Four Metropolitan Business Academy students are raising money to take their short film, Cell Four, to the 2014 All American High School Film Festival in New York on Oct. 27.
Creators of “Futura Films,” Christine Puglisi, Danny Amir, Yessica Nohpal and Brandon Troche joined a challenge to produce a film in 84 hours.
The result, Cell Four, is a futuristic fictional short features a young girl trapped in a white confinement cell. She finds herself shuttled through a series of universes, along with a stuffed animal. She spends a few seconds in each universe before being dragged off again, ending in the cell right back where she started.
After being selected as finalists for the Connecticut Student Film Festival in April, the creators began this online fund to cover $2,500 worth of travel and board expenses to attend the All American High School Film Festival, where Cell Four can then be screened in October.