Diane; New Haven, CT; $100; Attorney, Winnick Ruben Hoffnung Peabody & Mendel
Rubenstein, Allan; New Haven, CT; $200; Attorney, Self-employed
Ruggieri, Josefina; New Haven, CT; $390; Student, Student
Sabin, Eli; New Haven, CT; $50; Director, Connecticut Progressive Caucus
Sachs, June; New Haven, CT; $189.35; Retired, Retired
Sacks, Katharine; New Haven, CT; $190; Attorney, Self Employed
Salatto, James; Branford, CT; $390; Real Estate Management, Salatto Real Estate
Salatto, Paul; Branford, CT; $390; living service, Self employed
Salvatore, Claire; New Canaan, CT; $390; Homemaker, Homemaker
Salvatore, Randall; New Canaan, CT; $390; Real Estate Developers, RMS Construction LLC
Sanchez, Gabriela; New Haven, CT; $10; Assistant teacher, Subitub
Sanchione, Louise; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired, Retired
Sanchione, Louise; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
Sanchione, Louise; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
Sandman, Mordechai; New Haven, CT; $250; Manager, Deitsch Plastic Co., Inc.
Sapadin, Helene; New Haven, CT; $50; Teacher/Therapist, Retired
Sapadin, Helene; New Haven, CT; $30; Teacher/Therapist, Retired
Sarkany, Endre; New Haven, CT; $18; Executive, Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven
Sarkany, Endre; New Haven, CT; $18; Executive, Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven
Sauerteig, Robin; Hamden, CT; $390; Retired, Retired
Savage, Martha; New Haven, CT; $10; artist, self
Scali, Tina; New Haven, CT; $390; Shift Supervisor, Starbucks
Schaffer, Bryan; Woodbridge, CT; $100; Unemployed, Unemployed
Schaffer, Henry; Boston, MA; $50; Realtor, Self Employed
Schaffer, Katharine; Woodbridge, CT; $250; Account Manager, Remesh
Schaffer, Robin; Woodbridge, CT; $390; Baker, Four Flours Baking Company LLC
Schatz, David; New Haven, CT; $50; Professor, Yale School of Medicine
Schmidt, Paul; Guilford, CT; $10; Engineer, Retired
Schonberger, Robert; New Haven, CT; $140; Physician, Yale
Schulman, Betsy; New Haven, CT; $25; Managing Editor, Yale University
Schulman, Glenn; New Haven, CT; $25; Investor Relations, Aurinia
Schwartz, Heni; New Haven, CT; $50; Social Worker, Jewish Family service of New Haven
Scott, Robert; North Haven, CT; $390; retired, retired
Sela, Aminadav; New Haven, CT; $65; Retired, Retired
Shaner, Sandra; New Haven, CT; $50; Patent Agent, Retired
Shea, Jana; Branford, CT; $50; Producer, Seaview Productions
Shimchick, David; New Haven, CT; $309.45; Retired, Retired
Shimchick, David; New Haven, CT; $51.83; Retired, Retired
Shin, Jiwoong; Hamden, CT; $100; Professor, Yale
Shin, Jiwoong; Hamden, CT; $25; Professor, Yale
Shirkhani, Kim; New Haven, CT; $20; College Instructor, Yale University
Shonka, Angeline; Clifton, VA; $390; retired, Retired
Shortell, Patrick; West Hartford, CT; $100; Lobbyist, Hillside Strategies
Shragis, William; New Haven, CT; $10.53; Retired, Retired
Shuman, Ellen; New Haven, CT; $250; investment management, self
Sikand Edelstein, Jane; New Haven, CT; $10; Career Counselor, The WorkPlace
Silverman, Shai; New Haven, CT; $390; Attorney, Wiggin and Dana LLP
Simon, David; New Haven, CT; $390; Lecturer, Yale Univ
Simpson, Cathleen; Bridgeport, CT; $390; Director of Labor Relations, City of New Haven
Sivigny, Barbara; North Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Slanski, Kathryn; New Haven, CT; $26.01; Professor, Yale University
Sledge, Elizabeth; New Haven, CT; $100; educator, Yale Univ
Sledge, Elizabeth; New Haven, CT; $90; educator, Yale Univ
Sledge, Elizabeth; New Haven, CT; $50; educator, Yale Univ
Sledge, Elizabeth; New Haven, CT; $50; educator, Yale Univ
Sloane, Dave; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Not Employed
Sloat, Joshua; New Haven, CT; $37.37; Educator, Cold Spring School
Smith, Amos L; Ellington, CT; $50; Administrator, Community Action Agency of New Haven
Smith, Martha; New Haven, CT; $20; Church administrator, First Presbyterian church
Smyth, Andrew; New Haven, CT; $390; Professor, Southern Connecticut State University
Snaider, Jane; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
Snow, Judith; Guilford, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Snyder, Edward; Falmouth, MA; $100; Academic, Yale University
Snyder, Kerala; New Haven, CT; $390; retired, Retired
Sobel, Suzanne; New Haven, CT; $250; Scientist, Alnylam
Sokolow, Jay; New Haven, CT; $102.23; Physician, Radiology Group PC
Sosa-Lombardo, Carlos; Hamden, CT; $150; Director of special projects, City of New Haven
Sotero, Vincent; Branford, CT; $390; Dentist, Self employed
Spero, Susan; New Haven, CT; $200; fitness instructor, Self employed
Spiesel, Christina; New Haven, CT; $50; artist/scholar, self
Spiesel, Christina; New Haven, CT; $10; artist/scholar, self
Spiesel, Sydney; New Haven, CT; $50; Physician, West Rock Pediatrics
Spitzer, Harold; Hamden, CT; $100; Architect, Self Employed
Stack, Suzanne; New Haven, CT; $15; retired, retired
Stahl, Nanette; New Haven, CT; $50; retired, retired
Stanger, Lisa; New Haven, CT; $250; Foundation director, Jewish Foundation of Greater new haven
Stanger, Lisa; New Haven, CT; $140; Foundation director, Jewish Foundation of Greater new haven
Stanton, Pam; New Haven, CT; $30; retired, None
Stark, Fortney; Charleston, WV; $100; Global Director of Programs, Peace First
Steele, Kelcy; New Haven, CT; $103.45; Pastor, Varick AME church
STEINHARDT, DAVID; Branford, CT; $390; Executive, D.S. SEWING INC
Stewart, Arthur; Meriden, CT; $40; Psychotherapist, Silver City Couselling
Stone, Alfred; Hamden, CT; $390; Professor, Yale University
Strebeigh, Fred; New Haven, CT; $20; Retired, Retired
Stuart, Joanna; New Haven, CT; $50; retired, retired
Sugeng, Lissa; New Haven, CT; $390; Physician, Yale University
Sullivan, Shaun; New Haven, CT; $390; Retired, retired attorney
Summerville, Jeffrey; New Haven, CT; $250; Social Work, self
Sundstrom, Laura; New Haven, CT; $30; midwife, Self Employed
Sutherland, Marshall; New Haven, CT; $100; Chief Operating Officer, Invisible Technologies Inc.
Sutherland, Marshall; New Haven, CT; $25; Chief Operating Officer, Invisible Technologies Inc.
Syvertsen, Patricia; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired teacher, (Naugatuck)
Tagliarini, Joseph; New Haven, CT; $25; Dentist, Comprehensive Dental Health
Tagliarini, Joseph; New Haven, CT; $25; Dentist, Comprehensive Dental Health
Teitleman, Alan; New Haven, CT; $5; Professor, State of CT
Teixeira, Cynthia; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired mediator/ LCI hearing officer, Retired
Thomas, Franciscus; New Haven, CT; $50; Senior Environmental Engineer, Field Safety Corporation
Thomas, Franciscus; New Haven, CT; $30; Senior Environmental Engineer, Field Safety Corporation
Thompson, Betty; New Haven, CT; $25; NA, NA
Tonucci, Barbara; Orange, CT; $390; Plumbing, Cardone & Tonucci Inc
Tonucci, Carl; Orange, CT; $390; Contractor, Cardone & Tonucci Plumbing
Tookes, Heather; New Haven, CT; $250; Professor, Yale University
Torre, Carlos; New Haven, CT; $100; Professor, SCSU
Tracey, Iline; New Haven, CT; $375; Superintendent, New Haven Public Schools
Trachten, Andreea; New Haven, CT; $390; project manager, new england seating
Tracz, Kristin; Washington, DC; $144.75; Program officer, Walton family foundation
Treffers, Peter; New Haven, CT; $30; Attorney, Attorney Peter A. Treffers
Treffers, Peter; New Haven, CT; $25; Attorney, Attorney Peter A. Treffers
Treffers, Peter; New Haven, CT; $25; Attorney, Attorney Peter A. Treffers
Tufts, Christopher; Fair Haven, NJ; $150; Portfolio Manager, JPMorgan Chase & Co
Tupper, Maria; New Haven, CT; $165; Social Worker, Self Employed
Tupper, Maria; New Haven, CT; $77.64; Social Worker, Self Employed
Tupper, Maria; New Haven, CT; $50; Social Worker, Self Employed
Tureck, Jerome; New Haven, CT; $200; Landlord, Self
Ullman, Andrew; Hamden, CT; $100; Attorney, Neubert, Pepe & Montieth
Underwood, Janis; New Haven, CT; $25; Not Employed, Not Employed
Underwood, Janis; New Haven, CT; $10; Not Employed, Not Employed
Valentin, Micaela; New Haven, CT; $100; Banker, Bank of America
Van Dyke, Flora; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired (librarian), Retired (City of New Haven)
Van Dyke, Flora; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired (librarian), Retired (City of New Haven)
Vance, Julie; New Haven, CT; $25; Consultant, Self Employed
Vance, Julie; New Haven, CT; $10; Consultant, Self Employed
Vaughan, Amelia; Columbus, OH; $3; Executive Director, Ohio Senate Democrats
Veillette, Brian; Middlebury, CT; $390; Unemployed, Unemployed
Vermund, Sten; Guilford, CT; $390; Professor, Yale University
Vessichio, Robert; New Haven, CT; $390; Manager, TD Bank
Victor, Stephen; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Vigilante, Chris; Milford, CT; $250; Real Estate, Self
Visentin-Perito, Anita; Branford, CT; $150; Attorney, Self Employed
Visentin-Perito, Anita; Branford, CT; $100; Attorney, Self Employed
Voigt, Susan; Middlefield, CT; $150; Retired, Retired
Voigt, Susan; Middlefield, CT; $51.83; Retired, Retired
Walker, Jennifer; New Haven, CT; $50; Accountant, Self Employed
Walker, Jennifer; New Haven, CT; $26.01; Accountant, Self Employed
Walker, Jennifer; New Haven, CT; $25; Accountant, Self Employed
Walker, Jennifer; New Haven, CT; $10.53; Accountant, Self Employed
Wallman, Marc; Woodbridge, CT; $250; Attorney, Brenner, Saltzman & Wallman LLP
Walsh, Amber; Wallingford, CT; $100; Nonprofit Management, Haitian Education & Leadership Program (HELP)
