(Opinion) From D.C. to City Hall to an Audubon Street gallery, it was The State of Everything Everywhere All At Once Week.
President Joe Biden offered a State of the Union speech at the U.S. Capitol.
Gov. Ned Lamont offered his vision of Connecticut during an annual budget address at the state Capitol.
Mayor Justin Elicker presented the “State of the City” at New Haven City Hall.
And “Redemption” was one of a group of stunning figures, sculpted by Linda Vauters Mickens, on display at a multi-artist show that opened at Creative Arts Workshop called Made Visible: Freedom Dreams.
All promised to present our current communal reality and point to a promising future.
Which ones delivered? That’s the topic of this week’s opinionated vlog news summary direct from the New Haven Independent assignment desk — er, compost heap. Click on the video above to watch it; post comments below.