Cine 1 – 4 Awarded Change

A 40-year-old movie theater on the east side of town got help from city lawmakers Tuesday night in a quest to find money to spiff up the premises.

The help came in the form of a unanimous vote by the Board of Aldermen to change 3.74 acres by Middletown Avenue and I‑91 to a general business district” rather than an RM‑1” residential zone.

Cine 1 – 2‑3 – 4 had sought the zoning change. Its owners wanted to upgrade the theater. But it had trouble finding financing. That’s because if it upgrades the building, it will no longer fit into an RM‑1 zone. The theater has a grandfathered exception in its current state.

The change affects four other businesses, too, including a convenience store and a restaurant. They were in the same boat as Cine 1 – 4. If they wanted to repair or upgrade their premises, rebuild after a disaster, or sell to a similar business enterprise, the old zoning designation would have presented a problem. Click here to read a fuller previous story on the matter.

This moves the zoning to reflect the reality of the neighborhood,” East Rock Alderwoman Jessica Holmes said before the vote. Holmes chairs the board’s Legislation Committee, which previously approved the zone change.


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