Walton, Kate; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
Walton, Kate; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
Warner, Carol; New Haven, CT; $100; Professor, Yale
Washington, Timothy; Ansonia, CT; $100; Manager, Timsentepne LLC
Watts Joyner, Latanya; New Haven, CT; $10; reading consultant, west haven public schools
Weiner, Rebecca; New Haven, CT; $282; Realtor — Betsy Grauer Realty, Self Employed
Weingarten, Richard; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Weingarten, Richard; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Weingarten, Richard; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Weingarten, Richard; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired, Retired
Weisselberg, Susan; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Werner, Ann; Hamden, CT; $250; Regional Manager, Westmount
Wessel, Paul; New Haven, CT; $30; Director, U.S. Green Building Council
Whetstone, Susan; New Haven, CT; $51.83; Retired, Retired
White, Steven; New Haven, CT; $100; Administrator, Yale University
White, Steven; New Haven, CT; $50; Administrator, Yale University
Whiteman, Sabrina; New Haven, CT; $10
Whitney, Elizabeth; New Haven, CT; $100; retired, retired
Wilber Schneid, Marna; Lyme, CT; $250; Consultant, Self Employed
Wilkinson, Ste
List Of DuBois-Walton Donors
Absalon, Judith; Bronx, NY; $250; Self employed, Medicine
Acosta-Harris, Ellieben; North Branford, CT; $30; WinnCo, Property Manager
Acosta-Harris, Ellieben; North Branford, CT; $30; WinnCo, Property Manager
Acuil, Anyikor; Guilford, CT; $100; New Haven Housing, Accountant
Addae, Kai; New Haven, CT; $30; Percolator Consulting, Consultant
adusei, vincencia; Bridgeport, CT; $390; VASE Management, Construction Manager
Aikens-Nunez, Talia; New Haven, CT; $30; State of Connecticut, Judicial Branch, Program Manager
Alexander, Bruce; New Haven, CT; $390; Yale University, Senior Advisor
Alexander, Jennifer; Branford, CT; $60; PIE Network, Executive
Alfano, Janet; Southington, CT; $150; The Diaper Bank of Connecticut, Executive Director
Alfano, Janet; Southington, CT; $100; The Diaper Bank of Connecticut, Executive Director
Allen, Anthony; New Haven, CT; $30; Save the Sound, Assistant Director of Ecological Restoration
Allen, Jessie; Milford, CT; $390; Bay Restoration Llc, Consultant
allen, wilmot; Cincinnati, OH; $25; VentureLift Africa,
Alpert, Jeffrey; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired,
Amado, Cheri; Bridgeport, CT; $100; Lockheed Martin, Engineer
Anderson, Lauren; New Haven, CT; $100; Self Employed, Self Employed
Andrews, Cowlis; Bridgeport, CT; $30; State of Connecticut, Government
Andrews, Cowlis; Bridgeport, CT; $30; State of Connecticut, Project Management
Andrews, Margaret; New Haven, CT; $250; LREI, Teacher
Andrews, Margaret; New Haven, CT; $250; LREI, Teacher
Andrews, Meryth; Windsor, CT; $50; Self Employed, Attorney
Aponte, Nilda; New Haven, CT; $30; All Our Kin, Program director
Arafeh, Sousan; Lyme, CT; $300; Southern Connecticut State University, Professor
Armmand, Esther; New Haven, CT; $30; NA, not employed
Armstrong, Sara; New Haven, CT; $50; Unemployed,
Asbery, Tanisha; Hamden, CT; $30; Boehringer Ingelheim, Associate Director
Auguste, Byron; Washington, DC; $390; Opportunity@Work, cofounder
Augustine, William; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Augustine, William; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Baker, Tenaiya; New Haven, CT; $30; Statewide democratic party, Director of operations
Baldwin, Demetra; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Ballard, Wayne; West Haven, CT; $100; Metro North railroad, Electrician
Banks, Oree; New Rochelle, NY; $254.38; Lonza, Business Development
Barber, Jerald; New Haven, CT; $100; Williams and Barber, Attorney
Barefield, Simone; Plant City, FL; $250; Gans, Gans & Associates, Consultant
Barnwell, Michele; Los Angeles, CA; $90; Unemployed, producer
Bartlett-Josie, Christine; New Haven, CT; $100; DNA Campaigns, Consultant
Baskin, Jeffrey; Hamden, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Beamon, Tina; Meriden, CT; $250; Not Employed, Attorney
Beamon, Tina; Meriden, CT; $30; MEI Pharma, Attorney
Beeman, Ken; New Haven, CT; $290; National Roofing Co., Inc., Contractor
Beeman, Ken; New Haven, CT; $100; National Roofing Co., Inc., Contractor
Behboudi, Kaz; Fairfield, CT; $100; Self Employed, Self Employed
Bell, Yvette; New Haven, CT; $10; Yale Nee Haven Health, Correspondence Integrity Rep
Bellamy, Constance; Florence, NJ; $100; Self Employed, Consultant
Bellamy, Karen; Hamden, CT; $250; Kjb Associates, LLC, Consultant
Bennett, Lisa; Hamden, CT; $390; Not Employed, Homemaker
benoit, cordalie; New Haven, CT; $30; Not Employed, Not Employed
Benson, Meredith; New Haven, CT; $30; Planned Parenthood, Director
Benson, Meredith; New Haven, CT; $30; Planned Parenthood, Director
Benson, Meredith; New Haven, CT; $10; Planned Parenthood, Director
Berg, David; New Haven, CT; $390; Self Employed, Organizational Psychologist
Bhandary-Alexander, Kavita; New Haven, CT; $50; Social Security Administration, Attorney
Bhandary-Alexander, Kavita; New Haven, CT; $30; Social Security Administration, Attorney
Birdwhistell, Nan; Branford, CT; $200; Murtha Cullina, Attorney
Birks, Carol; Bridgeport, CT; $150; Chester Uplqnd School District, Educator
Bivens, Karen; Hamden, CT; $30; State of CT, Consultant
Blatteau, Leslie; New Haven, CT; $100; New Haven Public Schools, Teacher
Blau, Howie; New Haven, CT; $18; Retired, Retired
Bloodworth, Earl; New Haven, CT; $60; City of Bridgeport, Director
Blume, Vicky; New Haven, CT; $10; Creative Arts Workshop, Artist
Bonanno, Christine; Chevy Chase, MD; $390; Not Employed, Homemaker
Bond, Debra; Hamden, CT; $100; Debra M Bond PhD, Psychologist
Boothe, Noel; Milford, CT; $200; Self Employed, Self Employed
Borne, Rebecca; New Haven, CT; $100; Center for Responsible Lending, Attorney
Bosley, Louis; New Haven, CT; $60; Retired, Retired
Boyd, Daniel; New Haven, CT; $30; Aerospce, Engineer
Boyd Jr, Darryle; Hamden, CT; $30; Self Employed, Insurance Agent
Bradley, Charles; Waxhaw, NC; $100; Mecklenburg County, Director
Bradley, Charles; Waxhaw, NC; $100; Mecklenburg County, Director
Bradley, Crystal; Waxhaw, NC; $113; Mecklenburg County Government, Social Worker
Bradley, Crystal; Waxhaw, NC; $100; Mecklenburg County Government, Social Worker
Bradley, Crystal; Waxhaw, NC; $10; Mecklenburg County Government, Social Worker
Bradley, Crystal; Waxhaw, NC; $10; Mecklenburg County Government, Social Worker
Bradley, Erica G; North Haven, CT; $100; The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, Philanthropic Gift Planning
Bradley, Erica G; North Haven, CT; $25; CFGNH, Philanthropy
Bralock, Nyasha; Los Angeles, CA; $30; Self Employed Bralock Consultancy, Consultant
Brantley, Gwendolyn; Hamden, CT; $100; ACCESS Educational Services, Inc., Executive Director
Braud, Rena; Marina Del Rey, CA; $390; Braud Partners, Realtor
Braud, Rena; Marina Del Rey, CA; $390; Braud Partners, Realtor
Braud, Rena; Marina Del Rey, CA; $390; Braud Partners, Realtor
Bravo, Mayra; Stratford, CT; $10; 360 Management, Administrator
Brevard, Mark; New Haven, CT; $30; New Haven Donor, Director of Multicultural Outreach
Brevard, Mark; New Haven, CT; $30; New England Donor Service, Director
Briscoe, Michael; New Haven, CT; $390; Retired, Administrator/Director
Brogan, Martha; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Brooks, Althea; New Haven, CT; $100; Waterbury Bridge to Success Community Partnership, Non Profit Management
Brooks, Cheri; Hamden, CT; $250; New Haven Symphony, Patron Services Manager
Brooks, Heidi; Branford, CT; $390; Yale university, Faculty
Brooks, Kendra; New Haven, CT; $30; State of Connecticut, Bail Commissioner
Brooks, Teretha; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale University, Executive
Brown, Allen; Staten Island, NY; $250; Self Employed, Technology Consultant
Brown, Karrol-Ann; West Haven, CT; $50; State of Connecticut Office of Attorney General, Attorney
Brown, Sally; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Brown III, Robert M; Danbury, CT; $100; Western Connecticut State University, Educator
Brunson, Gregory; Meriden, CT; $100; Retreat Behavioral Health, Manager
Bryant, LaVonta; New Haven, CT; $100; Housing Authority City of New Haven, Director
Bryant, LaVonta; New Haven, CT; $30; Housing Authority City of New Haven, Director
Bryant, Ramona; New Haven, CT; $25; ,
Bubriski, Wanda; Branford, CT; $300; Wanda Bubriski, Property management
Burlenski, Marilyn; Cheshire, CT; $250; Burlenski Consulting Associstes, Post acute care consulting
Burnett, Cheryl; Washington, DC; $10; Results for America, Director
Burns, Darrell; Germantown, MD; $30; TransCen, Program Director
Byrd Danso, Kellie; New Haven, CT; $30; ,
Cadore, Shornda; Meriden, CT; $300; Raytheon Technologies, Engineer
Campbell, Monica; Kensington, MD; $30; Holton-arms school, Teacher
Campbell, Randy; Dorchester, MA; $30; ,
Cancro, Penn; New Haven, CT; $290; Student, Student
Cancro, Penn; New Haven, CT; $100; Student, Student
Canton, David; Gainesville, FL; $30; UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, PROFESSOR
Capone, April; North Haven, CT; $50; Yale New Haven, Manager
capozzalo, gayle; New York, NY; $390; None, Retired
Carberry, Belinda; Hamden, CT; $390; Retired, Retired
Carberry, Belinda; Hamden, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Carberry, Belinda; Hamden, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
