The latest mayoral campaign manager to hit town comes to New Haven by way of Chicago, D.C., and New York — with work done along the way in China and Africa.
He is Jim Doumas (pictured). He has begun work as manager of Henry Fernandez’s campaign for the Democratic mayoral nomination. (Click here to read about the campaign.)
Doumas, 44, has a background in both grassroots issues organization and electoral campaigns. He most recently ran the New York state Senate campaign of Jason Otaño, a challenger who came up short in trying to oust a longtime Brooklyn incumbent and an old way of doing political business.
Before that campaign, Doumas served as executive vice-president of Sister Cities International from 2007 to 2011. In that role he worked on, among other efforts, water sanitation projects in Africa and citizen exchange programs with China. He has also done training for the National Democratic Institute and served as field director for the Coalition Against Bigger Trucks. He also does training for the National Democratic Institute.
He did “Saul Alinksy-style” community organizing in the late 1980s in Chicago — after another Windy City Alinsky acolyte named Barack Obama had already ascended to the state legislature. (They did cross paths, according to Doumas.)
Now Doumas is preparing for the opening of a Fernandez for Mayor campaign office in Fair Haven later this week and the campaign’s official launch event next Monday.
“To me, it’s about the issue and the candidate. That’s what drives me,” Doumas said when asked why he sought the New Haven campaign gig. “I also enjoy building things from scratch.”
“Jim is an experienced campaign manager who shares our values and commitment to social justice as well as a strong belief in working hard to talk to voters at the grassroots. All of that was extremely important to me in choosing a campaign manager,” said candidate Fernandez.
Click here to read about Democratic mayoral Gary Holder-Winfield’s campaign manager, Chris Campbell; and here to read about Democratic mayoral candidate Justin Elicker’s campaign manager, Kyle Buda. If Hillhouse High School Principal Kermit Carolina proceeds with plans to formally enter the race, as well, Lincoln-Bassett social studies teacher Darryl Brackeen is slated to run his campaign.