PILOT Loss Could Blast $3.5M Hole In City Budget

If Gov. M. Jodi Rell has her way, New Haven would see a $3.5 million drop in state PILOT money.

That was Mayor John DeStefano’s report after returning from Hartford Wednesday, where Rell gave her annual State of the State speech. The speech kicked off a three-month legislative session, during which lawmakers will make adjustments to the state’s biennial budget.

Rell proposed flat-funding the state Payment In Lieu Of Taxes (PILOT) program, which New Haven relies on to compensate for its large swaths of nontaxable land owned by universities, hospitals and non-profits.

Though the big PILOT pot would remain the same, New Haven’s portion would shrivel by $3.5 million next budget year, DeStefano said, because of a reallocation. Other towns — notably West Haven, where Bayer pharmaceuticals sold its headquarters to Yale University — have added nontaxable property, diminishing New Haven’s piece of the pie, the mayor said.

The city’s other major state grant, Education Cost Sharing (ECS), would be unchanged by Rell’s proposal, DeStefano said.


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