Carbone, William; New Haven, CT; $100; University of New Haven, Professor
Cardwell, Sean; Hamden, CT; $30; Town of Greenwich, Engineer
Carmon, Sheila; New Haven, CT; $150; City of New Haven, Deputy administrator
carmon, sheila; New Haven, CT; $60; City of New Haven, Deputy Administrator
Carmon, Stephanie; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale New Haven Hospital, Tech
Carter, David; New Haven, CT; $390; Self Employed, Consultant
Carter, Michael; Washington, DC; $200; DC Government, Executive
Cartier, Stacey; New Haven, CT; $100; State of ct, Social Worker
Cartier, Stacey; New Haven, CT; $100; State of ct, Social Worker
Cartwright, Kimball; New Haven, CT; $100; New Haven Ecology Project, Nonprofit Development
Catalbasoglu, Fatma; New Haven, CT; $390; Unemployed, Unemployed
Cebert, Emanuela; New Haven, CT; $390; Mgm Springfield, Director
Charles, Anthony; New Haven, CT; $390; Department of Corrections, Correction Officer
Chauncey Jr, Henry; New Haven, CT; $390; Retired, Retired
Chen, Donald; Hastings On Hudson, NY; $390; Surdna Foundation, President
Claiborne, Claudia; Greensboro, NC; $390; Claudia Claiborne, M.D. P.A., Doctor
Clark, Frances; Hamden, CT; $390; Retired, Retired
Clark, Kristen; New Britain, CT; $390; The Village, Coordinator
Clarke, Laura; Guilford, CT; $390; Self, Arts volunteer
Clarke, Wendy; Hamden, CT; $390; Kelley Drye &Warren llp, Lawyer
Clinton, Angela; New Haven, CT; $30; self employed, Consultant
Coachman, Asalyn; Lake Orion, MI; $390; Financial Architects, Financial Advisor
Coady, Roxanne; New Haven, CT; $200; RJ Julia Booksellers, CEO
Cobbs-Lomax, Darcey; Naugatuck, CT; $100; Yale New Haven Health System, Director
Cobham, Nneka; Chicago, IL; $100; Rush University Health System, Clincal Psychologist
Cockrell, David; New Haven, CT; $300; ST OF CT, Human service
Cole, Robert; Hamden, CT; $135; Yale University, Administrator
Cole, Robert; Hamden, CT; $125; Yale University, Administrator
Cole, Robert; Hamden, CT; $100; Yale University, Chief Operating Officer, CT Mental Health Center
Coleman, Alice; New Haven, CT; $60; New Haven Public Schools, Teacher
Coleman, Karen; West Haven, CT; $100; Elm City acommunities, Housing Manager
Coleman, Ronald; New Haven, CT; $30; ,
Collier, Charles; New Haven, CT; $250; Quinnipiac University, Asst. Dean
Collier, Charles; New Haven, CT; $100; Quinnipiac University, Asst. Dean
Collier, Hillary; Hamden, CT; $30; ,
Cooke, Deja; New Haven, CT; $30; Key Bank, Teller
Cooke, Raheem; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale University, Custodian
Cooper, Camille; West Haven, CT; $30; YALE CHILD STUDY CENTER, Professor
Cooper, Danielle; New Haven, CT; $100; University of New Haven, Professor
Cooper, Danielle; New Haven, CT; $100; University of New Haven, Professor
Cooper, Johnnie; Hamden, CT; $30; ,
Corcoran, Chris; West Hartford, CT; $25; CCMC, Program Manager
Counsel, Melvin; New Haven, CT; $60; So ct gas co, HVAC
Counsel, Melvin; New Haven, CT; $50; So ct gas co, HVAC
Cousin, Steven; New Haven, CT; $30; Bethel A.M.E. Church, Pastor
Crawley, Sydnie; New Haven, CT; $30; Student, Student
Creighton, Christopher; Brooklyn, NY; $102; NYU, Manager
Crescione, Hope; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired,
Croft, DELORES; New Haven, CT; $30; Independent, Fashion Stylist
Crumbie, Andrew; Hartford, CT; $269.38; Crumbie Law Group, LLC, Attorney
Crumbie, Andrew; Hartford, CT; $120.62; Crumbie Law Group, LLC, Attorney
Crutchfield Diggs, Lisa; Hamden, CT; $390; Avangrid, IT Direcror
Curry, Erica; Philadelphia, PA; $25; TUH, Nurse
Dailey, Derick; Philadelphia, PA; $390; Davis+Gilbert LLP, Attorney
Daniels, Gent; New Haven, CT; $30; Transformetions, Social Worker
Daniels-Reed, Tushima; New Haven, CT; $20; Sarah Inc., Dsp
Danso, Nana; New Haven, CT; $30; , Marketing
Darby, Sabrina; Springfield, MA; $10; State of CT, Social Worker
Davila, Lia; Woodbridge, CT; $10; Hamden Academy of Dance & Music, Director
Davis, Jean; Wallingford, CT; $60; N/a, Retired teacher
DeBrito-Esdaile, Vera; New Haven, CT; $137; State of CT DCF, Social Worker
DeBrito-Esdaile, Vera; New Haven, CT; $30; State of CT DCF, Social Work Supervisor
DeBrito-Esdaile, Vera; New Haven, CT; $30; State of CT DCF, Social Worker
DeLandro, Veronica; New Britain, CT; $150; Self Employed, Consultant
Delaney, Colleen; New Haven, CT; $100; Greenwich CrossFit, Gym Owner/ Trainer
Delerme, Pamela; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale New Haven Hospital, Midwife
DeLoatch-Hogan, Deborah; New Haven, CT; $100; Frontier Financial Group, Tax Preparer
Dent, Lisa; New Haven, CT; $30; Artspace New Haven, Executive Director
Desir, Deborah; Woodbridge, CT; $250; Yale School of Medicine, Physician
DeStefano, John; New Haven, CT; $390; New Haven Bank, Executive
Dexter, Bobby; Irvine, CA; $70; Chapman University, Professor
Diaz, Lucy; Meriden, CT; $10; City of meriden, Community development manager
Dickerson, Christina; New Haven, CT; $90; Quinnipiac University, Professor
Diggs, David; Hamden, CT; $260; Ally, Finance
Diggs, David; Hamden, CT; $100; Ally Financial, Senior Account Executive
Dimery, Jane; Bronx, NY; $30; ViP, Social Worker
Dixon, Brandon; New Haven, CT; $25; ,
Dixon, Frank; Hamden, CT; $30; Secter, Administrator
Dixon, William; New Haven, CT; $390; City of New Haven, Deputy Director of Parks Department
dlugolenski, christy; Middlefield, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Dodor, Seyram; Silver Spring, MD; $10; ICRW, Policy Associate
Douglas, Eboni; West Haven, CT; $30; State of Connecticut, Chief Adult Probation Officer
Douglas, Jana; West Haven, CT; $390; Employed, Administrator
Douglass, Frank; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
DuBois, Lisa; Bronx, NY; $30; X Gallery, curator
Dumas, Chanelle; Washington, DC; $100; GSA/SGC, Financial Analyst
Dumas, Craig; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Dumas, Dori; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale, Administrator
Dumas, Dori; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale, Administrator
Dumas, Dori; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale, Administrator
Dumas, Dori; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale, Administrator
Dumas, Doris; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale, Administrator
Dumas, Ron; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Dumas, Ron; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Eason, Danielle; Greenwich, CT; $100; None, Homemaker
Edwards, Arthur; New Haven, CT; $50; New Haven Public Schools, Manager
Edwards, Arthur; New Haven, CT; $35; New Haven Public Schools, Manager
Edwards, Arthur; New Haven, CT; $30; New Haven Public Schools, Manager
Edwards, Arthur; New Haven, CT; $10; City of New Haven, Manager
Edwards, Marcellus; North Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Edwards, Marcellus; North Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
Elder, Angela; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired,
Elliott, Janice; Hamden, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Ellis, Charles; New Haven, CT; $390; self, Writer
Ellis, James; Southampton, NY; $250; Self - ELLIS ENTERTAINMENT, Talent Manager
Ellis, Jennifer; New York, NY; $200; Nyu langone, Physician
Ellis, Malcolm; Bethany, CT; $250; Diageo, Director, Global Technolgy Strategy
Ellis, Ruth; New Haven, CT; $25; New Haven Public School System, Paraprofessional
Ellis-West, Shirley; New Haven, CT; $60; Urban Community Alliance, Inc., Human Services
Engel, Tagan; New Haven, CT; $30; Self Employed, Freelance
engel, Tagan; New Haven, CT; $30; Self, Yale Center for Business and the Environment, Consultant
Esdaile, David; New Haven, CT; $30; ,
Esdaile-Bragg, Carlah; New Haven, CT; $250; Cornell scott hill health ctr, Marketing director
Estes, Terrie; Laurel, MD; $100; MedStar Health, Inc., executive
Evans, Arthur; Washington, DC; $250; American Psychological Association, Administrator
Evans, Breanna; New Haven, CT; $30; NHPS, Teacher
evans, breanna; New Haven, CT; $10; NHPS, Teacher
ezra, kate; New Haven, CT; $25; none, retired
Fabian, Charlie; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Federico, Mark; North Haven, CT; $100; Edge Technology Services, Inc., Accountant
Federico, Mark; North Haven, CT; $50; Edge Technology Services, Inc., Accountant
Felder, Chaka; New Haven, CT; $100; Windsor Public Schools, School Counselor
Felder, Gwenadine; New Haven, CT; $30; Gateway Community College, Educational Assistant
Felix, Mercedes; East Haven, CT; $60; Not Employed, Not Employed
Ferguson, Dr. Monette; West Haven, CT; $100; Alliance for Community Empowerment, Director
Ferguson, Richard; Fairfield, CT; $250; Retired, Retired
Fitzmaurice, Daniel; Orange, CT; $100; Arts Council of Greater New Haven, Arts Admimnistrator
Fitzmaurice, Daniel; Orange, CT; $100; Arts Council of Greater New Haven, Artist
Fleming, Tyrone; New Haven, CT; $390; Frontier Financial Group, Accountant
Flowers, Carletta; Knightdale, NC; $100; Homemaker,
Flowers, Charles; Knightdale, NC; $100; Occoneechee Council, Boy Scouts, Executive
Flowers, Cierra; Charlotte, NC; $20; Self Employed, Analyst
Fonseca, Andrea; Trumbull, CT; $60; Meriden Board of Ed, Educator
Forrester, Norman; New Haven, CT; $50; Bank of America, Financial Advisor
Foskey, Tracey; New Haven, CT; $30; State Of Connecticut, Social Worker
Foster, Kathleen; Meriden, CT; $100; Retired, Lawyer
Foster, Kathleen; Meriden, CT; $100; Retired, Lawyer
Foster, Todd; Stratford, CT; $30; Cornerstone Christian Center, Director of Global Missions
