Compost Headlines: History’s Arc Bends

(Opinion) This week’s news stories would have shocked a time-traveler from the era of Stonewall and Malik Jones and the NHPD Beat-Down Posse.

The state arrested five cops for hospitalizing and permanently disabling an arrestee; the police department released video of their misdeeds within days and is now moving to investigate and likely fire them.

A judge ordered a new trial for a man imprisoned for 28 years because of important evidence the state originally suppressed.

U.S. Congress voted to codify legalized gay marriage. And paraprofessionals in the schools won a $10.50 hourly raise for extra-duty work.

Our world remains filled with injustices and a need for progress. But this week’s news suggests that, even for every step back society takes after each two steps forward, the arc of history does bend toward justice — when people at the grassroots work together day after day, decade after decade, to demand it.

At least that’s the argument of this week’s opinionated v‑log news summary delivered direct from the Independent assignment desk — er, compost heap. Click on the video above to watch it; please comment below to offer your own take.


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