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As the city prepares to roll out Mayor Harp’s a “Clean City Initiative” in April, one of the biggest challenges it faces is how to ensure the initiative can be sustained.
This past Saturday, city public works crews provided one answer to that sustainability challenge by encouraging young New Haven residents to get involved.
They did that at an event held at public works headquarters ‚34 Middletown Ave., called the “Madvac Youth Program.”
The event engaged young people to get up front and personal with New Haven’s litter issues. Honda Smith of DPW created and coordinated the program.
First on the agenda was an overview of litter and littering. Next the group was challenged to tackle the litter problem by using a variety of tools including paint brushes.
For the youngest members, the experience involved painting several flower planters to be strategically placed throughout the city once the Clean City Campaign unfurls.
Another group focused on painting DPW’s two Madvacs which the department will be using to vacuum litter in various public spaces. Both planters and Madvacs will act as colorful message boards reminding the New Haven Community to keep the city clean.
The usual tools for dealing with litter — gloves, pokers, safety vests, signs and green toters — were dispensed to the rest of the group as they dispersed to three different neighborhood locations to try their “litter poking” skills alongside adult mentors.
An hour and a half later, the neighborhood groups returned to DPW with toters full of trash including; hubcaps, chunks of recyclable cardboard and an enormous stash of bottles.
Swapping stories, dances and songs, the young participants added their own signature style. “Me — I hated picking up all that litter stuff,” riffed one boy, who then added without missing a beat, “I gotta stop throwing that stuff down.”
If you would like to organize a neighborhood clean-up and/or volunteer to assist in the clean initiative, contact DPW at 203 – 946-6738 or 203 – 946-6906.