Foster, Todd; Stratford, CT; $30; Cornerstone Christian Center, Director of Global Missions
Fousr, Robin; Rocky Hill, CT; $60; Raytheon, Project manager
Franklin, Tamara; Princeton, NJ; $390; Marsh McLennan, Executive Management
Frost, Troy; Hamden, CT; $100; City of New Haven, Fire Fighter
Frost, Troy; Hamden, CT; $75; City of New Haven, Fire Fighter
Frost, Troy; Hamden, CT; $30; City of New Haven, Fire Fighter
Frost, Troy; Hamden, CT; $30; City of New Haven, Fire Fighter
Frost, Troy; Hamden, CT; $25; City of New Haven, Fire Fighter
Fulton, Robert; New Haven, CT; $10; Self Employed, Self Employed
Gadsden, Shanita; New Haven, CT; $100; State of Connecticut, Adult Probation Officer
Ganzer, Kyma H.; Guilford, CT; $250; LaRosa Building Group, Manager
Ganzer, Kyma H.; Guilford, CT; $140; LaRosa Building Group, Manager
Gardin, Barry; Hayward, CA; $100; Ebmud, Auditor
Gardin, IfeMichelle; New Haven, CT; $30; Self Employed, Administrator
Gardin, IfeMichelle; New Haven, CT; $10; Self Employed, Administrator
Gately, Susan; New Haven, CT; $60; Retired, Retired
Gemmell, Peter; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Geoge, Jamilah; Vernon, CT; $15; University of Connecticut, PhD Student
Geoge, Jamilah; Vernon, CT; $15; University of Connecticut, PhD Student
Gero, Mya Pia; East Haven, CT; $390; Retired, Retired
Geter, Nakia; Hamden, CT; $30; Yale, Finance & Operations
Giering, Andrew; New Haven, CT; $390; Federal Defender Office, Attorney
Giordano, Michael; Branford, CT; $390; Giordano Const, Engineer
Giordano, Michael; Branford, CT; $390; Giordano Const, Engineer
Giordano, Michael F.; Branford, CT; $390; Giordano construction, Contractor
Glassman, Phyllis; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
Godshall, Susan; New Haven, CT; $60; n/a, retired
Godwin, Marissa; New Haven, CT; $30; 360 Mgmt, Coordinator
Goldblum, Laura; New Haven, CT; $60; NHPS, Social Worker
Goldblum, Laura; New Haven, CT; $10; NHPS, Social Worker
Golden, Claudia; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Golden, Robin; New Haven, CT; $390; Self Employed, Strategic Consultant
Goldenberg, Thomas; New Haven, CT; $100; McKinsey & Company, Consultant
Goldson, Akilah; New Haven, CT; $10; Student, Student
Goldson, Darnell; New Haven, CT; $265; Self Employed, Manager
Goldson, Darnell; New Haven, CT; $100; Self Employed, Manager
Goldson, Darnell; New Haven, CT; $25; Self Employed, Manager
Goodheart, Rebrcca; Troy, NY; $30; Elm Shakespeare Company, Artistic Director
Goodridge, Gary; New Haven, CT; $30; Coldwell, Realtor
Goodridge, Valencia; New Haven, CT; $60; Coldwell, Realtor
Gordon, Ingrid; Parlin, NJ; $35; ManTech International Corporation, HR Professional
Gottesdiener, Larry; Newton Lower Falls, MA; $375; Northland, Self-Employed Real Estate Investor
Gottesdiener, Matthew; Newton Lower Falls, MA; $375; Northland, Self-Employed Real Estate Investor
Gottesdiener, Rebecca; Newton Lower Falls, MA; $375; Northland,
Gottesdiener, Robyn; Newton Lower Falls, MA; $375; Northland, Self-Employed Real Estate Investor
GRANT, NICOLE L; New Haven, CT; $250; Avangrid, Inc., Executive Director, Avangrid Foundation
GRANT, NICOLE M; New Haven, CT; $100; Avangrid, Inc., Executive Director, Avangrid Foundation
Graustein, William; New Haven, CT; $390; self, private investor
Gray, Raven; Bridgeport, CT; $25; AAA Nursing, LPN
Greco, Valentina; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale, Professor
Green, Thretha; West Haven, CT; $30; Healing the Mind and Soul, Clinician
greene, cameron; New Haven, CT; $10; Pride Cleaning Pros LLC, Janitorial
Greene, Joe; New Haven, CT; $30; ,
Greene, Stephanie; New Haven, CT; $20; Retired, Retired
Greene-Upshaw, Lindsey; Bridgeport, CT; $30; Distinction interactive, Consultant
GREENHOUSE, LINDA; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale Law School, lecturer
Greenlee, Delores; New Haven, CT; $200; State of CT Dept of Public Health, Administrator
Greenwood, Julie; New Haven, CT; $175; Squash Haven, Teacher
Grey-Moore, Tamja; West Haven, CT; $30; ,
Grotheer, Laurence; Woodbridge, CT; $50; State of CT OHS, Director of Communications
Hadden, David; Simsbury, CT; $390; Not Applicable, Consultant
Hagearty, Kathleen; New Haven, CT; $30; State of CT, Social Worker
Halfkenny, Enroue; New Haven, CT; $60; Healing and Liberation Counseling, Self Employed
Halfkenny, Polly; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, retired lawyer
Halfkenny, Polly; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired union kawyer
Hall, Lakisha; Upper Marlboro, MD; $250; IBM, Vice President
Hall, Vince; New Haven, CT; $60; Coty of New Haven, Fire fighter
Hall, Vince; New Haven, CT; $30; Coty of New Haven, Fire fighter
Hall, Vince; New Haven, CT; $25; Coty of New Haven, Fire fighter
Hall, Vince; New Haven, CT; $25; Coty of New Haven, Fire fighter
Hamilton, Joseph; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale university, Baker
Hamilton, Stephanie; Atlanta, GA; $100; UMGC, Teacher
Hamilton, Stephanie M.; Atlanta, GA; $10; UMGC, Professor
Hammond, Liz; New Haven, CT; $250; Leadership and organization transformation, Consultant
Handy-Morris, Dee Dee; New Haven, CT; $100; ECC, Case worker
Harmon, Opal; Hamden, CT; $60; ConnCAT, Human Resource Professional
Harp, Djana; New Haven, CT; $100; SWCHC, Healthcare
Harp, Djana; New Haven, CT; $100; SWCHC, Healthcare
Harp, Keisha; New Haven, CT; $50; WBEC Metro NY, Executive Director
Harp, Reynaud; Hamden, CT; $100; Greater New Haven Bus & Prof Assn, Manager
Harp, Toni J.; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Harp, Wendell; New Haven, CT; $390; Abacus Property Management, Real Estate
Harper, Annie; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale University, researcher
Harper, Annie; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale University, researcher
Harrell, Glynis; New Haven, CT; $200; City of New Haven, School Administrator
Harrell, Glynis; New Haven, CT; $30; City of New Haven, Administrator
Harries, Garth; Ridgefield, CT; $390; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Administrator
HarrioTT, James; New Haven, CT; $50; City of New Haven, Hard Worker
Harris, Kenyatta; Windsor, CT; $30; ,
Harris, MiAsia; New Haven, CT; $10; ACES, Behavior Technician
Harris, Sandra; Stratford, CT; $100; Self Employed, Self Employed
Harris, Sandra; Stratford, CT; $100; Self Employed, Self Employed
Harrison, Marsha; Hamden, CT; $25; ,
Hausladen, Douglas; New Haven, CT; $25; City Of New Haven, Government
Haynes, Annie; Woodbridge, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
HAYWOOD, SANDRA; Woodbridge, CT; $50; CSCU, Attorney
HAYWOOD, SANDRA; Woodbridge, CT; $10; Self Employed, Attorney
Head, Lisa; New Haven, CT; $10; Mass Mutual, Insurance Agent
Heikkila DÃÂÂaz, Jennifer; New Haven, CT; $10; Teach For America-CT, educator
Herscovitch, Lara; Guilford, CT; $30; Self Employed, Social Worker
Hershman, Kim; La Canada Flintridge, CA; $254.38; Claytown Productions, Producer
Hickmon, Cheryl; Hartford, CT; $200; Montefiore Medical Cenyer, Clinical Laboratory Technologist
Hicks, Shelly; Hamden, CT; $100; CT Charter Schools Network, Community Engagement Manager
Hill, Maurice; Stratford, CT; $30; State of Connecticut, Social Worker
Hill, Nancy; Hamden, CT; $100; New Haven Public Schools, School Social Worker
Hill, Nancy; Hamden, CT; $100; New Haven Public Schools, School Social Worker
Hines, Ron; New Haven, CT; $25; ,
Hogan, Deborah; New Haven, CT; $10; Frontier Financial Group Inc., Tax Preparer
Hogan, Gary; New Haven, CT; $139; Elm City Communities, Senior Management
Hogan, Gary; New Haven, CT; $25; Elm City Communities, Senior Management
Hogan, Gary; New Haven, CT; $10; Elm City Communities, Senior Management
Hoggard, Abdul; Annapolis, MD; $390; Self Employed, Cyber Security
hoikala, bill; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
Holahan, Erica; New Haven, CT; $25; Integrated Wellness Group, Social Worker
Holmes, Jennyfer; New Britain, CT; $50; Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, Director
Holmes, Willie; West Haven, CT; $25; ,
Holness, Karaine; Hamden, CT; $100; Hair’s Kay Beauty Salon, Hairstylist
Hopkins-Staten, Theresa; West Hartford, CT; $250; Eversource, Vice President
Hoskie, Roberta; New Haven, CT; $390; Outreach Realty, Real Estate Broker
Howard, Lushonda; Hamden, CT; $150; Retired, Retired
HUGHES, ORSELLA; Bridgeport, CT; $100; Serenity Ceremonies by Rev. Orsella, Owner
Hundley, Khortney; Hamden, CT; $30; ,
Hunt, Tasha; Hamden, CT; $30; Imani Designs 2000, Self Employed
Hussain, Shafqat; New Haven, CT; $10; Trinity college, Professor
Ingram, Kanicka; Hamden, CT; $100; New Haven Public Schools, Administrator
Ingram, Kanicka; Hamden, CT; $100; New Haven Public Schools, Educator
Ingram, Kanicka; Hamden, CT; $30; New Haven Public Schools, Educator
Ingram, Shanelle Ingram; New Haven, CT; $30; State of Conneticut, Social Worker
Ingram, Shanelle Ingram; New Haven, CT; $25; State of Conneticut, Social Worker
Ingram, Shanelle Ingram; New Haven, CT; $10; State of Conneticut, Social Worker
Irvin, Paula; Hamden, CT; $390; Datto, Sales
Isaacs, Aric; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale Institute of Sacred Music, Administrator
Jackson, Nandi; New Haven, CT; $60; Not Employed, studet
Jackson, Sondi; New Haven, CT; $30; NHPS, Speech Pathologist
Jackson, Sondi; New Haven, CT; $30; NHPS, Speech Pathologist
Jackson, Veronica; Grayson, GA; $75; Sunrise Senior Living, RN/Executive Director
Jackson McArthur, Tamiko; New Haven, CT; $100; Self Employed, Physician
Jacobs, Robin; Severn, MD; $50; Swift Staffing, Admin
James, Miriam; New Haven, CT; $30; People’s United Bank, Manager
Jean-Denis, Alisha; Springfield, MA; $30; UMASS, educator
Jean-Denis, Howard; Springfield, MA; $30; UMASS, educator
Jenkins, Jill; Kissimmee, FL; $30; Self Employed, Publisher
Jenkins, Susan; Ellicott City, MD; $30; American university, Analyst
JOHNSON, ARNOLD; New Haven, CT; $100; The Workplace inc, Employer Relations Specialist
JOHNSON, ARNOLD; New Haven, CT; $100; The Workplace inc, Employer Relations Specialist
JOHNSON, ARNOLD; New Haven, CT; $30; The Workplace inc, Manager
Johnson, Darleen; West Hartford, CT; $100; University of Virginia, Nurse Practitioner
JOHNSON, David; Oxford, CT; $390; Post Traumatic Stress Center, Psychologist
Johnson, Dawn; New Haven, CT; $100; DHJ Services, LLC, Consultant
Johnson, Gregory; New Haven, CT; $100; Bridgeport Housing Authority, Manager
Johnson, Gregory; New Haven, CT; $68.19; Bridgeport Housing Authority, Manager
Johnson, Gregory; New Haven, CT; $25; Bridgeport Housing Authority, Manager
Johnson, Henrietta; New Haven, CT; $360; Retired, Retired
Johnson, Henrietta; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Johnson, Jaala; New Haven, CT; $30; Student, Student
Johnson, Jordan; New Haven, CT; $25; City of New Haven, Dean of students
Johnson, Jordan; New Haven, CT; $5; City of New Haven, Dean of students
Johnson, Michelle; New Haven, CT; $100; Student, Student
Johnson, Miriam; Hamden, CT; $30; Friends Center for Children, Administrator
Johnson, Patricia; Trumbull, CT; $390; 360 Management Group, Co., SVP
Johnson, Patricia; Trumbull, CT; $254.38; 360 Management Group, Co., SVP
Jones, Alexander; Hamden, CT; $150; Aces, Teacher
Jones, Alexander; Hamden, CT; $75; Aces, Teacher
Jones, Danyel; New Haven, CT; $30; New Haven - Board Of Education, Para Professional
Jones, Daryl; New Haven, CT; $50; Access Health CT, Finance
Jones, Daryl; New Haven, CT; $10; Access Health CT, Finance
Jones, Daryl; New Haven, CT; $10; Access Health CT, Finance
Jones, Ernest; Manchester, CT; $390; City of New Haven, Firefighter
Jones, Ernest; Manchester, CT; $100; City of New Haven, Firefighter
Jones, Greg; Avon, CT; $250; Hartford Healthcare, Executive
Jones, Greg; Avon, CT; $75; Hartford Healthcare, Healthcare exec
Jones, Julie M.; Farmington, CT; $50; Macy’s Inc., Marketing Manager
Jones, Stephanie; South Orange, NJ; $390; A&J Service Company, Attorney
Jones, Tyrone; New Haven, CT; $20; Petals market, Cook
Jordan, Cherron; Hamden, CT; $30; ,
Joseph, Adriana; New Haven, CT; $100; Clifford Beers Clinix, COO
Joseph, Yves; Norwalk, CT; $390; Self Employed, Self Employed
Joseph Lumpkin, Gemma; New Haven, CT; $100; New Haven Public Dchools, Administrator
Joseph Lumpkin, Gemma; New Haven, CT; $60; New Haven Public Dchools, Administrator
Josie, Imani; New Haven, CT; $30; Amistad High School, Educator
Josie, Lancelot; New Haven, CT; $100; Self Employed - Lance Josie, General Contractor
Josie, Lancelot; New Haven, CT; $30; Self Employed - Lance Josie, General Contractor
Joyner, Monica; New Haven, CT; $50; New Haven Public Schools, Administrator
Joyner, Monica; New Haven, CT; $30; New Haven Public Schools, Administrator
Joyner, Shelley; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Kane, Loretta; New Haven, CT; $30; Camino PR, Consultant
Kearse II, Samuel; New Haven, CT; $50; Mask Dental, Supplies and Equipment
Keen, Lennox; Bloomfield, CT; $250; Freeman Companies, Executive
Keenan, Dennis; New Haven, CT; $390; Fairfield University, Professor
Keenan, Elizabeth; New Haven, CT; $390; Southern Connecticut State University, Professor
Keene, Robert; Monroe, CT; $390; Faith Power Deliverance Center, Pastor
Kelley, Candice; New Haven, CT; $30; West Haven Board of Education, Library Media Specialist
Kelley, Issac; New Haven, CT; $30; ECC/HANH, Engineer
Kelley Jr, Issac; New Haven, CT; $30; ECC/HANH, Engineer
Kelly, Katherine; New Haven, CT; $100; Sacred Heart University School of Social Work, Professor
Kelly, Katherine; New Haven, CT; $30; Sacred Heart University School of Social Work, Professor
Kenney, Catherine; Canton, CT; $100; Sheepnose Farm, Farmer
Kilpatrick, William; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Kilpatrick, William; New Haven, CT; $25; ,
Kimber, Boise; New Haven, CT; $390; First Calvary Church, Self Employed
Kimber, Shevalle; New Haven, CT; $390; First Calvary Church, Self Employed
Kinder, Charmion; New Haven, CT; $390; CNKinder, Inc., Founder & Chief Impact Officer
Kinder, Charmion; New Haven, CT; $390; CNKinder, Inc., Founder & Chief Impact Officer
King, Joaquina; Hamden, CT; $250; Eversource Energy, Attorney
Kingsley, Makaela; Hamden, CT; $10; Wesleyan University, Teacher
Klaus, Jeffrey; New Haven, CT; $254; East Rock Strategies, LLC, Consultant
Klein, Susan; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
Knoll, Spencer; New Haven, CT; $10; Cadence Education, Teacher
Kovel, Dara; Brookline, MA; $390; Beacon Communities, Executive
Kozlowski, Janice; New Haven, CT; $10; New Haven Board of Education, Part-Time Special Education Tutor
Lamb, Barbara; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
Lambiase, Carol; Bethany, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
Lawrence, Adonica; Meriden, CT; $150; Legrand Wiremold, HR Manager
Lawrence, Adonica; Meriden, CT; $30; Legrand, HR Manager
Lawrence, Alexandria; West Haven, CT; $100; DOC BOOP, Parole officer
Lawrence, Alexandria; West Haven, CT; $25; BOOP, Parole officer
Lawson, Deborah; New Haven, CT; $30; Head Start, Manager
Lawson, Jenell; New Haven, CT; $100; Coldwell Banker, Realtor
Lawson, Jenell; New Haven, CT; $30; Coldwell Banker, Realtor
Lawson, Rev. Lonnell; New Haven, CT; $30; Head Start, Owner
Leslie, Shannon; New Haven, CT; $20; Yale University, Graduate Student
Levey-Burden, Kia; Hamden, CT; $150; Self Employed, Consultant
Levy, Efrem; Washington, DC; $390; Reno & Cavanaugh, PLLC, Attorney
Lewis, James; New Haven, CT; $25; Student, Consultant
Lewis, John; Wallingford, CT; $300; Christ New Testament Church, Pastor
Lewis, Lisa; Hawthorne, CA; $50; California Investors Escrow, Escrow Officer
Light, Paul; Long Island City, NY; $100; Self Employed, Musician
Ligon, Laureen; West Haven, CT; $100; State of Connecticut, Manager
Ligon, Toni; West Haven, CT; $30; State of Connecticut, Manager
Lin, Annie; Hamden, CT; $30; Yale-China Association, Manager
Lindner, Janet; Branford, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Lindsey-Ruminski, E.; New Haven, CT; $25; Retired, Retired
Little-Greer, Jennifer; Hamden, CT; $100; Minority Construction Council Inc., Executive
Litvinoff, David; Milford, CT; $100; Town Fair Tire Centers, Director
Lloyd, Shane; Valley Stream, NY; $100; Amazon, Consultant
Lobo, Andrea; Hamden, CT; $30; Cornell Scott, Healthcare Administration
Lorimer, Katharine; New Haven, CT; $200; Not Employed, Homemaker
Lorimer, Linda; New Haven, CT; $390; self, consumer
lulo, sara; Brooklyn, NY; $60; ISLP, Lawyer
Lumpkin-Thompson, Jacqueline; Kelford, NC; $100; BCS, Teacher
Luna, Luis; New Haven, CT; $30; Working Families Party, Organizer
Luna, Luis; New Haven, CT; $10; Working Families Party, Organizer
Luna, Luis; New Haven, CT; $10; Working Families Party, Organizer
Luna, Luis; New Haven, CT; $10; Working Families Party, Organizer
LYTLE, REGINALD; Hamden, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Macdowall, Brad; Hamden, CT; $35; Datto, Inc., SDR
Mack, Lisa; New Haven, CT; $50; New Haven Public Schools, Director
Maebry Sr, Ronnie; New Haven, CT; $20; ,
Mallard, Davante; New Haven, CT; $10; Mallard Dynasty Realty Group LLC, Realtor
Mallison, Gerald; New Haven, CT; $30; State if Connecticut, Fiscal Administrative Supervisor
Mallison, Vanessa; New Haven, CT; $30; State of Connecticut, Ct Corrections Supervisor - Retired
marie, sonya; Hamden, CT; $125; Retired, retired
Markle, Celeste; New Haven, CT; $10; Not Employed, retired teacher
Marks, Mindy; Hamden, CT; $30; Yale University, Senior Director
Marshall, Winter; Cheshire, CT; $5; The Arts Council of Greater New Haven, Operations Director
MARTH, Willa; Hamden, CT; $100; PPSNE, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
Martin, Carol; Orange, CT; $390; Fairfield and Westport Houising Authority, Execuitve Director
Martin, Dave; West Hartford, CT; $10; William Caspar Graustein Memorial Funs, Philanthropy
Martin, Dave; West Hartford, CT; $10; William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund, Philanthropy
Martin, David; West Hartford, CT; $10; William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund, philanthropy
MARTINDALE, GIGGY; New Haven, CT; $390; Self Employed, Director
MARTINDALE, GIGGY; New Haven, CT; $30; Self Employed, Director
Martindale, Maya Martindale; New Haven, CT; $100; YALE UNIVERSITY, Administrator
Mason, Kelly; Roanoke, VA; $25; Self Employed, Artist
Mason, Sherene; New Haven, CT; $30; Employed, Physician
Matos, Angelica; New Haven, CT; $170; Vera Institute of Justice, Director
Matos, Angelica; New Haven, CT; $30; Vera Institute of Justice, Director
Mauro, Cincent; New Haven, CT; $100; State of ct, Chief of staff
MAYES, GARY; Hamden, CT; $30; Yale University, Manager
Mayo, Emalie; Hamden, CT; $10; Yale School of Drama, Administrator
Mayo, Patsy Louise; New Haven, CT; $390; Retired, Retired
Mayo, Reginald; New Haven, CT; $390; Retired,
Mazo, Tandy; Hamden, CT; $30; labor dept, industrial Hygienist
Mazo, Tandy; Hamden, CT; $25; labor dept, industrial Hygienist
McArthur, Tamiko; New Haven, CT; $290; Self Employed, Physician
McAulay, Carl; Cerritos, CA; $390; The Anaheim Foursquare Church, Pastor
McAulay, Eva; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired,
McAulay, Linda; Decatur, GA; $30; N/A, Retired
McAulay Jr, Donald; New Haven, CT; $30; Student,
McAulay Sr, Donald; New Haven, CT; $100; Thermo Fisher Scientific, Human Resource
McAulay Sr, Donald; New Haven, CT; $60; Thermo Fisher Scuentific, Human Resource
McCargar, Laura; New Haven, CT; $100; Perrin Family Foundation, Nonprofit
McCargar, Laura; New Haven, CT; $100; Perrin Family Foundation, Nonprofit
McClain, Tyrone; Roswell, GA; $250; Pfizer Inc, Director
Mcclellan, Cara; Philadelphia, PA; $60; Naacp LDF, Attorney
McConville, Drew; Ottawa, IL; $3; Self, Developer
McConville, Drew; Ottawa, IL; $3; Self, Developer
McDonald, Monica; Kettering, MD; $10; DC Government, N/A
McDonald, Monica; Kettering, MD; $10; DC Government, N/A
McDonald, Monica; Kettering, MD; $10; DC Government, N/A
McEachern, Valarie; New Haven, CT; $50; Unemployed, Social Worker
McEachern, Valarie; New Haven, CT; $50; Unemployed, Social Worker
McEachern, Valarie; New Haven, CT; $50; Unemployed, Social Worker
McFadden, Griselle; New Haven, CT; $100; 360 Management Group, Property Manager
McFadden, Griselle; New Haven, CT; $60; Self Employed, Owner
McGoy, David; Staten Island, NY; $250; Self Employed, Consultant
McIntosh, Sharon; New Haven, CT; $30; Agency, Social Service
McIntosh, Sharon; New Haven, CT; $30; Agency, Social Service
McKinney, Fred; Trumbull, CT; $390; Quinnipiac University, Consultant
McLaughlin, Linda; Hamden, CT; $25; ,
McLaurin, Karissa; North Haven, CT; $150; Yale University, Researcher
McLaurin, Karissa; North Haven, CT; $30; ,
McLeod, Reese; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale School of Medicine, Executive
McMahon, Diamond; New Haven, CT; $30; Sisley Cosmetics, Director
McMillan, Darnell; Dorchester, MA; $30; ,
McWilliams, Ashley; West Haven, CT; $30; McCarter & English LLP, Attorney
Mead, Heidi; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
MEADOWS-OLIVER, MIKKI; Hamden, CT; $250; Quinnipiac University, Nurse
Merriman, Laura; New Haven, CT; $15; PATH, Research Consultant
Merriman, Laura; New Haven, CT; $10; PATH, Qualitative Researcher
Merriman, Laura; New Haven, CT; $10; PATH, Research Consultant
Meyer, Roslyn; Guilford, CT; $390; Milstein Properties, Real estate, artist
Mezick, Brian; New Haven, CT; $30; Connecticut State Marshal, State Marshal
MICKENS, KARIMAH; Hamden, CT; $250; DIVERSANT, Manager
MICKENS, KARIMAH; Hamden, CT; $140; DIVERSANT, Manager
Mickens, Linda; Hamden, CT; $300; Retired, Retired
Mickey, Becca; New Haven, CT; $100; Meliville Charitable Trust, Senior Program Officer
Middleton, Marquelle; Hamden, CT; $30; ,
Middleton, Vanessa; North Hollywood, CA; $30; Drama Queen Productions, Writer
Middleton, Zoe; Wallingford, CT; $150; NJOY, LLC, Manager
Migliaro, John; Milford, CT; $100; Norwalk Public Schools, In House Suspension
Migliaro, John; Milford, CT; $60; Norwalk Public Schools, In House Suspension
Mikolike, Steve; New Haven, CT; $50; NHBOE, Educator
Miller, Julia; New Haven, CT; $10; New Haven Public Schools, Teacher
Miller, Sarah; New Haven, CT; $72; Clifford Beers, Manager
Miller, Sarah; New Haven, CT; $35; Clifford Beers, Manager
Miller Godwin, Robin; New Haven, CT; $254; ECC, Manager
Miller Godwin, Robin; New Haven, CT; $30; ECC, Manager
Miller-Godwin, Robin; New Haven, CT; $30; ECC HANH, Administrator
Mills, Jamie; New Haven, CT; $100; Self Employed, Public Policy and Advocacy Consultant
Moakley, David; Pittsford, VT; $60; Retired, Retired
Moales Jr, Pastor Kenneth H; Bridgeport, CT; $385; Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, Pastor
Monsanto, Dorothy; New Haven, CT; $30; Verizon, Manager
Monsanto, Joy; New Haven, CT; $100; Self Employed, Business Owner
Moore, Brenda; West Haven, CT; $100; Board of Education, Clerk
Moore, Christina; Waterbury, CT; $30; Waterbury Public Schools, Principal
Moore, Elizabeth; Ossining, NY; $100; Retired, Retired
Moore, Emma Paulett; New Haven, CT; $390; Retired, Retired
Moore, Raymond; West Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Moore, Sandy; Stonington, CT; $200; Self Employed, Attorney
Moore, Vincent; Hamden, CT; $30; Dept of Correction, Correctional Counselor
Moore Rogers, Emma Paulett; New Haven, CT; $50; Retired, Retired
Morand, Michael; New Haven, CT; $390; Yale University, library staff
Moriarty, Kim; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale University, Healthcare Administrator
Morris, Donald; New Haven, CT; $250; Retired, Retired
Morris, Foluke’; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Psychotherapist/Social/Worker
Morris-Ferguson, Effie; West Haven, CT; $100; CT Department of Social Services, Social Worker
Morrison, Eldren; Smyrna, GA; $100; AME Zion Church, Pastor/ School founder
Morrison, Patrick; Stamford, CT; $250; Self Employed, Self Employed
Mosley, Sean; Waterbury, CT; $30; City of Waterbury, Educator
Motley, John; Hamden, CT; $390; Self Employed, Consultant
Mott, Tyron; Glastonbury, CT; $135; Public Schools, Teacher
Muhammad, Tawana; Macon, GA; $100; Self Employed, HR Consultant
Mullings, Marion; Hamden, CT; $50; AVANGRID, IT Soecialist
Mullings, Marion Regina; Hamden, CT; $100; AVANGRID, IT Soecialist
Murchison, Joelle; East Hartford, CT; $390; University of Connecticut, Professor
Murdock, Doreen; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale universty, Analyst
Murphy, Katie; New Haven, CT; $60; International Rescue Committee, Humanitarian Aid Worker
Murphy, Katie Maeve; New Haven, CT; $30; International Rescue Committee, Early Childhood Development Specialist
murphy, Kelly; Bronx, NY; $30; Nyc school construction authority, City planner
Murphy, Maureen; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Murphy, Nicole; New Haven, CT; $100; CVS, Application Support Analyst
Murphy, Nicole; New Haven, CT; $30; CVS, Application Support Analyst
Murphy, Nicole; New Haven, CT; $30; CVS, Application Support Analyst
Murphy, Tessa; Clinton, MD; $30; Exxonmobl, Accountant
Murrell, Andrea; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale New Haven Hospital, Nurse
Myrick, Jamarr; New Haven, CT; $30; City of new haven board of education, Administrator
Napol, Jean; Bridgeport, CT; $30; Hurricane Capital, Investor
Neal, Maya; New Haven, CT; $10; Student, Student
Neal, Michael; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Neal, Michael; New Haven, CT; $10; City of New Haven, Firefighter
Neal, Samuel T; New Haven, CT; $30; Omni Hotel, Cook
Neal, Serena; New Haven, CT; $390; Self Employed, Consultant
Neal, Tannis; New Haven, CT; $30; Student, Student
Neal, Trevor; New Haven, CT; $30; Student, Student
Neal, Zenna; New Haven, CT; $390; Retired, Retired
Neal, Zenna; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Neal-Dubois, LaVinia; New Haven, CT; $360; Retired, Retired
Neal-Dubois, Lavinia; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Nearing, Elizabeth; New Haven, CT; $60; Self Employed, Consultant
Nelson, Genice; Meriden, CT; $10; UConn Health, Nurse Practitioner
NELSON, Tony-Deborah; West Haven, CT; $60; FIE, Consultant
Nelson Jr, Raymond; Hamden, CT; $25; ,
Nemerson, Matthew; New Haven, CT; $390; Peabody Place, LLC, Energy Management
newton, David; New Haven, CT; $200; Self Employed, Consultant
Newton-Foster, Patricia; New Haven, CT; $100; Newton-Foster HomeCare, Self
Newton-Foster, Patricia; New Haven, CT; $60;
Newton-Foster HomeCare, Self
Nicholas, Stefanie; New Haven, CT; $30; Waterbury Public Schools, Teacher
Nichols, Kelly; New Haven, CT; $10; Not Employed, Not Employed
Niedospial, Ashlee; New Haven, CT; $30; The Narrative Project, Consultant
Nivet, Marc; Dallas, TX; $390; UTSW, Executive
Nugent, Amanda; Cheshire, CT; $30; Carmody Torrance Sandak & Hennessey LLP, Attorney
Nunez, Edgar; Hamden, CT; $30; St of ct, Parole officer
Nunez, Robert; New Haven, CT; $30; Gotham Technology Group, Systems Administrator
O’Malley, Michael; Hamden, CT; $100; Self Employed, Consultant/Writer
ODonnell, Tim; Buffalo, NY; $390; Self Employed, Solar Energy Constructiom
Odums, Kimberley; Brockton, MA; $390; The Odums Law Group, PLLC, Attorney
Oliver, Kenneth; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired,
Oni, Bukola; Batesville, AR; $100; Uams, Physician
Padilla, Frances; New Haven, CT; $60; Universal Health Care Foundation of CT, Nonprofit executive
Padilla, Ivonne; New Haven, CT; $30; Self Employed, Self Employed
Pagan, Luis; New Haven, CT; $30; Deitch Energy, Accountant
Paige-Harris, Tracy; New Haven, CT; $10; New Haven Public Schools, Educator
Pakulis, Averi; New Haven, CT; $50; First Focus on Children, Analyst
Parker, Robert; New Haven, CT; $390; Retired, Retired
Parkmond, Adrienne; Waterbury, CT; $100; The WorkPlace, Attorney
Parks, reuel; Hamden, CT; $30; state of ct, officer
Parks, Tameeka; Hamden, CT; $30; ,
Parnell, Joseph; Staten Island, NY; $50; NYC Department of Education, Educator
Parr, Julie; New Haven, CT; $290; Yale University, fundraiser
Parrish, Zakia; New Haven, CT; $300; Fairfield Public Schools, Educator
Parrish, Zakia; New Haven, CT; $60; Fairfield Public Schools, Educator
Parrish, Zakia; New Haven, CT; $30; Fairfield Public Schools, Educator
Patchkofsky, Erik; New Haven, CT; $50; New haven BOE, Administrator
Patterson, Gail; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Social Worker
Payne, Cecilia; Hamden, CT; $254.38; Yale New Haven Hospital, Registered Nurse
PEACE, MONIQUE; Los Angeles, CA; $100; Lionsgate Real Estate Group, Self Employed
PEACE, MONIQUE; Los Angeles, CA; $100; Lionsgate Real Estate Group, Self Employed
Pearson, Esther; New Haven, CT; $30; New Haven Public Schools, Social Service Coordinator
Pegues, Cheryl; Hamden, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Pegues Spearman, Elicia; Cheshire, CT; $250; 722392, Attorney
Pegues Spearman, Elicia; Cheshire, CT; $60; 722392, Attorney
Penix, Darrien; Bridgeport, CT; $25; Retired, Retired
Peralta, Ramon; Shelton, CT; $250; Peralta Design, Executive
Perkins, Maloyid; Norwich, CT; $390; Norwich board of education, Safety officer
Perkins, Nicholas; New Haven, CT; $30; Unicorr, Operations Director
Perry, Cherise; New Haven, CT; $60; World insurance, Insurance agent
Perry, Jack; Newark, DE; $30; TNTP, Education Consultant
PETTIS, Angela; Accokeek, MD; $100; MedStar, CRNA
Pillsbury, Charlie; New Haven, CT; $390; Quinnipiac Univ. School of Law, Professor
Pinette, Michael; Harwinton, CT; $250; Self Employed, Self Employed
Poitier, Brack; Hamden, CT; $390; TriCon, contractor
Poitier, Brack; Hamden, CT; $100; TriCon, contractor
Porcha, George; Milford, MA; $100; ,
Porter, Shanette; New York, NY; $100; SERN, Research
Porto, Carl; Hamden, CT; $390; Parrett, Porto, Parese & Colwell, Attorney
Porto, Terry; Hamden, CT; $390; Hamden Hall School, Teacher
Preston, Julius; Meriden, CT; $25; CSEA / SEIU Local 2001, Union Staff Representative
Prete, Jonathan; East Haven, CT; $390; A Prete Construction, Vice President of Construction
Primus, Joylin; West Orange, NJ; $100; Self Employed, Mefical
Quan, Michael; Fairfield, CT; $390; Burroughs Community Center, Director
Quinn, Bill; New Haven, CT; $20; Retired,
Rainey, Jocelynne; Brooklyn, NY; $60; GOSO, Executive
Rainey, Jocelynne; Brooklyn, NY; $60; Getting Out and Staying Out, Executive
Randall, Christopher; New Haven, CT; $30; Self Employed, Self Employed
Randall, Edward; New Haven, CT; $150; Randall"s Professional Transportation LLC, Owner
Randall, Edward; New Haven, CT; $30; Randall"s Professional Transportation LLC, Owner
Randall, Edward; New Haven, CT; $10; Randall"s Professional Transportation LLC, Owner
Rankins, Samod; New Haven, CT; $100; FD, Fire Service
Rawls Ivy, Babz; New Haven, CT; $30; Penfield Communications Inc., Editor
Razza, Connie; New Haven, CT; $60; Nee Venture Fund, Executive Director
Redd, Charlie; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired,
Redd, Denise; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Redd-Hannans, Keisha; Hamden, CT; $269.38; New Haven Public Schools, Educator
Redd-Hannans, Keisha; Hamden, CT; $120.62; New Haven Public Schools, Educator
Reeves Tucker, Blanche; West Haven, CT; $50; State of Ct Secretary of the State, Administrator
Reid, Naciki; Bloomfield, CT; $150; Connecticut Department Of Revenue Services, DRS Agent
Reiner, Barbara; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Reisman, Anna; Woodbridge, CT; $60; Yale, Physician
Reveiz, Kenneth; Green Valley, CA; $10; California Institute of the Arts, Graduate Student
Ribeiro, Guilhermina; New Haven, CT; $100; ECC, Director
Ribeiro, Guilhermina; New Haven, CT; $100; ECC, Director
Ribeiro, Guilhermina; New Haven, CT; $60; ECC, Director
Ribeiro, Guilhermina; New Haven, CT; $30; ECC, Director
Rice, Katrina; Hamden, CT; $280; eClinical Solutions, Chief Delivery Officer
Rice, Katrina; Hamden, CT; $110; eClinical Solutions LLC, Chief Delivery Officer Data Services
Richardson, Taiwan; Hamden, CT; $60; State of CT Judicial Branch, Probation Supervisor
Ricks, Alonzo; Lithonia, GA; $50; Retired, Retired
Ricks, Alonzo; Lithonia, GA; $25; Retired, Retired
Ricks, Markeshia; New Haven, CT; $10; Arts Council of Greater New Haven, Program Coordinator
Ricks, Tenee; New Haven, CT; $25; ,
Ricks Jr, Wayne; New Haven, CT; $30; ,
Ricks Sr, Wayne; West Haven, CT; $25; ,
RICKS-HARRIS, Alesia; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Rivers, Dwayne; Brooklyn, NY; $60; Self Employed, Self Employed
Rivers, Dwayne; Brooklyn, NY; $30; Self Employed, Consultant
Rivers, Flava; Brooklyn, NY; $100; Self Employed, Consultant
RIVERS, TAJA; Brooklyn, NY; $10; 3 LADIES INC, Consultant
Roberts, Brittany; Meriden, CT; $30; State of CT, Social Worker
Roberts, Yvette; Minneapolis, MN; $60; Wells Fargo, Business Analyst
Robey, Nicholas; West Haven, CT; $100; Ivy Consulting and Investments, LLC, Consultant
ROBINSON, SHANETTE; Hamden, CT; $290; NHPS, Educator
ROBINSON, SHANETTE; Hamden, CT; $100; NHPS, Educator
Roby, Alfy; West Haven, CT; $30; UCONN, Administrator
Roccapriore, Brian; Clinton, CT; $10; The Cloudburst Group, Consultant
Rodriguez, Iris; North Haven, CT; $100; Elm City Communities, Executive
rodriguez, Iris; North Haven, CT; $100; HANH, Administrator
Rodriguez, Jacqueline; Monroe, CT; $25; Danbury Public Schools, School Counselor
Ross, Amber; New Haven, CT; $30; Head Start, Owner
Ross Lee, Carolyn; New Haven, CT; $150; Hartford Public Schools, Education
Ross Lee, Carolyn; New Haven, CT; $10; HPS, Director
Ross-Lee, Samuel; New Haven, CT; $390; The Immanuel Baptist Church, Clergy
Ross-Lee, Samuel; New Haven, CT; $100; The Immanuel Baptist Church, Clergy
Ross-Lee, Samuel; New Haven, CT; $100; The Immanuel Baptist Church, Clergy
Rountree, Lashell; Hamden, CT; $25; ,
Rouse, Kafi; Hamden, CT; $390; CTDOT, Communications
rudnick, jason; West Hartford, CT; $390; RJ Development & Advisors LLC, Self Employed
Russell, Diamonique; New Haven, CT; $30; The Learning Experience, Teacher Assistant
Russell, Kanari; New Haven, CT; $30; Shop Rite, Cashier
RUSSELL, KELLY; New Haven, CT; $100; State of Ct, Scientist
Russell, Kelly Jr; New Haven, CT; $30; Amazon, Floor Tech
Russell, LaMara; Hamden, CT; $30; Yale new haven health system, Senior operational finance lead
Russell, LaMara; Hamden, CT; $25; Yale new haven health system, Senior operational finance lead
Russell, Paige; New Haven, CT; $30; CVS, Pharmact Tech
Russell-Bell, Elnora; New Haven, CT; $30; ,
Ruth, Major; New Haven, CT; $100; Self Employed, Accountant
Rutland, Kenya; Framingham, MA; $390; KJR Consulting, LLC, Consukant
Sanders, Robert; Milford, CT; $250; Retired - University of New Haven, Retired Military - Professor
Sanjurjo, Renne; New Haven, CT; $254; Retired, Retired
Santiago, Iris; North Haven, CT; $150; The Community Builders, Director
Santiago, Iris; North Haven, CT; $40; The Community Builders, Director
Santos, Frank; New Haven, CT; $30; EUP, Custodian
Santos, Shevalle; New Haven, CT; $30; Nhboe, Teacher
Saulsbury, Corey; New Haven, CT; $100; Self Employed, Pastor
Schiavone, allyx; New Haven, CT; $390; Friends Center for Children, Executive
Schiavone, Josie; Annapolis, MD; $390; Self Employed, Travel Advisor
Schuerfeld, Tobie; New Haven, CT; $20; Self employed, Self employed
Scott, Andrea; New Haven, CT; $100; Not Employed, N/A
Secchiaroli, Dina; West Haven, CT; $30; ACES, Educator
Sein, Elaine; West Haven, CT; $10; ACES, Data Coordinator
Sepulveda, Michelle; New Haven, CT; $30; BOE, SUPPORT
Sharpe, Shadeed; Hamden, CT; $137; ESPN, Coordinating Studio Operator
Sherman, Deborah; New York, NY; $90; MassMutual Metro New York, Insurance Agent
Short, Matthew; New Haven, CT; $390; Self, Real estate
Shultz-Wilson, Valarie; Danbury, CT; $100; Shultz&Co, CEO
Simmons, Kandace; Brooklyn, NY; $50; Civic Builders Inc, Director
Simmons, Reginald; New Haven, CT; $30; Central CT State University, Professor
Simmons, Wendy; New Haven, CT; $60; New Haven Children’s Ideal Learning District (NH C, Psychologist
Simmons, Wendy; New Haven, CT; $30; New Haven Children’s Ideal Learning District (NH C, Executive Director
Simon, L. Linfield; New Haven, CT; $390; Self Employed, Foundation mamager
Simpkins, Gregory; New Haven, CT; $175; Self Employed, Owner
Simpkins, Sydney; Hamden, CT; $25; Self Employed, Consultant
Simpkins, Sydney; Hamden, CT; $20; Self Employed, Consultant
Simpkins, Sydney; Hamden, CT; $10; Self Employed, Consultant
Skinner, Amanda; West Hartford, CT; $390; PPSNE, Ceo
Slade, Lisa; Bridgeport, CT; $10; Housatonic Community College, Professor
Smiley, Brett; Providence, RI; $390; Not Employed, None
Smith, Amos; Ellington, CT; $100; Community Action Agency of New Haven, Administrator
Smith, Darren; Hamden, CT; $250; DST Construction, Carpenter
Smith, Everson; New Haven, CT; $30; Buckeye, Operator
smith, steven; New Haven, CT; $10; Yale, professor
Smith, Susan; New Haven, CT; $390; Retired, Retired
Smith, Susan; New Haven, CT; $250; Retired, Retired
Smuts, Robert; San Francisco, CA; $390; City and County of San Francisco, Deputy Director
Soroka, Carol; Guilford, CT; $200; Yale University, Research scientist
Spann, Niyonu; Willingboro, NJ; $170; Self Employed, Consultant
Spears Jackson, Tressa; New Haven, CT; $250; Community Health Network if CY, Healthcare
Staggs, Wayne; Stratford, CT; $100; First Calvary Baptist Church, Musician
Staggs, Wayne; Stratford, CT; $50; City of New Haven, Teacher
Stanback, Anne; Avon, CT; $60; Retired, Retired
Stanback, Jeannette G.; Memphis, TN; $74; Retired, Retired
Stanback, Taiwo; Memphis, TN; $290; Self Employed, Chief Strategy Officer
Stanley, Liandra; New Haven, CT; $30; Non Profit, Behavior Specialist
Stanley, Liandra; New Haven, CT; $30; Marrakech, Behavior Specialist
Stanley, Myra; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale New Haven Health, Communications Manager
Stanley, Myra; New Haven, CT; $100; Yale New Haven Health, Communications Manager
Stanley, Myra; New Haven, CT; $50; Yale New Haven Health, Communications Manager
Stanley, Stephen; New Haven, CT; $170; Self Employed Pyramid Family Dental Care, Dentist
Stanley, Stephen; New Haven, CT; $100; Self Employed Pyramid Family Dental Care, Dentist
Stanley II, Stephen; New Haven, CT; $30; Student, Student
Stanley-McAulay, Deborah; New Haven, CT; $60; Yale University, Manager
Stanley-McAulay, Deborah; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale University, Manager
Starkey, Melissa; Wheaton, IL; $100; None, Homemaker
Starkey, Melissa; Wheaton, IL; $100; None, Homemaker
Staton, Aleta; New Haven, CT; $50; Long Wharf Theatre, Director
Stephenson, Saundra; Hamden, CT; $25; ,
STEWART, LARRY M; New Haven, CT; $30; Self, Construction management
STEWART, LARRY M; New Haven, CT; $30; Self, Construction management
STEWART, LARRY M; New Haven, CT; $30; Self, Construction management
STEWART, LARRY M; New Haven, CT; $10; Self, Construction management
Stewart, Mary Ann; New Haven, CT; $20; NHBOE, Teacher
Stewart, Sherri; New Haven, CT; $100; Build Initiative, Director of Systems Alignment and Intergration
Storey, Isabel; Santa Monica, CA; $100; Retired, Retired
strachan, james; Hamden, CT; $25; retired, retired
Straughter, Archie; West Hartford, CT; $30; Pratt & Whitney, Associate Director of Engineering
Streater, Troy; New Haven, CT; $25; Self, Property man
Streeter, Craig; Stratford, CT; $135.67; YNHHS, Sustem Analyst
Streeter, Craig; Stratford, CT; $60; YNHHS, Analyst
Streeter, Cynthia Farmer; East Haven, CT; $25; Sunovion, Scientist
Sullivan, Tanisha; Boston, MA; $390; Sanofi, Attorney
Swartzell, Andrew; New Haven, CT; $30; Pickard Chilton, Design technologist
Tagaris, Tim; Chevy Chase, MD; $390; Aisle 518 Strategies, Owner
Tagaris, Tim; Chevy Chase, MD; $10; Aisle 518 Strategies, Owner
Taubes, Alexander; New Haven, CT; $390; Self-Employed (Alexander T. Taubes), Attorney
Taylor, John; Hamden, CT; $100; Booker T. Washington Academy, Manager
Temple, Donaldine; New York, NY; $200; DTCC, legal
Tengatenga, Lindsey; New Haven, CT; $30; RYASAP, Nonprofit leadership
Tengatenga, Lindsey; New Haven, CT; $30; RYASAP, Nonprofit leadership
Texeira, Brian; Cheshire, CT; $30; ,
Thomas, Arthur; New Haven, CT; $60; The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, Philanthropy
Thomas, Arthur; New Haven, CT; $30; The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, Philanthropy
Thomas, Arthur; New Haven, CT; $30; The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, Philanthropy
Thomas, Fallon Thomas; New Haven, CT; $60; Yale University, Community Liaison
Thomas, Larry; Ansonia, CT; $230; Self Employed, Self Employed
Thomas-McGee, Crystal; Hamden, CT; $100; Yale New Haven Health, Physical Therapist
Thorne, Alan; New Haven, CT; $50; Pfizer Inc., Key Account Manager
Thorne, Alan; New Haven, CT; $40; Pfizer Inc., Key Account Manager
Thorne, Maxim; Paterson, NJ; $390; Andrew Goodman Foundation, Lawyer
Threatt, Kristen; New Haven, CT; $30; Eat Up, LLC, Food Catering
Tijani, Debbie; Upper Marlboro, MD; $100; Department of Energy, Manager
Tinney, Gary; Hamden, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Tinney, Gary; Hamden, CT; $25; ,
Toll, Dacia; New Haven, CT; $390; Achievement First, Executive
Tolson, Luretha; Prospect, CT; $60; Allied World, Attorney
Tompkins, Derek; Bridgeport, CT; $60; City of Waterbury, Firefighter
Townsend, Kathy; New Haven, CT; $100; Unemployed, Unemployed
Townsend, Tanya; Stratford, CT; $30; YNHH, Nurse
Townsend, Wade; Stratford, CT; $30; ,
Townsend Maier, Linda; New Haven, CT; $250; Gddc, Exec. Director
Trudeau, Wayne; Sharon, CT; $200; Retired, Retired
TRUESDALE, JUNE; New York, NY; $10; Not Employed, PHOTOGRAPHER
Tucker, Shuana; Middlebury, CT; $100; CSDE, Chief Talent Officer
Tucker, Tracy; Upper Marlboro, MD; $25; CNI/TTG, LLC, Project Manager
Turner, Michelle; New Haven, CT; $30; Workforce Alliance, Consultant
Turner, Michelle; New Haven, CT; $10; Workforce Alliance, Consultant
Ude Jr, Thomas; Philadelphia, PA; $100; Mazzoni Center, Attorney
Vahidy, Fahd; West Hartford, CT; $250; William C. Graustein, Advisor
Vahidy, Fahd; West Hartford, CT; $100; William C. Graustein, Advisor
Viederman, Daniel; Washington, DC; $200; WCIF, MD
Viederman, Stephen; New York, NY; $250; Retired, Retired
Viederman, Will; New Haven, CT; $30; DuBois-Walton 2021, Campaign Manager
Wade, Leah; Hartford, CT; $100; DFO, Manager
Walker, Barbara; Hamden, CT; $100; Retired, PO
Walker, Diane; New Haven, CT; $30; Not Employed, Retired
Walker, Diane; New Haven, CT; $30; Not Employed, Retired
Walker, Donald; New Haven, CT; $30; State of Connecticut, Professor
WALKER, Shontel; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale hospital, Ambassador
Walker-Canton, Roxana; Hamden, CT; $30; ,
Wallace, Patricia; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Wallace, Scyatta; West Orange, NJ; $50; Rutgers, Psychologist
Walton, Kaleb; New Haven, CT; $30; Elm City Records, Artist
Walton, Kevin; New Haven, CT; $30; Area Cooperative Educational Services, Human Resources Specialist
Walton Jr, Kevin; New Haven, CT; $30; Elm City Records, LLC, Artist
Ware, Nicholas; East Haven, CT; $30; Student, Health care
Ware, Richard; West Haven, CT; $100; DarewareConstruction, Gen Contractor
Warner, Dr. Charles E.; North Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Washington, Booker; New Haven, CT; $390; Mechanical Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc, Owner
Washington, Shirley Wayne; New Haven, CT; $30; NHJC, Business Service Liaison
Washington, shirleywayne; New Haven, CT; $10; NHJC, BCL Coordinator
Washington, Timothy; Ansonia, CT; $390; Self Employed, Self Employed
Watkins, Anne; New Haven, CT; $250; Watkins Strategy Group, Consultant
Watkins, James; North Haven, CT; $30; ,
WATLEY, YUL; New Haven, CT; $10; Self Employed, Administrator
Watts, Jason; West Haven, CT; $150; AT&T, Sales
Watts, Sheila; Trumbull, CT; $30; Retired, Clinical Physical Therapist
Wearing, Jeremiah; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Wearing, Sarah; New Haven, CT; $10; Retired, Retired
Weir, Mary; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Wessel, Paul; New Haven, CT; $30; U.S. Green Building Council, Director
Wessel, Paul; New Haven, CT; $10; U.S. Green Building Council, Director
White, Davey; New Haven, CT; $30; Aociwty, Helper
White, David; New Haven, CT; $50; State of Connecticut, APO II
Williams, Al-Rahim; New Haven, CT; $100; Sikorsky Aircraft, Airworthiness Certification Engineer
Williams, Brian; La Canada, CA; $100; LAUL, Nonprofit Mgr
Williams, Briana; New Haven, CT; $254.38; Public Interest, Attorney
Williams, Cheryl; Norwalk, CT; $100; Cherwill Designs & Events, LLC, Consultant
Williams, Cynthia; New Haven, CT; $30; Yale Univ, Accountant assistant
Williams, Delores; Yonkers, NY; $390; People Get READy, Cofounder/Owner
Williams, Donna; Bronx, NY; $250; Retired, Retired
Williams, Donna; Bronx, NY; $100; Retired, Retired
Williams, Donna; Bronx, NY; $60; Retired, Retired
Williams, Earron; New Haven, CT; $100; Stratford Board of Education, School Social Worker
Williams, Joe; Springfield, MA; $100; University of conn, Business advisor
Williams, Kenita; Peachtree City, GA; $390; Southern Education Foundation, Chief of Staff
Williams, Samantha; New Haven, CT; $100; 628 Digital Design, Designer
Williams, Samantha; New Haven, CT; $30; 628 Digital Design, Designer
Williams, Scottenia; West Haven, CT; $30; Yale New Haven Hospital, Gift Club Coordinator
Williams II, Grayling; New Haven, CT; $254.38; Student, Student
Williams Moore, Linda; Pittsburgh, PA; $250; University of Pittsburgh, Higher Education
Williams Moore, Linda; Pittsburgh, PA; $50; University of Pittsburgh, Higher Education
Williams-Monroe, Shauntaye; New Haven, CT; $30; GNHCC, Events & communications coordinator
Willis, Beverly; Branford, CT; $390; Retired, Architect
Willis, Sandra L; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Willis, Sandra L; New Haven, CT; $30; Retired, Retired
Willis, Stephanie; Hamden, CT; $100; New Haven Board of Education, Social Worker
Willis, Stephanie; Hamden, CT; $100; New Haven Board of Education, Social Worker
Willis, Stephanie; Hamden, CT; $30; New Haven Board of Education, Social Worker
willis, vaughn; Hamden, CT; $390; Retired, Retired
Wilmarth, Stephen; New Haven, CT; $10; Self Employed, Consultant
WILSON, Dominique; Twinsburg, OH; $120; Unemployed, Project Manager
WILSON, Dominique; Twinsburg, OH; $50; Unemployed, Project Manager
WILSON, Dominique; Twinsburg, OH; $20; Unemployed, Project Manager
WILSON, Dominique; Twinsburg, OH; $10; Unemployed, Project Manager
Wilson, Helen; New Haven, CT; $30; ,
Wilson, Samuel; Bridgeport, CT; $390; Samuel N Wilson Jr CPA, Accountant
Winfrey, Rashida; Atlanta, GA; $250; Mosaic Advidors, Consultant
Wint, Michael; New Haven, CT; $390; Not Employed, Not Employed
Witherspoon, Alberta; New Haven, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Witt, John; New Haven, CT; $50; Yale University, law professor
wizner, stephen; New Haven, CT; $250; yale law school, professor (retired)
Woodard, Jon; Iowa City, IA; $130; Wolfram Research, Executive
Woodard, Shawna; Windsor, CT; $60; Connecticut Judicial Branch, Deputy Director
Wright, Maureen; New Haven, CT; $100; All Our Kin, Education
Wunder Stahl, Alison; Wallingford, CT; $30; All Our Kin, Director
Yarborough III, OrLando; New Haven, CT; $50; Self Employed, Self Employed
Yopp, John; Matthews, NC; $100; Retired, Environmental Scientist
Young, Peter; Branford, CT; $100; Retired, Retired
Young, Peter; Branford, CT; $100; Retired, Retired